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Everything posted by TijuanaTim

  1. Not into superstition much, but what's our record in the greyish kit?
  2. 'Our boys' as Jan calls them, were very game today.
  3. Glad so many of you kept the faith, be proud of y'selve's.
  4. Suffice t'say in this instance significant progress has been made, Keep the Faith.
  5. Oh ye of little faith
  6. The guys on Hampshire Radio do a good job, however t'say we're comfortable and all that 'Real Madrid' bulshiznit wtf? To say we're 'comfortable' when PNE have had all the possession and umpteen corners...sounds like me when I was a nine year old on the Milton after I'd come home "Dad, we should had five penalties..."
  7. Young compared to me but ancient compared to our current team....
  8. Twenty years...hmm, we probably played against each other. Who were your team(s) mate?
  9. This is true Kevin. It is good to have a healthy prospective, I believe and have believed from the start of the season 16th would be a feasible and good finish for us currently. Then we take stock, use the extra experienced our young, talented group have acquired and push on.
  10. That works too mate, just the sort of thing you can say to experienced team of consciencious pros...I just think he needs to address these children with a little more leadership and guidance.....and also ask each player in an open forum after each game what their take on the game was...'out of the mouths of babes'....
  11. "Right teammates, come in close, focus and concentrate on what we're saying and trying to achieve here." "This is a tough place to come but with your level of control, skill and ability we should be able to leave here with a result. Firstly we must make the COMMITTMENT to execute what we have to do. We have to be AWARE for the whole game of what is going on around us and what may happen. Use the PREPARATION we have made for this and subsequent challenges, we have prepared correctly so when we stick to the plan we will succeed. We will play to a STRATEGY rather than using 'tactics', tactics are for when things go wrong whereas a strategy is what we have now that we are committed, aware and prepared" "Right from the kick off we will play high pressure defence without diving in, we defend from the very second Preston get possession There should be no PNE player at any moment, even a throw-in, goal kick etc that is open. Likewise as soon as Kelvin gets the ball we are attacking. In both situations commit to scenario, be aware of it and prepare to be involved. As soon as we get the ball know that you wil trap/control and pass with a couple of ball-carrying exceptions (e.g. Adam and Lee when fit). We will keep passing to a teammate probing until opportunity presents itself and it will - often. Simple stuff." "Two more very important things, we control and dominate games on a regular basis and yet still have execute more clinically for the result, I have noticed that we let up quite often toward the end of games, so play right until the final whistle. Also if the Preston score first we WILL score, come back and win, stiffen your resolve because this is the way it will be." "Believe in our stategy, believe in the abundance of ability that you display, believe in the faith of our thousands of marvelous fans that believe in you. Before you go out each of you pass by a mirror and look at the reflection that in the person you have control over and who is responsible for your contribution, don't dare to point the finger at others. Use effective communication, be positive and encourage at all times, we have a common goal." "SCORE FIRST AND MORE OFTEN THAN THEM!!"
  12. Not really, a nice win/draw or a decent performance will work tho' huh?
  13. We play PNE this weekend, we were royally shafted with no lube up there this time last year. They easily knocked in 5 and even missed a peno. We had numerous better paid journeymen...let's see what the nippers do. Get behind those boys!!
  14. OK and decent start, now onward and upward to Deepdale. Have a good day out, a few laughs, enjoy your fellow Saints company, remain upbeat and we'll see what happens.
  15. Metaphorically speaking of course ;-) FFS
  16. Very hard and I appreciate that, however come on boys and girls. If we allow total defeatism in and around our beloved club it will have yet another dire knock-on effect. Difficult as it might be focus on any good I feel we can, youthful skill and exuberance, time spent with mates...something - just try and keep it upbeat around the town and things will eventually be more tolerable. Come on you Saints!! Come on you wonderful Saints fans, we can lift us through this. Believe, keep the faith, cast away negativity. Start a nice little run tonight and things will look a whole lot different in a few weeks. Good luck everyone and enjoy yourselve's tonight, get behind those admirable kids FFS
  17. Deluded, hmm, maybe but happy and you?
  18. Working with a different deck.
  19. Optimist mate, life's too short to constantly predict doom. Not so much wishing and hoping but more trying visual what benefits are occurring. As a race we are fairly 'doom and gloom' in general, wouldn't you say? Yet almost every year something happens to make life better. What is being said is that 'we could now be a low as we are going' or was that last May? So let's collect the good stuff and use it as impetus as situations improve and we grow.
  20. Feel y'pain mate, you make a good point...a Hull fan 5-6 years ago could relate to it too????
  21. Well, first of all I feel less frustrated and have an easier mind with Jan rather than Burley. Have to say, still grateful for the job that Nigel Pearson did. A seemingly unemotional man that steadied the ship enough to just about navigate us out of some scary waters. He is also exceeding expectations at Filbert Street (or whatever it's called these days). Decent bloke that did a decent job, so best of luck. JP is a rookie like his players, he has experience, but none of the rollercoaster that is English soccer. He has even more admirable characteristics than his predesessor. He wants us to play the right way, he believes in young talented athletes. His naivety is his biggest drawback...however, he's learning. After the underwhelming events of the past few seasons it is easy for us to become negative and disillusioned, let's try not too. Just imagine our young lions with a year more experience and a competent football-minded coach with creative strategy in the CCC. If you can visualise it it may happen. I bet when we start to do well, a lot of fans will say "I told you so"
  22. Would we have got the draw? How did the older ones play?
  23. Cultist maybe, how can it be racist? What race is Taliban?
  24. Our troops in Afghanistan prove they've retained their sense of humor with the following 'YOU MIGHT BE A TALIBAN IF...' 1. You refine heroin for a living, but you have a moral objection to beer. 2. You own a $3,000 machine gun and $5,000 rocket launcher but you can't afford shoes. 3. You have more wives than teeth. 4. You wipe your butt with your bare left hand, but consider bacon 'unclean.' 5. You think vests come in two styles: bullet-proof and suicide. 6. You can't think of anyone you HAVEN'T declared Jihad against. 7. You consider television dangerous, but routinely carry explosives in your clothing. 8. You were amazed to discover that cell phones have uses other than setting off roadside bombs. 9. You've often uttered the phrase, 'I love what you've done with your cave.' 10. You have nothing against women and think every man should own at least one. 11. You bathe at least monthly whether necessary or not. 12. You have a crush on your neighbor's goat.
  25. Is it a better investment to buy us or that blue schit? We have the ground, structure and potential etc, however we are in debt and in the second level. pompers are in the top flight, but need massive investment to build a stadium they will hardly ever fill. They have no decent youth tradition and tho' they have good players, there are many over-paid soon to be has-beens? Where would smart money go?
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