1,273 -
Everything posted by TijuanaTim
If any, I guess quite a lot would gladly take Bridger, Theo, Gareth and Kenwyn...but what about others like Aaron Davies, Surman, Cranie, Dyer, M. Mills, Blackstock, Leon Best and others??
Well put, we were thinking 'thank Christ, we've got a second chance'...but like you said at 1-2 it was most likely over. We threw caution to the wind at 1-1.
Mate, I am not 'quitting', or anything like that. Please note responses to Vectis etc...however you have a very valid point. This is becoming non-constructive, negative and hateful. We are Saints and even with differing opinions should have one common goal and that is for the success of the club.
Never paid attention to him mate, guess all this stalking and obsession tends to make you aware of someone though, some may believe it to be flattering - some sad. Each to their own I say.
Hurts doesn't it. Keep 'em coming my friend.
First of all, genuine thanks. This should not be about insulting one another, come over onto the Ugly if you want to do that...this forum should maybe be for more Saints related football stuff and not petty banter. Also there is a massive difference between 'action' and 'reaction'...yet it always seems we focus on reaction. I see what you are saying and no, I do not think we should be defending a '1-2' deficit, that does not make too much sense. We were 1-1, weren't we. At that stage we went hell for leather and had our pants taken down (at least) three more times. I feel and yes I can see lots do not, that we let in too many goals after the hour mark, in fact a disproportioante amount. We have had what? 40 games so far, I feel it is still occuring. I posted very early in the season that I felt this was a concern, then followed it up that it seemed and continuing problem as winter decended. It would have been a really negative thing to post 'prior' to the pompee game that I really felt in my heart the only way that we would lose this game would be to goals in the last 25 or so minutes. That is the way I felt and look what happened not once, but four times. We seemed so unaware of our vulnerability....we were naive and we got spanked by the one team most true Saints least want to lose too, let alone 1-4 and 1-4 at our place also. Maybe I over-reacted, I didn't insult any posters and was just sharing my opinions. If I was AP and I am nowhere near his expertise and we are 1-0 up on the hour tonight, I would batten down the hatches...but hey, if he'd have done that at Norwich we'd have only won 0-1....it's just my opinion based on what I've seen.
Kinda Mike...but shhh. I think it was you that made a good point about that earlier and a replied refering to Big Lawrie...(we were never gonna 'forgive' him for getting us relegated).
About time Brad, suprised you could refrain this long. Do you know how much hatred and negativity shortens and affects quality of life. Open your heart Brad, be positive, don't sit around fretting all the time...like I've said before when I come to town next I'll either look you up and buy you a Starbucks, or you can meet me at a game and I'll get you a beverage. When you meet people face-to-face, humor comes in and can see how futile hate is.
Hello mate, hey keep up, I did answer Mr Predictable in a very polite manner...was waiting for one of two types of response a) Continued dialogue on the subject matter. b) Insults and b/s...like I said predictable. FAF - read him like a book.
Thank you, I can absolutely understand and relate to what you are saying in this post and it makes a lot of sense. You have opinions because of what you see and hear, the feelings and atmosphere around you - me too. As for the Ron insults, yes they were on other threads, I responded in the way I did because a pattern has been set by that poster where they add nothing to a thread and then start to follow up their initial posts with child like insults...go ahead and insult me, fair enough. But a guy that is a living legend for Southampton Football Club and then went about as low as you could go on his luck, suffering crippling football related injuries and then losing the one person he loved as much as life itself, his beloved wife. Yes Ron was a very easy and vulnerable target for an anonymous cyber comic like 'Deano6', just that most decent Saints would find it totally abhorrent..but that is what these boards are all about, to be fair it should make you feel a whole lot better about who you are when you read the krap they post.
LMAO...you are SO predictable and how long did it take you to think that up...keep it coming son, gives you a purpose I guess.
True enough sir!! Probably doesn't want to take as much flak as previously, so instead finally saying that he was 100% out of order or doing the decent thing and apologising, he'd just rather continuing being a piece of cloesteral in the arteries of this board. But I'm the bad guy, huh? Me, I'd rather discuss the Saints related topic.
