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Everything posted by CFSFC

  1. There is indeed Darren. Like how people are working out who i am.
  2. Pompey waited at Doncatser once when they had sheff utd away, i was 15 the old man and me took a hiding on the way back from newcastle. Best skate mob ive ever seen. Still doing an old man and a 15 year old sums them lot up.
  3. How quick i got away was impressive, first on first off
  4. CFSFC


    4th choice in the player of the season awards, our best midfielder pre season ( adkinds words ) and some people rate cork over him who's played all of 2 games.
  5. The mum was a bit of a milf as well.
  6. Its on the tele so there is a chance it wont. But you'd like to think we'd shift the 4000 we will get this season.
  7. Who do wednesday or united have that day? I hate all yorkshire teams so hoping we batter the clowns.
  8. To add they said we'd win in the 75 min 1 - 0 down
  9. That was indeed me, great little lads. They said we'd win and i couldnt go back on the promise that id buy them both a burger and chips if we won.
  10. Quite possibly, im hoping they were asda's not rayburns Funniest thing about the day is i went up ticketless and managed to blag my way in and then enjoyed the game more than any other ive been to.
  11. Being the frst one on the track away v Brighton and hugging fonte, guly jumping on my back and lambert grabbing my face and shouting get the f**k in. Then having to do a leg to not get arrested... Best moment of my saints career.
  12. I got train tickets to sheffield for £42 ( not great but ok ) 3 of us meeting one other in Sheffield. Will stay in Sheffield for drinks as Barnsley is awful for a pint isn't it?? Plus the police stick you in a leisure centre? minus sweaty bits of northern sort in lycra coming out cant see that being that decent.
  13. I have brought 4 !! Will at least be 3000 or so there, this bloke is an idiot.
  14. I paid 50 for a brighton away ticket, lad didnt want to sell so made him an offer of profit, on the flip side was offered 40 quid for my spare leyton orient ticket and only took 20. If anyone has a spare for saturday for a mate ill pay. 07544273507
  15. I got 17 all of which will be used,
  16. Yeah Colbury mixing it up in 90 degrees with all the other Southampton personalities. Rampage for example.
  17. Walsall will sell out minus the away section...
  18. Fonte / Lallana joint award neither deserve to not win it.
  19. This is incorrect!! These "football fans" still turn up for pompey derby days?? mk dons semi final?? i think not its part time saints fans... Every club has them, im not knocking them, just find it odd thats all.
  20. Have you ever brought a ticket for a saints game?? been a member or season ticket holder?? If so give them your address and your be on the system, failing that a mate that would of brought a ticket.
  21. 25000 would be fantastic for this division but i often wonder where the missing 7k are that attended boring mid table clashes in the premiership. The buzz for this game is much more exciting than i had for bolton/boro at home and we sold them out and extra for their unsold allocation. How many sold for Hartlepool that will be a trip...
  22. After reading this it makes me laugh how many people we have that spout a load of rubbish. I was made up our boys got let off, i know some real scum bags in life that dodge working dont pay tax, thieves, proper wrongens. And they have avoided prison there whole lives. Two of my good mates were up in court one of which was not a trouble maker but had a few beers slightly annoyed his team lost so wanted to have a go at releasing his anger by having a pop at the blue few. Gets hit with a stone throws it back bang 12 month prison sentance loses his job, in financial difficulty all because those vermin that work for the echo put his picture in the paper and you lot all jump on the phone. I know him, him, and him. Lets ask ourselves this if he was a trouble maker, known by the police why would they put his picture in the paper they wouldnt theyd have been round his house and arrested him there. The other was known to the police and they tried pinning him to the scene of the crime because of the clothing he was wearing that was it, imagine you had the same coat on as Ian Huntley and were put in court for just that, Its wrong he luckily knew the score and got off. Made up.
  23. There are 5 of us going up Sat morning for the day/night staying in Newcastle and catching train to Hartlepool.
  24. Good uck lads, ignore the pc brigade. One of my mates is in court and i hope he gets off as he's a top lad.
  25. Terrible news.
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