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Everything posted by altoniansaints

  1. +1 ;-)
  2. Maybe police are being drafted in from the west country to cardiff thus not leaving enough to police the saints game at the same time
  3. Excellent interview just goes to back up my 100% backing of NC! Every time he gives an interview my opinion of him increases!
  4. Hate to hear this sort of news about any football club (except one!)! Anyone that is happy to see a football club going through this must have a very short memory! How much did it hurt when we were days from extinction???? I for one hope that this can be sorted out and they carry on, even tho it would be good our league standing.
  6. Excellent news this morning now lets keep hold of oxo and i`ll be a happy bunny
  7. No to a replay! If it`s 0-0 with 5 mins to go we should be going all out for a win and sod it if we lose
  8. I have a feeling we will be in the north!
  9. Home draw to one of the top 5 prem teams would be good Whens the draw by the way?
  10. Simple answer is NO!!!! We`ve helped them out in the past and look what a thanks we get from the tossers that support them!
  11. i know its a long shot but is there any live streams online tonight?
  12. Barry Horne one (Didn`t he go on to score the winner in extra time too?)
  13. This Proof: http://oxforddictionaries.com/view/entry/m_en_gb0097070#m_en_gb0097070 take note of the bit in brackets "(strictly, the first weekday)"
  14. 3 points when we played poor! enough said i think
  15. Hull get one back!
  16. Where has this "charges dropped" thing come from???
  17. Guly?????? OS team profile page DOES NOT list him as on loan! http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/page/ProfilesDetail/0,,10280~29851,00.html Says he`s on lone in description but if you look at the list on the right he`s not listed as ob loan like Chaplow and Bignall are!
  18. c`mon plymouth!!!! ......... top half would feel so much better!!!
  19. dunno about bbc but http://live.skysports.com/ScoreCentre/live.html
  20. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/8435653.Saints_striker_bailed_again_after_brawl/
  21. sorry meant was not totally rat arsed
  22. LB was was totally ret arsed other wise he would not have got street bail fact
  23. Most worrying for me is the lack of a staement from the club!
  24. This could get very interesting, can someone find out what other assets Kop Holdings own if in fact they do own other assets? If they don`t then surely the same rules must apply and yes i know that the PL and the FL are two different entities and thus they can rule differently but in the interest and iintegrity of football as a whole then surely the ruling must be the same! Having said that i don`t think, even with a 9 point deduction, Liverpool will be fighting relegation come May. However if the bank seizes control and strips the assets/players to recoup it`s money then relegation could be a distinct poss.
  25. So do i and i ain`t on that kinda money :-(
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