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Everything posted by mynameisthehulk

  1. Any news on walk ups?
  2. Tell me that man isnt the guy to keep us up... Me talking about Steve Wigley
  3. Going to make sure you are held to this... Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
  4. Go to bed Alps, you are making a nob of yourself
  5. Makes me realise why I do renew my subs
  6. Shhh dont let Dalek hear you
  7. When they get independence they are going to use smack for currency
  8. Has no one noticed that "Tadanari Lee" and "Turning Japanese" have the same number of syllables? Tadanari Lee I think I'm Tadanari Lee, I really think so...
  9. Leicester fans telling me that they are refusing to give in to his personal terms
  10. Alpine is a great guy, truely not at all a really odd massive ****, not at all.
  11. Anyone found anything, or any audio for those of us without Saints player and not living in Southampton?
  12. Any audio?
  13. Lucky lady...
  14. This Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
  15. Woosh Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
  16. Here, have 3
  17. Samsung Galaxy SII makes the Iphone look like a piece of overpriced crap, which is what it is.
  18. It makes you very unwell and **** the bed, I dont reccomend it.
  19. 1990-1991 Flowers Dodd Osman Ruddock Adams Wallace Case Horne Le Tissier Shearer Rideout
  20. Is this thread a joke or sutin? Cortese is made from Gods sperm, whereas you are made from **** sperm
  21. Roll eyes Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
  22. For tomorrow? Been let down by a mate... Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
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