1,273 -
Everything posted by TijuanaTim
Looks like I'll be in your manor sooner than you think Brad, you can tell me exactly which stuff you like huh? Dave says "hi" too...he'll even fake an American accent with it too if you want Brad. :-)
So now Saints come out to the Kings Of Leon? It is to your taste or what would like to hear as the Saints go marching in? Is it better to have something up-lifting, loud and aggressive, catchy, singable...what? Not your particular favourite song, but more that will get everyone ready. I don't especially like Enter Sandman - Metalica, Coldplay - White Shadows, Kaiser Chiefs - Clubfoot or Paul Oakenfold - Turn It Up...but I would say they all have as much use as that KoL effort?? I really don't know what would be good, just wondering what everyone thinks.
Can't see 'Boca' joining us for a second, but would love it if he did. He is a massive fan favourite in the US. No nonsense player he grew up round here, some of you that know Saints fan Gerry H here in So Cal, well Gerry knows Boca pretty well and won't have a bad word said about him. Top bloke apparently. He would have been a typical 'successful' Saints signing a few years ago.
Back t'front results FFS
Though I missed most of his career through being here, it would have to be MLT. Quite simply the most important thing to ever happen to Southampton Football. A beloved, loyal superstar that brightened everyone's lives, lit up stadia everywhere and is probably still (through his excellent character) one of the most welcomed and liked British sportsmen anywhere, can't imagine hardly anywhere in the football world where Matt is not welcomed with open arms. What a guy!!
Ron syas that Brian was absolutely the best player he'd ever seen 'in the mud'.
Ron wanted to say in his humble opinion, he believes we should get the ball up top quicker, get it in to the strikers quickly - you don't win games 'passing it around in midfield'. Old habits die hard huh!! He thinks we need two speedy wingers that can cross and a good far-post headerer, wonder what leads him to believe that would work??
Physical Therapist and doctor think that he is well ahead of the curve and are calling his recovery and rehab 'incredible'...well for a 66 year old with double hip replacement. This is great news fellow Saints.
Yeah...but you liked 'Awwy Bassett FFS :-I
I don't mean which one we need the most or which we liked the most. The one that left here ok, we don't dislike..and well would be welcome. Saint Ted is RIPing - so discounted. I would think that Sturrock would still be 'welcome' here, as would WGS and NP amongst others. Whereas Glenda and 'Awwy wouldn't??
Pretty soon, though you and Brad live nowhere near each other. Dave knows where Brad's at and you're still pretty close to town huh? Are you still going when you can? I guess you don't do so many of the away ones with the boys?
Hello sweety, I'm on your turf (your manor, in your parlance) real soon. So you can tell me exactly what it should be called then huh?
On the EPL show? Talking 'bout his career at Southampton, Fulham and Hearts? All Stone Island'd up...Finn Hooli?
Firsty, gotta say that Ron and especially Chris ain't too chuffed with the way that they were portrayed in this article... :-( Ron is recovering great, however Chris has a bad case of the flu so the physical therapist cannot visit for a few days. Ron is sore and strong pride only allows him to take pain killers if absolutely needed. He is thrilled to bits with all the e-mail 'get-wells' and then talked to me of other things today. He turned the topic to when he was with 'Awwy Wednapp, Bobby Howe and Jimmy Gabriel at Seattle. He feft 'Awwy was a nice enough bloke and a pretty quiet guy to be fair. He also tried to recall the 'Hamwih' story from another thread and still to this day can't see what was wrong with him (at the height of his powers) turning out for some random pub team FAF Andy and everyone else...our boy is doing well, he was the happiest that I've heard him for ages and he is always pretty happy.