Wow, that's an educated insult...yet another with nothing to say so says something that's...well...nothing. Congrats, long nights out there in Norway huh and that was the best you could do, poor at best mush. Oh and what is "a bit crap", is a douche who chooses to insult a Saints legend and then repeatedly returns to respond to threads with negative, emptiness that adds up to the square root of SFA, whilst relying on others more gulible to defend him...think about it.
Go ahead oli, justify unnacceptable insults to a Saints legend...another post with zero value. Well done mate.
Great point...have to say I agree in the majority of cases, however, for the most part, not in our's. The pompers game as a point in case...we were all at the wrong end, trying to desperately to recover as they broke and punished us.
Good job mush...managed to post without saying something graphic or insulting about Ron Davies...totally worthless and non-value added post, but at least not abhorrent. Give y'self an 'Atta-boy'
Nick, I ain't got the time nor inclination to be a statto and double check all that, however, I respect you enough to trust that you are correct, so thanks. However BR, let alone Colch and Dirty Leeds are all obviously not suffering the effect of goals in a certain spell as bad as we are, right. What's more what about, Norwich, Charlton, Swin, Hudd, Millwall, MK, Wallsall, Brentford etc...3 odd team out of how many? Around a dozen maybe? And guys...I totally understand given up late goals...and late goals when you trying to claw your way back into a game. I just believe AP should be coaching and the team should be learning how to 'ice' or close out games when we are defending a lead and not throwing caution to the wind or being caught with our pants down when drawing. Half a cake is better than nothing. If we closed out the skates the other day, we may have even taken the replay by default...who knows?
Do you think it is unusual for teams to concede late goals? Is conceding a late goal any worse than conceding an early goal? Sensible answers to two sensible questions; No, it just seems we allow a disproportionate amount of 'costly' goals during a certain period of games during this season. Therefore we should strategise for that event, as we should for any other regular flaw that costs us in our quest for success. No they both have the same value. Here is a question for you, if I had said (as I have posted correctly on two previous occassions) PRIOR to the pompee game that the thing we should guard against is giving up cheap goals in the last 15-20 minutes or so, as I feel it is the only way we will be beaten, would you have been so harsh on me? Oh and as for the prem, which I don't give a rat's arse about as Saints is my team, how many of those late goals affected the result...I ain't looked.
A little rural out there ain't it WS? So remote that you're now talking to y'self...don't worry son, y'hero'll keep you company. Keep clutching at straws it'll make you feel better and give you a vehicle to vent. None so blind as those that cannot see. Have you had your three posts for the day? If so, don't fret, I'll be here tomorrow...maybe.
So what does that make you sir? Hmmm Be resourceful nipper their pictures are available on-line and keep on giving y'self a pull, 'cause guess what not one of them would look at you as long as your ass points South (Wanchor LMBO) Sweet dreams.
At what playing? No At running the team or coaching? No At understanding the modern pro player? No At recognising a statistic that's been kicking us in the balls all season? You'll say "No"..some may not. Could someone else do better at what I do? Therefore your undetailed question is fairly assinine.
Actually, In Florida for five days of golf, did however manage to delay my tee-time today until after the game (three hours later back East than it is out West). So I heard the game and was thrilled to bits...just like my entourage on here getting the opportunity to post after their hero. All those teams mentioned above haven't let in nearly as many impactful late goals as Saints...even if they have (which they haven't) at least those three will have something to waste their time with researching, won't you boys?
No...I am sensitive type, living in another place and do't want any more abuse for having an opinion ;-)
"Why are we 15th and Norwich top?" No one wants me to answer this question ;-)
You are so right, we did play well, we did dominate...but yes and most importantly, we were naive - for the umpteenth time this season. So is it in fact naivety, or by this stage dowright stupidity...when do we start to learn from trends, patterns or 'repeat offences'? To be perfectly honest, it would have been better to be boring or over-cautious and be heading to fartton next Wednesday...but that's just me. He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day. Oh and 'Vectis', I really DO NOT want to come back and say I told you so, I am passionate, die-hard Saint and it hurts - it really hurts being spanked by three on our own turf whatever spin we try to put on it. Just want Saints to succeed, especially against those sailor boys.