Not posted much but went to the game tonight as I live in MK. I expected to see a hungry, ambitious, organised football team. What I got was nothing like it. I was not clear how we thought we were going to score a goal, our main tactic seemed to be right out of the Lee Dixon and Nigel Winterburn school of attack (ie chip it as far down the wing as you can or pump it up the top to Lambert or mostly Connolly in the first half) and our passing was slow and inaccurate. I am not at all sure how things can have gone so wrong since May but if ever the end of the season came at the wrong time - 2010 seemed to have been it. The players looked sluggish and as if they'd been worked off their feet and already played 25-30 games, not just 5 games into a new season. Worrying. PS - Despite the banter on here about Franchise FC I think those there tonight would agree that their fans were excellent for the 1st 15-20 minutes of the second half. Incessant.