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The Farmer

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Everything posted by The Farmer

  1. Gonna have to employ a proof reader before I post anything in future!! All is progressing as planned. Not sure where these rumours are originating from, but I'm told they are wide of the marc See what I did there?
  2. Tony has been working on matters appertaining to the takeover and all seems to be progressing as planned.
  3. Well considering vitually all of the 10 or so mates I used to stand at the back of the Northam with 4/5 years ago, whose support wained during our Lowe point, have said they are now can't wait to their grubby mits on STs, I beg to differ Rich. A lot of fans I personally spoke with refused to fund Rupert's maligned cabal, I think there was even a forum especially for us
  4. You are right Lance, I can confirm all of the above. The Pinnacle team have expertese and contacts in many areas and they have the acumen to deliver the goods. They are going about their business in the right fashion, working away behind closed doors getting the job done with the minimum of fuss. There will always be naysayers until everything is confirmed in black and white. Lowe and Wilde are history, which should give everyone renewed enthusiasm. A new chapter for the club is about to start with good people doing their best for the club and the fans.
  5. I can vouch for Tony's statement if anyone holds my posts with any credibility!! I have previously stated things on here in good faith that have been shown to have some factual basis!!
  6. Not sure what they are possibly hoping to achieve mind. There sure are some warped minds out there. Total waste of energy.
  7. Just got in and seen this unsubstantiated muck raking. Nothing untoward has occured and I know Tony and the team are marching forward as planned. He's a busy man but if you want to try and get a response first hand, his contact details are on the Pinnacle website: http://www.pinnacleproperty.net/
  8. V funneh!! Just more paperwork unfortunately!
  9. Cheers fella. I can also confirm The Farmer just dropped something off to Tony at SMS as he is there burning more candles than I even own working late into the night after being in London all day neck deep in paperwork. Hats off to the Big Man.
  10. A lot of hassle surely? And I'm not sure what I would gain from pretending to be me and then deny it isn't me denying it!!
  11. http://www.pinnacleproperty.net/ And to eloborate, there was a site already, it was just polished a little bit in view of incoming traffic. Tony is more of a people person and doesn't have to rely on a website to do his bidding, but it was just updated in view of the fact Pinnacle were going to get some coverage after all their legwork securing the deal the fans were looking for.
  12. Maybe a little from column A and a little from column C
  13. I know Tony was at SMS this afternoon sorting out a few things. Hopefully we'll have some exciting news to muse over soon.....
  14. Perhaps the fact the new incumbant is a fan like us irks you. I for one welcome the fact it doesn't appear a suit with an agenda is at the helm. Fans ask for transparancy and passion, someone offers that and there are still detractors. What about a little gratitude for someone who is working at giving you something you have been desperately looking for? One major difference here from the Wilde dabacle as well, he played a shady game of using the forum to garner support before he got in, not after.
  15. After previously working with Tony and knowing him for 15 years now, I know he's had ample time living here to have the red and white seeping into his veins. Although it could of been very different, our old boss was an ardent Pompey fan and Fratton regular, but Tony was never gonna be seduced by the dark side!!!
  16. The club owner putting money into the club, now there is a novelty for us!!!
  17. It hasn't, but its a likely element of any adminstrator's proposals to seal a deal with creditors.
  18. Fry would have to be interested in any consortia's future plans if the creditors had agreed to a deferred installment payment plan of the debts though. EDIT: Just seen Steve word this better.
  19. The Pinnacle consortium, which includes Matthew Le Tissier, have entered an exclusivity period with the aim of completing the purchase of Southampton Football Club within three weeks http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/4406782.Saints_enter_exclusivity_with_bidder/
  20. Eamonn Collins
  21. I have heard of this 'hope' you talk of, but nothing concrete...... ;-)
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