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Everything posted by TijuanaTim

  1. Hell no CWD, maybe I should have said "a smile as well'...Thanks and sorry for the misunderstanding.
  2. It will work itself Pat, we just need (or Nic needs to) get fingers out and do something dynamic and worthy of real leadership. We don't need some old tired, haseen, recycled lower league gaffer or some gamble of a potential up and coming prospect. What we need is an established, ethical, strategist and and boss that leads by example...from a high level, where we're supposed to be going. I don't know who or how, it ain't me being paid the big bucks - it Cortese, therefore our fantastic support deserve the best. Let's end this continuing mellodrama, get a great manager and establish some genuine continuity.
  3. He's already crying about "I'm trying to do my best..." Hey Dean you are to Butch what Little Jimmy was to Donny Osmond i.e. an even lamer and more worthless version of your older and still lame and worthless brother.
  4. Even when you take the p!ss outa me I still like you mush!!
  5. ...and the blanked out eyes in the photographic evidence, nice touch mate...
  6. If was of the same disposition I might say "Will you stop posting these attention seeking replies...", maybe you could just 'ignore' them instead of negatively stalking, but that's not you MO is it my little friend. So comment on thread...not the poster, it's self-reflective and as everyone else recognizes juvenile mate.
  7. "Are We Cursed?"...fair question, the answer is no, what we 'are' is a disorganized rabble mate.
  8. Thanks...you gave me a smile mate.
  9. Fair point, however LA also includes Chris Birchall and Donovan Ricketts as well as some minimum wage kids....
  10. FAF lads...will you go to D&R away to support Saints FFS?
  11. This may stir a bit of a hornet's nest up, that is not the intention, however if it makes you mad, iritated, animated etc consider why and not just that someone is saying it. Having been an LA Galaxy ST holder for many years, comparisons can be justified between the two clubs. For several years LA have been able to give Saints a game, for the last few they would most likely win a high percentage of the time in such an encounter. Right now the Galaxy would wipe the floor with our beloved Saints....that is just not good enough!! Their overall playing staff is way better, the coaches are streets ahead. LA uses strategy - Saints use 'tactics', tactics are supposed to be used when a strategy fails...sorry that may seem a little deep and maybe I'm getting ahead of myself here. Just that watching our Saints today it seemed obvious we had no clear direction about the shape and techniques we wanted to apply to breakdown Rochdale and win the game. So we flitted back and forth and kept trying adapt to them instead of playing to a known formula and letting them worry about adjusting to us. They came with a strategy, play high pressure midfield and defense. Collapse and cover around the back with numbers and break fast and catch us on the counter....guess who's 'strategy' succeeded and left with all the cake FFS!!
  12. Do all of the k-rew still attend and follow Saints? Will there be any divided loyalty when we play our new rivals 'Daggers'?
  13. That's right mush...can you see the painful irony presently?
  14. Understand and share your frustration mate, maybe we should try and find a common thread, unite and try and get through this.
  15. He did a decent piece on his old website about five odd years ago. It was about him and a crew of Saints lads adopting the 'Daggers' for the odd occasion when Saints weren't playing or when the two teams played on a different day. A bunch of them would go watch D&R and have a good day out. We were just coming off a European campaign and an established top flight team, with 30,000 going through the turnstiles. Daggers were part time, non-league, no-hopers barely attracting three figure attendances. Dagenham & Redbrigde are now level on points with Southampton Football Club and we have just been beaten by Rochdale. Some of us must stop burying heads in the sand. Incoming.
  16. However...I don't feel good about taking someone else's gaffer.
  17. Well, he cannot train/coach/manage players to score a freaking peno FFS
  18. Well I guess one very long shot, Bob Bradley's out the picture. Just signed 4 more with the US
  19. Thank you Andy...one thing, we should want someone a whole lot better than Alan Pardew if we're schit-canning him and there is hardly anyone on that list as good, let alone better?? (Obviously a few exceptions).
  20. Here are a few curve balls: Bora Mitulonivic (sp) Jurgen Klinsman John Gregory Bob Bradley Colin Clarke Bruce Arena Graham Taylor Phil Brown Pretty random set, however who knows what the powers that be are thinking?
  21. Come on mate, resorting to insults again...tell us another joke and fulfil your purpose on here. btw, literally speaking who would someone be full of? Besides themselves that is?
  22. Ouch!! "Hesitant To Post This, But Me I'm Out Of Patience"...I guess I wasn't the only one out of patience...Not saying I wanted those guys to lose their livelihoods, for sure wanted us to pull our socks up drastically tho'
  23. Ain't interested in being fair to Rochdale...do you think they give a rat's ass about us seriously. To them we are a big club based on the FACT compared to them we are. They have not had an average gate of over thirty five hundred in recent years. There were more Saints fans paying to watch us play pompee and Carlisle games last season than saw them all year!! Check out their ground http://www.footballgroundguide.com/rochdale/ quaint and 'Dell'ish come to mind, however our place was never, yet alone normally 75% empty. They must be congratulated for their ultimate accolade of finally getting out of the bottom tier. The cold hard truths still remain, we are about 800% better supported, several thousand % wealthier, have a vastly superior potential, future and history and a way better squad-club and facilities. We should never have enough excuses to be below them...it is shocking. No 'belittling' going on here my friend, just cold, hard truth. They are a small club and we're a lot bigger.
  24. tbf...that is exactly what this thread needed, thanks Deppo
  25. Say something funny, you're much better when you try to be humurous mate.
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