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The Farmer

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Everything posted by The Farmer

  1. Gay Askham be the puppet master....
  2. See picture number 35, image number 3651.jpg, in this gallery of Hughesy's recent testimonial: http://www.4es.co.uk/davidhughes/
  3. Yeah, all come round, I'm in tonight and I have a large bottle of cherry fanta, some wagon wheels and watching Dynasty re-runs.
  4. Sorry to be a tease.... I can only find a dopey photoshop I did at the time, original must be on a hard drive somewhere though!!
  5. Not really, Lowe pushed many into thinking they would rather have no club that one run by him, don't want that scenario again.
  6. All quiet on the Woolston front!! I think any major announcements will come via official channels from this point All the leg has been done, just waiting on the good word of Mr Fry.
  7. Ahh, the good old days, when rumours were proper rumours....
  8. Well I'm guessing the Pressers were intended to raise awareness of the situation, so he did that well. I thought brown envelopes went out of fashion when droopy dog left* *I don't believe this really
  9. Fry has no say in the offers, he is there only as a conduit of the process. Of course he'll have a commission factored in, I'm guessing his firm will be paid out of the estate if the clubs isn't sold and broken up.
  10. Doubt they do meet their 'valuation'. The banks are not really in a strong position though are they!!!
  11. Exactly. Why Derry thinks one offer is better than two offers to choose from is highly conspiratorial.
  12. You are giving our opinions too much credit!!! As if, out of the thousands of posts on here, any hold any weight in the real world of cold hard cash. Talk of slapped wrists cos of a few lines on a football forum, please!! Why throw your toys out of your pram about some opinion on a forum anyway I wonder, sensing some undue venom around from the man on the street on here. I'm glad there are bids, I'm glad I'm hearing some exciting stuff about one of them, and as I said I don't know the ins and outs of the others, just formed an opinion of what is out in the public domain - but my tuppence worth don't mean jack in reality.
  13. This is a public forum for debate on hearsay, gossip, rumour and third hand soundbytes fella. Doesn't really matter what anyone has heard or what they think or what they post on here for the entertainment of the masses. Mark Fry will make an informed decision with all the facts at hand. Obviously you have never expressed an opinion on a rumour on here?
  14. No, there isn't. I dont know much about the tabled bid, but you are right, its MF's decision based on what the creditors are asking and what they are willing to accept. It would be very upsetting for us fans if the best deal for the creditors was accepted against the best deal for the club and fans - harsh reality of the situation Lowe has got us into I suppose. I just know there is a lot energy and vision involved with the bid in the works, I hope enough to trump the former bid which I don't think has the Club's best interests at heart.
  15. I think he possibly did originally but tied a lot up with different projects since he sold Jayhards. He is still working as a developer in Northam and although he moves in influential circuits I have just had it confirmed from someone in his circle that in this instance there is no validity in this rumour.
  16. Not much of a BBQ, wasn't any Quorn burgers in sight when I got there!!
  17. Peter Harding is worth a few bob, although possibly less than before he bought into NV!! I know a few of his associates, not heard his name in dispatches though.
  18. There would be a 5 year plan to provide funds for football matters. It certainly will not be a case of stabilising the club and then looking to profit in the short term.
  19. Perhaps the new bid caters for both short, medium and long-term timescales It is a bit of a race though and still some hoops to be jumped through. But I am optimistic and I am hoping that what I have heard comes to fruition - which like Foxstone suggested, is unusual for me!!
  20. No, not at all. It merely alludes to paperwork and necessary contracts WC. The forthcoming bid would not only repair a broken club but look to put initiatives in place to achieve realistic medium to long term success.
  21. Something is definately happening. Believe me I know people are working round the clock to dot the 'i's and cross the 't's on a strategy that will please the fans if they can get the necessary elements in place to satisfy the administrator and succeed with an imminent bid. No news is good news at the moment, next couple of days are very important for the future of the club though.
  22. He has been serving me my V.A.T's working the bar in the exec lounge at Eastleigh this season. Top bloke Woggy and always goes out of his way to make everything run smoothly. Regular guests up there have been Franny, Claus, Doddsy & Howells who all sing his praises. Quite a few ex-saint's staff milling around!! This was last week at Hughesey's testimonial. Always a nice atmosphere at The Silverlake and a real spirit I remember we used to have when I worked at the Dell with Exit 2 and the rest of the mob. Shame Saturday went a bit pear shaped for the Spitfires, but they took it well and now concentrating on going one better next season. We have been missing that sort of atmosphere at SMS the last few years, think we all know why. For anyone who didn't see them, here are all my pictures from the testimonial, good day all round it was: http://www.4es.co.uk/davidhughes/
  23. Who told you about my 20p a day chick pea habit? And its sprouting chick peas nowadays FTW.
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