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Everything posted by SaintsAhoy

  1. I LoveJonnyLove. That's 'fixed' it, at least enough for me to enjoy browsing through the site again
  2. Yeah can we get some kind of a response here. At least pretend that someone's looking into it or something?
  3. It affects Firefox too! And it's bloody annoying. I have no problem at home with every other site on the internet, so I'm thinking the problem must lie somewhere within this site. First page loads instantly. When you click on a thread, wait 90 seconds for the page to open.
  4. I'm having this issue with Firefox
  5. Steer clear of anything related to 'PC World' - i had problems with 3 laptops i bought from them and their service wasn't the best. Also steer clear of HP laptops, i've had two die due to poor design. I've been using an Acer laptop for the past few years and whilst it now can't cope with modern games so well, it's been a really reliable machine. They would probably have a decent laptop in your price range
  6. I also watch all the pre and post-match stuff on Saintsplayer and would respectfully suggest that the OP is taking out of ar$e
  7. Amazing. But the video doesn't have possibly his best goal against Newcastle (unless I missed it which is entirely possible). He always seemed to score crackers against them.
  8. It's not that strange that Pochettino has stuck with Hooiveld. Why change a team that is performing well?
  9. Great result. Think we are a win away from safety now
  10. I didn't realise he was 6' 1". I also didn't realise one of his middle names was Hoare. Thanks Wikipedia!
  11. We can teach Swansea a lesson on 20th April
  12. Big nosed footballers: 1) Matthew LeTissier 2) Steve Ogrizovic 3) Peter Beardsley 4) Gareth Southgate 5) Pinnochio
  13. It's all in the spirit of the thread. So come on then Bearsy... reveal something you are ashamed or embarrassed about
  14. My mum used to be married to a landlord, whose brother was staying in the flat above the bar on the same weekend as I. Apparently, after consuming many Newcastle Brown Ales (why the **** did I ever drink that shoite?) I removed all my clothing, threw it down the stairs and then promptly fell asleep on the sofa...where he was sat Let me make this crystal clear - I am quite sure this was not latent homosexuality showing itself. And i sat next to him, not on him. I had no recollection of said events in the morning, but was mortified by my drunken nakedness. There ya go ...and I had to pay £5 to post that crap
  15. This thread has evolved more than I could ever have hoped, particularly given the inauspicious start. If I am permitted, I would like to change the rules. I don't think anyone will have any problem with that as noone is following them anyway! No need to ask questions, just tell us your embarrassing stories so we can provide some kind of a support group and laugh at you. Regarding becoming a full member, I always like to try before I buy. I suppose 3 and a half years is a long time to trial something, but one has to be sure before making such a financial commitment
  16. Sorry Milton, it was never my intention to antagonise the old nobs, such as yourself.
  17. When you respond to this thread you have to ask the next poster a question. They may only reply truthfully. If the question doesn't apply to you, it's illegal for you to answer. You must provide further details with your responses, as the findings will be collated for the benefit of humanity. I will kick this off with something I think many here will have experienced in their lifetimes. So tell me, please... "When did you last......shart in public and how did you deal with this potentially embarrassing situation?"
  18. My balls tingle at the thought of a new and improved contract for Mr Puncheon and not in a good way. After the rather 'base' celebration after the goal against Man City, I'm not sure he is the best ambassador for Southampton Footyball Club
  19. Looks pretty sweet
  20. a bloody battle royale...i suspect there would be casualties
  21. Most of his appearances were from the bench
  22. Scheiderlin has been immense all season, long before Pocchetino came in
  23. Yeah, please just lock this. Dicks like me keep bumping it.
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