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The Farmer

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Everything posted by The Farmer

  1. Yeah, you seem to have an opinion on a lot of things, most of them going against the general feeling of people living and working in Southampton. You are merely a wind up merchant with no valid input. If you are under the ocean and out of the loop, why not keep your nose out of things. Just my opinion mind.
  2. Lowe is just an employee. Sack him and advertise in the FT. Hire best applicant. Radical I know. No hang on, thats what every other PLC does.
  3. Gay Askham won't abandon someone who is fronting his carefully orchestrated long standing agenda. If he did he would not be able to replace him with someone who would be complicit with his decades long mission to feather his own nest at the expense of the loyal sotonian fan base. Lowe is a puppet, albeit an obnoxious, opinionated, stubborn and malevolent in his own right one. As long as Askham is in 'power' behind the scenes, Lowe with have his hard hat on taking the bullets.
  4. What investment? Lowe is a taker, not a giver. I'd like to give him something for taking this club and running it into the ground though.
  5. WGS needed an inroad back, and he got it. He played the servant for a bit, but then after his man-management skills took effect he knew he had the fans ear and he was back where he belonged. He tried to push us up a notch with a couple of bone fida signings, Lowe reeled him in, cue WGS with half asses excuse to bail. You picked a bad example my friend. WGS is the type of case study that proves my point. Its Lowe's way or the highway. Lowe has ruined the club for all Sotonians, FOR EVER. Thank him and Gay Askham for the fact this city will never ever be a footballing force again, ever.
  6. The exact opposite of someone who would work with Lowe. You need to be obedient, submissive and have no other opportunities in the game before you would consider being Lowe's lackey.
  7. It's a results driven business dontcha know ::rolling eyes thingy:: Relegation - check Share price crash - check Escalating fan protests - check Result!!
  8. The share buy backs were a great idea from Lowe as well, firmed up his own (and the cabal's) share percentage and took funds out of the club. Well done Rupes.
  9. Something dodgy, what a successful top flight club doing one of those well known 'reverse' takeovers of a tin pot retirement home company where the new PLC shareholding is nicely weighted in favour of the group of accountants who oversaw it - I won't hear of any wrongdoing or shafting of the loyal Saints fan base.
  10. The Farmer

    Photo Fun 2

  11. I will be there. Easy to spot me, I will be wearing an anti-lowe face. Grrrrr. Lowe Out.
  12. He'll have to clear out the dutch contigent totally if one more goes I reckon. What experiment will we see next? I'm opting for a cheap and cheerful Brazilian coaching team, or maybe the Krankies?
  13. My unfledgeling love of real ale of a Saturday teatime often leaves me typing like a tit!!
  14. Exactly WS, Ive been bleating on for an eternity that the post perverse reverse takeover set up left us with a load of bad apples as incumbants. The whole think stunk of a money making, fan milking exercise, and to be honest, I'm totally surprised its taken this long to fall apart. Our unfledgeling support over the years doesn't deserve the treatment the self serving leeches running the club have heaped upon us. Seems the last few pro-lowes have turned now, how the feck can he stay? What tune is Misslebrook singing now that Lowe's methods have finally driven us into the abyss? Sad, sad times for all of us and all future Sotonians. Just leave us be Askham and Lowe, we have all had enough.
  15. You can bet your bottom dollar the weasels at the club wanted their filthy hands greased handsomely by anyone who would come sniffing. That is they sole (or more appriately souless) aim, to make money out of SFC, and as much of it as they possibly can. They have ruined the club for all Sotonians for ever.
  16. But its not just Lowe we need rid of. After 20 years following Saints I no longer wish to support the club with the current incumbants. I'd actually prefer there was no club to one being run into the ground through greed and egotism. The people of Southampton deserve a better run club than the people who are currently fleecing it for all its worth, they are not fit to take our money.
  17. Would welcome the risks of administration if it meant Lowe, Askham and the rest of the cabal had to ride off into the sunset for good.
  18. Lowe is not stupid, I have inkling he may sack Jan to save his own skin, look to divert our demo efforts with a little switcheroo below him. But that is all will, switching one numpty for another, he's probably sounding out puppets as we speak. That is why we have to start a concerted campaign and don't let up until there is a change at the top - even if you paid top dollar for a manager, then you have got 2 stones to throw at him, 1) his experiment failed spectatcularly and 2) another horrendous waste of club funds. LOWE OUT
  19. The Farmer


    Rancid Internal Pandemonium
  20. Me neither. Some fresh faces were out to impress. It will be back to the same old performances in no time. Unless we get a fresh face at the top.
  21. Am I right in thinking if he resigns he loses any compensation package for being dismissed. He won't resign.
  22. I reckon we might get a fiver for the corner flag.
  23. I wouldn't do it on my own as can't be on it 24 hours day but I am up for seeing if someone wants to co-mod it. I want it to have a front page with some space for some articles with a link to the forum, just like the good old Lowe Bashing days. If anyone out there wants to meet up for a beer down The Bridge to discuss co-modding, email me: saintsforum@foreversaints.com
  24. I've had a few requests for its return, but been a bit busy last few months. I still hold the domains so might do something in the new year as I have been laid off by one of my regular employers so might need something to occupy my time!! There would have to be a glimmer of hope that the future may bring about some sort of change at the top for the better though, all too demoralising at the moment.
  25. That is not good news, that is irrelevant news. Lowe will still be here win, lose or draw. A run of good form will just keep him hanging in there longer and prolong our agony.
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