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Everything posted by saintmonkey1979

  1. Does the total of unused parachute payment get spread amongst the other teams or is it done a season at a time, kind of pro rata? If it the latter the other 21 teams will recieve only £600k each which is a lot less than the first payment for a relegated team. I fear that the gap will still spread further and NC is right to voice his concerns.
  2. I thought he was on holiday?
  3. Would much rather have Feeney. Has anyone signed him yet?
  4. I sure will be
  5. Ecuadorians have always served us well. Maybe we should try some more of those
  6. Looks a bit tight to me
  7. It was something to do with NC not publicly backing AP, although it may've been a rehashed story from The Mail
  8. Le Tiss is and will always be a legend to all Saints fans but that doesn't shroud the fact that his judgement can sometimes be ... misguided. His backing of the Pinnacle consortium showed this, and now his comments to the Echo seem to highlight it again. Admittedly, none of us know the exact context and form of the interveiw, but he still gave it rather than declining to comment, as his other option would have been.
  9. His arm or his left foot?
  10. "Can't wait for this to be over. This place is like a war zone!"
  11. Quite right too IMO
  12. World In Motion is still the greatest football song IMO andalways makes me think of that World Cup. Gascoignes tears, Platts winner against Belgium, Roger Milla and the corner flag, so many more too. I was just turning 11 at the time and can say in all honesty that our semi-final against Germany match was the moment that I truly fell in love with football instead of just being a fan.
  13. Surely you mean we're? Or are you not with us?
  14. Good to see its not just us that **** up the multi-ball system
  15. Many appologies. Forget that you have no coverage outside uk. My bad
  16. I'd imagine the Millwall player hitting the bar. Why so paranoid?
  17. Elliot Ward Neil Danns Brian Stock At least not judging by the threads in January
  18. Well in that case, I stand corrected
  19. SWF in unfounded, sensationalist rumour shocker!:smt005
  20. Fill yer boots. Must be true if The Sun reported it lol
  21. I would've though "Alan Pardews Red and Wite Army" would be sufficient.
  22. I think it was from a snippet in hub of reliable journalism that is The Sun. Not sure though as I think I used it to wrap crockery for his missus lol
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