1,273 -
Everything posted by TijuanaTim
The 'versed' come more from coaching than travelling, having coached and competed on numerous occassions for many of my 20 years out here in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Costa Rica and as recently as 2006. Also far be it from me to suggest ST.ern is world class...far from it, however he does have a world class goal-scoring record FACT. There have been some world class players out here e.g. Hugo Sanchez and they have never approached ST.ern's accomplishments despite the same playing field.
Three words 'whatever'....Now Mexico, there's a dominant team...I don't see too Meckers with his record. BTW faux pas for Crete read Cyprus/N Ireland/Estonia or any one of another dozen or so worthless Euro banana republics... His record is amazing period-point blank. It is slightly easier when you have Hidiguki or Tostao-Rivelino or Ball-Peters or another host one World class players setting you up. Stern John play for a tiny, minor which his magnificent efforts have transformed culminating in a very respectable WC appearance. Ask Hugo Sanchez or Jerard Borghetti just how difficult it is to go into a central American cauldron like Guatemala, San Salvador, Costa Rica or Honduras and score in tropical heat with vehement passionate hostile fans and Refs that are schitting their pants for their own safety....Jeeezarse Christ two CONCACAF nations went to war over a game before. I realise and respect that it may seem more simple from afar, however I have played and travelled Central America and I am afraid to say you are way off base here. That is not an argument, I respect your opinion...I am just a shade more versed on the subject. The lad's done good!!
Playing for a minor team makes it quite an acheivement...it is so much tougher for the Euro players huh, I mean San Marino - Andora - Iceland - Malta - Crete - Faroe Islands - Armenia - Luxemburg shall I continue? Honduras, Jamaica or Guatemala would take all of those wastes of space FFS
Wow, you are certainly the man on the spot, I truly appreciate that update I was clueless...both a pair of scrotes if you ask me...still does not explain why the vvankers didn't pick the greatest living T&Ter ST.ern?
Someone help me with this?? Who is right - wrong WTF? T&T's greatest ever goal-scorer, a phenomenon on the World scene and arguably one of their greatest ever players is down the battle with Stan, while T&T are busy being mauled by an excellent USA side - Meanwhile that horrible ¢unt Keane and that over-self-important waste of a sperm Jack Warner are having a p!ssing contest over a washed up has-been?? http://www.socceramerica.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=Articles.showArticleHomePage&art_aid=28336 Fill me up in people??
What a cluster-fu¢k, tell him to get a goddam clue FFS
On Saturday or Wednesday...not even on the bench???
Great ...like he needs it FFS
I expect reallistic up-dates in the way that only Stan can do it both on - off and around the pitch this season!! As I cannot make it down St Denys or The Av every week.
Kamran Arhayev...remember that name!!
Koumas also....can never understand why we didn't pick him up years back Class.
And they'll struggle....
Somebody needs to buy his ass...brilliant, looks better than KD and Bart put together. Comes from the same manor as Yashin. Also the nipper that scored is born guess where......Southampton!! (Vokes)
Windows all open already mate...any Saints playing WC games today?
Hate to think what he would do with that much of a player pool?? Burley has Scotland playing reflecting his (alleged) drunken mediocrity losing in Massivedonia FFS
Well, Good news everyone Ron has successfully undergone the first of his two hip replacement ops under leading hip/orthopedic surgeon Dr Racca. Everyone are amazed at Ron's ability to get up and about already, less than 24 hours post op. His blood is good, excellent blodd pressure and he is hobbling about and doing crosswords. The surgeon has strongly recommended bringing his second hip replacement op forward to within the next 6-8 week period. Ron could be heading in crosses again by Christmas ;-) Thanks to everyone for your kind words of support, this is a man that is worth it and very touched by all of us Saints concern and encouragement toward him.
Truly Terrific!!
You make a good point, I am only judging from the four times I have seen him play. In my own humble thoughts the return is way to small for the investment. Especially in the first Brum game and again Saturday. Throwing a big hoof down into CCC centre-backs is not the correct approach. He does it as though he feels he wants to make a significant contribution (which is admirable) however the outcome has a larger than non value-added result. We find ourselves on the backfoot and JP looks frustrated (though trying to hide it). Pass Lloyd, you are a fine player and grow with the team - not too fast!!
Really like the Davis-Perry-Svensson tri-fector at the back for cool-headedness, leadership etc. Love the fact that Kelvin first looks to pass/roll it rather than the Neanderthal up-field punt. We should, however, find room for the Cork lad. Right back would be ideal, James does ok but hasn't yet mastered the fact that the team has a passing and football strategy. All too often he looks up and just pings it. That ain't what the team is trying to do right now. Cork looked far more composed and patience dispite his youth. If Lloyd watches from the side instead of starting every game, with all his ability he will see and learn what needs to be done to maintain his starting role in the future. Up front we should be a shade more creative and a whole lot more clinical!!
Well done....debatable, went down in early pay instalments for the peno - my mum woulda put that in.
4.30 am to get up and watch this on Setanta Broadband. Not our best showing, but still good football - worth watching from our lads. More people coming home from Friday night rather than getting up on Saturday morning round here.
Ripley and that bald vvanker Draper.
Alan Shearer is revered right, well Beatts in similar circumstances had about a 250% better strike rate for Saints...
Thanks so much for posting that link, quality!!
Just finished talking with Ron, his pre-op today went well. He is a shade apprehensive about Tuesday, but ok for the most part. I relayed all of your 'good luck' wishes and read him a bunch of your posts!