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Everything posted by mynameisthehulk

  1. If you are who I think you are, and I could be mistaken, you worked at British Gas...
  2. He is in Austria HTH
  3. Darren is a nice bloke, he wont remember me but I worked with him for a very short while. 19c is very odd on the main bored, but some of his comments on topics in the Lounge are pretty spot on IMO. I just think that people need to step back sometimes and realise that there is more to life than TSWF and Southampton FC sometimes.
  4. Darren, 19c. My mother died of cancer on Friday, I have personally had serious mental issues in the past. I find your debate over these two issues in relation to football crass in the extreme and you both should be ashamed of yourself.
  5. The amount of people sat around me tonight who quite clearly knew nothing about football was frightening, really. Papa Waigo is a quality, if unorthodox, player. Not offside once tonight, scored twice, some good passing, tracking back, making himself available when playing on the right, or up front, yet still some people want to sing about him being offside all the time
  6. +1 ****ing can it, grow up.
  7. Technically, that's no words.
  8. Kick Off II!
  9. No, it wont.
  10. 720p - is HD, 720 progressive lines 1080i - is HD, 1080 interlaced lines 1080p - FULL HD, 1080 progressive lines Hard to notice the difference on Sky HD when I switch the source from 720p to 1080i, most people seem to think that there is little noticeable difference on set 32in or lower between 1080i and 1080p.
  11. The Samsung for me out of those two
  12. Have you been to Luton?
  13. You can catch AIDS off students! FACT!
  14. I got promoted 2 seasons running, and got £19m to spend or turn into wages when I got to the prem, but **** me the prem is HARD! I think I made a poor decision spending all my money trying to build a squad rather than investing in a couple or three world class players, I must be Rupes Might start again as L1 and the CCC was good fun to play
  15. Thought we were the better side apart from the first 15 minutes when BAHA looked like they would have run through a wall for the new manager, then they scored on the break near the end. Antonio does look like a one trick pony for me though, Waigo for me every time, and 451....
  16. Airflow is key, I have 1 12cm case fan at the front pulling cold air in, an 8cm fan at the side which chucks a load more cold air directly onto my big fat heatsink on the cpu, and finally another 12cm case fan blowing all that hot air out the back. Sounds like a ****ing train mind you
  17. I wouldnt run a chip at 80c, I overclock my q6600 from 2.4 to 3ghz and after an hour of prime 95 it barely gets over 50c. My CPU is so OC friendly that I can actually do this on lower than stock voltage, which is probably why it runs so cool. Cant go any higher than this and keep it stable mind you, because my ram gets upset if the fsb is anything over 333. Underclocking +1 by the way
  18. Sorry I am drnuk
  19. [code]66%SOCIAL DRINKERCreated by OnePlusYou - Free Dating Site[/code]
  20. Not everyone has your mentality alps
  21. Did you hear about the agnostic dyslexic insomniac? Lay awake at night wondering if there is a dog...
  22. Lost a game but still 7th Here is the team who is getting me there
  23. 6th in the CCC in November of the second season, am going to get to the Prem before you MLG....
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