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Everything posted by mynameisthehulk

  1. Read Less
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-21628622 Wrong link above
  3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-2162862 Html 5 exploit works on Macs too
  4. Prove they are quicker? In a benchmark per buck measure windows based laptops would blow a Mac away!
  5. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-21510791 Seems the days when fans of shiny overpriced aluminium ***tboxes told us they were malware proof are long gone?
  6. 89/90 was awesome
  7. Like Rocky
  8. Some of you are nuts. Nobody would pay more than £2m for a journeyman striker who is over 30 for a start. Punch is worth nothing because he is out of contract, if that situation were to change he would be worth over £6m based on his form in the EPL. Morgan is priceless to be fair, if anyone wanted to buy him it would be crazy money, he is that good.
  9. And I thank him for it, what exactly do you bring to the forum?
  10. Yeah, the problem with Southampton (the city, not the mighty football club) is that it is full of small minded little Englanders who think anyone from north of Totton is a wog. He is'nt even English FFS, he is an Argy FFS etc are all xenophobic comments and the OP is entirely right. I am gutted for Nigel and think this is a mistake but this is all entirely over the top.
  11. Try a different browser, and also sometimes with this link you need to wait a minute or two for it to buffer, working fine here...
  12. Use this one, no ads, near hd quality, doesn't lag. http://socsportslive.com/?htrtrhthrth
  13. No better though
  14. Unlikely as they don't support flash.
  15. I imagine this is the link you are paying for:-
  16. As I said, if they are available, then they will be available for free - all they are doing is re hosting streams which are already available, plus with these sites generally they **** off after a couple of months with your money. Use this link http://socsports.no-ip.org/?yhytjtyhhrt Use firefox browser Wait a minute for the page to load, free high quality stream
  17. http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/showthread.php?41594-people-looking-for-reliable-streams&p=1544166#post1544166 Its only 3 posts above mate rolleyes
  18. FWIW if there is something decent available, it will be available for free. All of these sites are scams.
  19. http://socsports.no-ip.org/?yhytjtyhhrt This one is good again, just give it a few seconds to load - also wouldnt run in Chrome for me but fine in firefox, no ads!
  20. Good one!
  21. Hmm, lots getting banned...
  22. And just in time for a goal!
  23. This is the smoothest I have found, it took a LONG time to load the page but the stream has been stable and the picture quality a bit better than the others. http://cricfree.tv/live-american-football-streaming-ch6.php
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