Convicts all done for 215, England 57/0 at lunch, decided not to enforce the follow on which is interesting, Mitchell Johnson all over the place again so if we can get a lead of say 450? with 2 days to bowl them out...
It was only a little in joke, will be good for a bit of banter once we get started I think.
Having looked at the scoring system, I have made some serious changes to my team.
I think that in the past Freddy has taken time to find his batting form when returning from injuries, the last few years have been very stop start and this has impacted on his batting. Given a run in the side I think he could score runs regularly again and could be very useful at 7. I can see the merit in perhaps bringing Broad in at number 7 if we are in trouble though as he is less apt to throwing his wicket away.
Only one monitor is shown as being connected, but some digging around has shown that somewhere in windows it definately still thinks there are 2 monitors connected. I cant see how it is a windows issue as once it boots up there are no problems. As the issue effects only from power on to boot into windows I can only think something has been perhaps changed in the BIOS somewhere?