Well - the idea of this thread was to be thought evoking. Was or was not advocating MLT being the gaffer, just wanted to see something different than 'death to the board', gloom - misery and negativity for a moment. So here goes again :- Fantastic responses and thank you to everyone (yes even Kadeem, CB, Greenridge who I understand their distain (yet between them have come with an amazing total of over 10,000 posts and we are still seeking their first value added one). Manji, also can see where you're coming from and my answer is step back and take a look mate, you can't see the fire for flames. 'Out of touch' or incestiously close, is one worse than the other? Otherwise, the point trying to be made is that the Argentine team (though fantastic) has been underwhelming until DM's arrival. Look at his history, check out his credentials...he was a great player, a God to his fans that's it. He has no coaching skills except the motivational energy he drives into his squad by his sheer presence. Maradona has made this team way better, everyone wants to please him, emulate him, over-achieve for him, exceed expectations for him and most of all not disappoint him. Do you think for one second there is one single (especially in our crop of young impressionables) player not aware of the massive shadow cast by our very own 'God'? They know he is not only unique in our team's history, but in modern day football history too. No other club has had player of such unfathomable skill with such admirable loyalty. MLT is a welcome visitor at every club on the planet, which can't be said for the likes of Diego and Glenn with the bridges they've burned. Not saying yae or nae to MLT, however I do believe vehemently that he would be a unifying force and would instigate far improved individual, team and fan morale and on pitch performance. JohnnyFartPants - Brookfield, I also played there when we were still Sarisbury Secondary. We were scapping raggamuffins and got banned for years...part the reason the School is now called Brookfield.
I played for over three years for a really good Argentine team here in LA and was the only non-Argentinean they had let into they club. It was a privilege, anyway they are a lot like us 'cept even more passionate. They are pretty easy to like and still count on many on them as close friends. Today everyone got together to watch their win over France. The expectations were even higher since 'pre-Diego. All they players are playing out of their skin in honour of their legendary coach. The whole nation's expectations have risen and all concerned are optimising their ability. To the players, fans, coaches etc he is a God. Guess what? We have a 'God' also - Le God. Maradona is no great coach, he is a legend and icon. Would it work to install Matty? Would our club (with one notable exception), our players, our fans and our region elevate due to his inspiration, legend and leadership? Or are we too cynical and it's the wrong time/wrong place? I realise it's an unlikely scenario, but an evocative thought. p.s. All my ex-teammates are aware of Le Tiss, unlike most North American 'soccer' fans...and yes he would have been considered a God in Buenos Aires.
Here is the link... http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=9024836154390592659&q=ron+davies There was also a link to his accompanying video, but I have not got it to hand.
Well - Big Ron was allowed home from hospital today, one day ahead of schedule due to his good recovery rate. Ron received all the 'Get-Wells' that were sent and was pretty touched. His answer to many of you is "I'll be fit enough to play by about July ;-) ". Believe me and you, he would love to be able to help us get out of our current predicament. We had a good chat and he really wants to thank everyone for their thoughts, he is very proud to be remembered so fondly.
They don't make them like they used to, Ron Davies story.
TijuanaTim replied to derry's topic in The Saints
Running Horse opposite the excellent Spa Tavern, great Saturday night boozer for the olders... -
Maybe we could make a 'Sticky' out of this so those only reading at the weekend will have a chance to see it and wish one of our adopted 'chosen sons' get well and best wishes :-)
Legit observations WC, from my view it was ok though when one week you'd be watching Greavesie and Gilzean, then Best and Charlton, then Moore and Hurst, followed by Ossie and Charlie Cooke - Now it's all some muppet from Swansea whose name ends in 'ez', some donkeys from Donny or some old Journeymen pros from the Pilgrims of Plymouth... Ala Bryan Ferry - Another Time, Another Place huh?
Latest on Ron: Ron's op seems a huge success, he is fairly comfortable and the physical therapist has already been with him to get him up and start excercising him. We have got Ron and his wife Chris in a private room and she can stay in relative comfort with him (overnight). They have a beautiful view from his room and things are going well. The surgeon says that Big Ron is in great shape for 66 and will probably have a fairly speedy recovery. He is getting the best possible care and treatment and being treated like the star he is. Ron is very grateful to everyone and knows he is not a forgotten hero. Please keep the 'get well' wishes coming through this link. All appropriate messages are printed by volunteers and taken to the patient. He is in room number 385 http://www.phs.org/phs/hospitals/content/card/index.htm