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Everything posted by TijuanaTim
Dog...Your Prediction Will Most Likely Happen
TijuanaTim replied to TijuanaTim's topic in General Sports
Ron's good mate, chat with him most days. -
Where is KD when he's needed
Dog...Your Prediction Will Most Likely Happen
TijuanaTim replied to TijuanaTim's topic in General Sports
Deserve a medal...hmm, no mate watching it on ABC with Martin Tyler. Oh and most of the over 50% of the attendance at the game (Americans) maybe won't know the players, but they've got pockets full of dosh, don't care and they'll be loud and patriotic....;-) -
That tool Bradley has just picked a crippled center back and not picked the US's hottest striker Edson Buddle....wtf, maybe he's knows something my American friends don't...personally I now think Roons will tear the US 'D' up for @ss paper...and Robbie Findley could'nt hit the ground if he fell over....
Re: WC FFS http://g.sports.yahoo.com/soccer/world-cup/blog/dirty-tackle/post/England-and-U-S-ambassadors-make-wager-trade-w?urn=sow,246886 Unlike 'Dog', it didn't escape our attention that neither would be honoring a bet by eating an alternative substance to his preference.
Those viewing parties are fun...great socially, trouble you can never seem to remember the match after???? Getcha wide-screen hi def goin' Tex ;-)
Good spot mate, three best attacking options gone and still kickin' @ss
Nice one...I'm down wid Snoop D - O DOUBLE G holmes...
LOL, no just St.ol and St.ella those two famous St st.aples ;-)
Andy...you are not wrong mate, mind you why was Rooney pouting and throwing little tantrums if the team ain't concerned??
http://soccernet.espn.go.com/world-cup/story/_/id/5260896/ce/us/england-unimpressive-win-club-team?cc=5901&ver=us OUCH!! Went to the LA Galaxy game with four other ex-pats this weekend (great game btw), all of them are adamant (tho' I do not completely agree) that England are under-performing so much at the moment that LA even without Beckham and Donovan could beat England. Disclaimer: There was heavy imbibing involved 'cept me as I do not drink.
Great caption, FAF
Really, depends where you're at...
Great commentary, glad you showed all the dudes and honeys just how soccer should called these days... Oh and 'septic' Tim...hmm, that's an assumption, right??
Don't gamble mate...it's for losers, like I said England should win, but if not we're glad you're a man of honor.
Again, thank you - great explanation of your viewpoint. There is a chasm of difference between the different parts or States, personally I have to say that I have found Americans to be some of nicest, most courteous and generous people...maybe I've gone a bit native tho' (if that is a bad thing??)
I can understand you saying that, however it's one of those 'you have to be here' things...you'd get it if you lived here mate. Do you think the England squad would be motivated if the Queen sent them off? Is she too important to wish them well, with better things to do??
So Dog says "If England lose to the septics, I will eat my own poo poo." (just cut and pasted it, 'cause we do not want any editing do we) I think England should be favourites, however do not play as a team (yet). The US do play as a team and have a common goal. Think a 1-1 is the best the US can hope for...but two things 1. As I said originally 'ignore them at your peril' and if they do win we are either gonna see Dog being a 'poo poo eating son-of-a-gun', or being outed as a liar? Oh and (not that I could give a 'rat's') 'septic' could be translated as a racist remark and we all know how hot on bigotry and racism the admin is. How did England do last time .v. Australia? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ip3W9JzbEdE
The US will miss the handful that is Charlie Davis and if Altidore is out it may have an impact. However (don't kill me for this) Landon Donovan is pure class, maybe even World class. Him and Edson Buddle are a genuine 'dynamic duo' with a great understanding. If England are a little slow in central defence they could get exploited???
FFS How many teams have beaten Spain in the last four years?
Uglies..hmmm Nick01 Old_Towner, Burley_Chassis, St_Ettienne, Rover; TijuanaTim, EricOfArabia, patred, dirke_doone; Channonite and Libertine33 There y'go...
Why can't we be 'linked' with Darren Ambrose?? Now that would be an awesome aquisition.
You had to see the first films and clips of him here, he was just a little boy, but then again what do I know, I mean I didn't even realize there was no such word as gullibility??
I know that I'll be inundated by the oh-so predictable wave of anti-US and TT knockers, but I'm gonna say this anyway 'cause it just don't bother me. Firsty as Rabbit says, this would be an incredible signing he is the same age and more effective than Theo (innnnnnnnncoming). He would tear Div III cloggers up for @ss-paper. He is fast, skillful, resiliant with a fantastic attitude. He has been thru' a brutal apprenticeship with some of Europe's best since he was barely a child. He is potentially a superstar waiting to happen - and (here's the punchline) I just cannot see him coming to Saints...I wish he would. Hey, this could all be rubbish, I have been known to get things wrong...
Watched Boca Juniors this Sunday...lot of understanding and continuity in their side. They all come from a similar football 'culture' or heritage. The whole team is Spanish speaking, mostly Argentine...no Europeans/Asians/Africans etc. Gotta say they seemed to display an almost unspoken understanding (despite losing) that a lot of very diverse teams seem to lack.