Signalling to reading fans and cheering at them leading... That good enough?? Luckily some loon started a murty your a c*** song to which everyone joined in and him signalling a crying face.
Everyone said Lallana was the one.. 4 points against 3rd and 2nd have gone some way into disprooving this theoary.
For me without Lambert we'd be a midtable side... Not for his goals alone, just his general hold up play, and the option we have to go long also.
Now I'd class myself in the top couple of % in saints knowledge. Been to 60 odd grounds, can tell you scorers in games in the 90's but who the hell is Alex Pearce?? Said he scored two goals one at preston and one v wolves at both games. Now we had some turd... Ifil, pekhart, bignall, the lad who killed someone. But no memory on this lad at all.
Five pages who cares... I for one like the fact our record is in the championship. Let's hope those in the boxes buy again as well as the normal punters.
It seems to be a trend advertise initial allocation of x then sell more due to people being concerned at not getting them. Then we sell loads. Well im now hoping we take up 2000+ should be a good night. Let's hope we beat them hate palace
Be nice to take 1500 up... and like JRM sais get a win with the squad and then have a winnable qf tie at home and get ourselves to a semi.
My team... Bart, Butterfield, Fonte, Martin, Harding, Guly, Morgan, Chaplow, Holmes, Lambert, Reeves,
You can judge a manager by his career at other clubs... adkins has succeded everywhere, strachan, hoddle, mcmenamy have not.
Not often i agree with you DUNE but i do here.