1,273 -
Everything posted by TijuanaTim
I think Psycho was an absolutely inspirational signing...he was the missing part of the jigsaw that took us agonisingly close to the pinacle...left back - left half and left winger all in one. Fu¢king mustard!!
Big Ron...there wasn't a bad centre back in the league back then. England were World champs and even the Scots were outstanding. Whether playing along side Big Chiv or Windmill Mickey - with Elvis And Sydy supplying the crosses we were the most feared attack of all and he was the most feared striker! Tizz was Awesome also.
BTW Big Ron is a true believer in good football and sounds excited by our present strategy.
Spare a thought for our great striking duo of Davies and Channon and what they're going through, do a windmill or celebrate ala Ron with dignity or best of all a 'windmill' and then point to you hip to signify Big Ron's plight!!
Speaks great...if he sticks to the process and makes us successful with it, who knows what the future holds for him?
Hey there everyone, thanks for all the words and offers of support toward Ron while is was in Southampton the last couple of weeks. For those that I did not see, here goes. (Oh...and anyone not to sure of Ron, he is the man who's image is the first one of the six above. He was the only away player to score 4 competitive goals at OT in one game). http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=9024836154390592659&q=ron+davies I have had Ron's first (as he may need both) hip replacement op organised. Originally he was going to a decent surgeon that was giving him a date way out in the future and there were cost issues also. Steph (my girlfriend) with her expertise in medical field management, helped me locate one of the West's best orthopedic facility/surgeons and I sent Ron for a consultation. Subsequently Ron will now be operated on (next) Tuesday September 3rd, so keep your fingers crossed. Ron is in very good hands, post op we will have him recover in the facility for a period before returning home. Also we have seen Ron's current living conditions improve somewhat having seen him move. Force of circumstance had him in a pretty seedy area, he is now in much improved location and situation with his lovely wife Chris. He can now have some of his friends as neighbours once more. We will probably follow the same process we have established to have Ron's second (his right) hip replaced also. Ron was every bit as significant to our survival during our first flirtation with the top flight as our chosen son MLT was more recently. When he was a kid he trained in heavy army boots to give him better 'leaping' abilty, a method that obviously worked. However along with that and the constant brutal treatment he recieved year - in - year - out from the likes of Chopper Harris, BitesYerLegs Hunter, George Curtis, Dave Mackay etc etc that is a large contributory factor to his current plight. So it is admirable all of you that have helped the man. Ron is upbeat, pretty happy and contented despite his constant pain and discomfort and he is extremely, I mean extremely appreciate of the love, consideration and help sent by his beloved Saints family (you guys!!) If we do some recognition/testimonial event for him in the future I am really grateful to all of you that have offered to attend or support such an event for one of our most valuable and loved Saints!!
Andy Porter domintates my very existence maaaaaaaan!! Thanks mate.
My problem is they are on 'LIVE' here in Cali but at 4.45am, which I don't mind however there are no establishments open to watch it at that time of day. My cable provider does not have the staion (Setanta). So how the fu¢k am I gonna see our lads? Suggestions please, any smart live feed thing or something?
What's happening? Well the children are playing magnificent football, hardly ever been prouder being a Saint. (Early days I now)
Excellent point, it is a matter of playing from the back, draw them out. If making no forward progress bring the ball back into backs - suck them out, meanwhile constantly have two (player) options checking into the ball. Create triangles (like Saturday afty at Pride Park) then look for the simple open slots. Once a goal up - the options become different because the opponent's game plan is fuct, they have to commit and we pick them off. With an early goal we win by three, if not we eek out a one-zip win. The boys are playing fantastic football, I can't remember being so excited being as a Saint. Okay we may not win stuff for a while - if ever, but Jeezarse what a team to watch. More of the same and a big thanks to our Dynamic-Dutch-Duo. An absolute joy to watch!!
Unfreakinbelivable...just made an expensive 11,000 miles round trip worth every cent and more. Superb to watch simply can't remember leaving a game so enthused for yonks. We still have a million miles to go, but Jeezarse some of that was breathtaking. Confidence, composure, awareness and good old hard graft. Three great things, dominated the game, controlled the game and won the game with panache. Both teams we so narrowly lost too are highly rated and have started undefeated.
That is truly fantastic news. I spoke with Michael and Jan Wotte yesterday afternoon and he is genuinely thrilled to be back. He is a little sore after a full game (which is only to be expected). Sounds a fantastic excuse to go to the Soul Cellar (ex-Painted Wagon) today to celebrate...sorry cheap plug but I'll shut up after today.
tbf...that is a valid comment, however Gerry and Bob from Southampton were there with me and it was one of those you kinda 'Had to be there' moments...if that makes sense?
To steal am LA Galaxy (LA Riot Squad) chant for rival players - to the tune of Toni Basil's 'Mickey' Oh Kevin you're so gay You're so gay - you're so gay Oh Kevin you're so gay You're so gay The way you play Oh Kevin - Oh Kevin Seemed to p!ss John Terry right off when the Galaxy played Chelsk and both of them seem to mince around a bit.....
We'll have you covered me old mate!! Apparently some good 'uns going...
'erm'...there's another two words.
Three words...'Oh well'
Wrong forum - thread etc, so I apologise in advance, however with the whole 'can't pay due to dollar/sterling payment capability issue thing' I just wanted to say that (trying desperately to relate to the subject) to 'generate an atmosphere' a bunch of old - young genuine Saints fans (rather than just ex-'lads') will be meeting in the (oh God, I'm sorry) Painted Soul Wagon Cellar before the Brum game next Saturday. Anyone wanna join us to discuss Southampton and generate a realistic, feel-good factor prior to match against Birmingham. Y'know, chat, look forward and remember what is that mkes us love Saints so much. I am totally serious about that part!! Come on you know it makes sense!!
Graham, who has been a top quality Saint for donkies has chosen to take an excellent challenge elsewhere. He left Southampton reluctantly, but could not turn down his new opportunity. He will be missed - Good luck GH
Let him go, always good to purge.