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Everything posted by CFSFC

  1. Hope? And therefore losing any chance of the title.
  2. Chez Vegas is a good night out!!
  3. Or just for competition maybe.
  4. At a ginger... Gay at a shirt... Oh dear.
  5. Because we normally sell none.
  6. No you don't. Quite clearly dont like the north. Why wouldn't you want to be there?
  7. Same as every week. Yes. Understand people not doing every game but this one we should be over subscribed.
  8. Drive??? Serifs early. Stay overnight or drive home after. Nothing beats a I was there comment.
  9. It just isn't worth it??? Lol
  10. If we dont sell out we are a joke. I'd sell my mum to be there.
  11. Doesn't seem that bad to me. Paid to watch saints and getting itchy feet about other games. Probably the majority of fans. I was checking all night.
  12. If you love saints your move heaven and earth to be there. We should be taking 6000 plus fans in home end. No being happy watching it on television. 1978 was the last time... Who knows if were ever do it again!!
  13. Forgot about that idiot
  14. This season I've had some right divs. I thought it was bad v Bristol city when some clown said "I would of passed there like I do on my playstation x pass circle shoot" watford away someone sang i Need a wee wee, and another man ( used loosely) had a teddy bear. Well tonight was worse... Some old Mong kept screming at fox for playing balls to fonte and jos saying "stop passing across your own goal" when barnett closest player was 30 yards away. If any of these was you please stay away at boro. Ta
  15. He was terrible, anyone who sais otherwise is clueless.
  16. Go and read hello magazine or do some washing up. Next thing we know there will be women linesMEN
  17. Hilarious!! What an offer.
  18. Where ever your not!!
  19. CFSFC


    Yeah I suppose they are, doesn't mean I can't think he's an utter clown.
  20. CFSFC


    By celebrating in public thats enough for me. Anyway were agree to disagree and I'll let the rest of the melons mock my comment.
  21. CFSFC


    Celebrated them going 1-0 up and signalling the score to the crowd. All ok on saints web yet all of the people away from this place were fuming. Silent minority perhaps.
  22. CFSFC


    As a club most certainly. Cortese, Adkins have installed this. Just I personally not a fan of club employees mocking my club in public. ( celebrating a goal does this ) it's like your missis openly admitting she'd rather brad Pitt going through her than you. We all know this to be the case deep down but wed all rather she lied and put on a united front and say I much prefer you.
  23. Good question I thought. Can't remember one in a long long time. Still we ain't there yet.
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