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  1. Help a 'challenged' ex-pat out, how the heck do you get these links to work on an iPhone?
  2. Thank you so much for posting the match link, it helped a lot of us overseas Saints!!
  3. Didn't turn out so well, sounds a really nice and well adjusted young fella tho'. Good luck to him.
  4. Love to play with the team again, just getting over surgery so out of action til late Apr, early May....any other opportunities arising around then as I may take another trip home? It is always a privilege playing with you guys...hey and as a selling point, we're undefeated when I play ;-)
  5. Would that be "be" or "being", Mr. kpotkettle
  6. Yeah, like his two (winning) goals against the reigning champions last week were also "non-existent" maybe in some people's eyes, none so blind as those that can't see. Oh and Blakey sorry to have upset you and ruined you day yet again, it is honestly not my intention sir, you're entitled to your opinion even if a shade sensitive and defensive. Have a nice day, it's awesome out here, so I hope all is well with you guys. My work here is done.
  7. Two assists and a real threat all games to follow up his brace against United. Talented player.
  8. Guys he's thick as thieves with his 'besty' MLT....need we say more?
  9. Southampton - globally dominant, we added a few shots.
  10. Age??? Never bothered me for goodness sake, I have children older than most of you lot ;-). I'll be back for the Chelsea, Villa and City games if anything is occurring.
  11. Thank you Turkish sir...8 defenders - 5 attackers....er one defender on each post, every one of the 5 Sunderland players marked and even one spare to follow the ball. Case closed 1–0, three points. Besides that we did really well.
  12. Hello manji my lovely, 2 out of 4....not bad for you mush, normally you're 100% fabrication, the two right ones are, yes I do live in the US and I can also confirm your opinion that I know what I am talking about, so thanks. I also play with lots of our excellent co-posters on the Saints Web team, do you? Oh how silly of me to ask that, of course you don't and we all know why right LMFAO. Nothing personal of course, just going on what we are told....
  13. Hello mate, how you doing? Hey you should know as you come from my manor. In the 70s if we finished work at lunch we'd use The Spinni', then the Scullards in town, sometimes the Louis, but that was normally after the game and before we went home. The Haymarket had lost it's relevance before I was old enough to be a regular though I had been in there many times (non-football related) with Glen Giles RIP and Colin Joel. We all went in the Warrens though I was never real regular. By the time the Wagon came to prevelance (80s) I was involved in Hants League football so not doing many games as the 70s as we played 42 games a season in Hants 1. Always went there before mid-week games and frequently on a Friday night. You are quite right about Squires as well, I missed almost a whole season as worked there full time from July 72 until the Aug 73 and had very few Saturdays off. It was a great laugh, the town was buzzing in those days, as a bonus I could get the whole day off to travel to away days. Did you use the Wagon/Warrens much? I ask because the only one for our patch that did was Gilo and Glen passed away a while back.
  14. You have a good memory sir, I started there 41 years ago last week and worked full time (not just Saturdays) until I started my apprenticeship, which as you know start in September. I worked there and Sergio on Saturdays through the summertime a couple of other years later also. By the time the Cup Final came I was long gone - so not guilty y'honour on the cream suits!! I remember that watch too, when I was down at the pub in Swansea with Malc Lovejoy and others about three months ago, I coulda sworn you were still wearing it ;-)
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