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Everything posted by ringwood

  1. Everyone has a price The selling club has a 'happy' to sell price = Saints board still at this level The selling club has a 'willing' to compromise price The buying club has a 'happy' to pay price The buying club has a 'willing' to compromise price The player has a happy to sign for wage The agent is the only one who doesn't care as he gets a cut of any price The 'fans' have a happy to get him out of here price usually tied to the price for his replacement So far we have prices banded about from £20M to £30M and in truth we know nothing of the true value. Signing the Liverpool shirt and reportly saying he want's amove put the Fans price into the mix as well, cant see him getting a warm round of applause when he arrives back at St Mary's whereas Rickie and I guess Luke due to their behaviour will always be accepted and respected.
  2. beginning to wonder whether the £1300 i've just spent was a wise decision,
  3. Renewed all 3, had to wait on new credit card 0% for 12months, once again the online system would not bring them all together so just rang up, easy peasy. Just hope we dont get to many games moved about.
  4. maybe its to aid grass growth and repair during the colder months?
  5. Well I've not renewed yet, so far its been about finding a 0% for 12 month card to buy them on, however I must admit to be cheesed off that we are asked to cough up earlier than last year (still paying for last years) with no certainty of who i'll be paying to watch. No guarantee that a new manager will be as enamoured with playing youth or the same style of football, can only hope the philosophy of the club remains as it has for last 5 years. I will be renewing
  6. Halal so is it animal welfare thats the issue? or racism?, Animal welfare then surely a quick kill one blow or whatever is more humane than the chance it may feel pain as it bleeds out because it wasn't fully stunned, How much Halal Horse meat was there last year? best argument today came from a Sikh , in the minority and just wants to know that his food has,nt been offered to a false idol. I see no reason that it can't be labelled as Halal or not as the entire food chain is supposed to be traceable,
  7. sticks and stones its not a re run of death do us part, its a mumbled word in a rhyme he probably learnt with his peers at school in the sixties and seventies. there is another agenda here, he's pee'd off someone in the production staff and they want payback thats why its been aired, pretty sure there was no racist intent from either JC or the person who leaked it. society has changed, yes that word and others arn't acceptable, but who remembers when a Golly was on a jar of marmalade or a figurine in a band , we cant hide history, the word is part of that rhyme, its also in the Dambusters, Golly's still exist, and education teaches now that those stereotype words arn't correct, but to hear it in this instance try reciting the rhyme and see what word you use
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jSfFv-VXIA
  9. its a rhyme that most on here were able to fill in the gaps despite the mumble, why because we grew up when the rhyme could be recited, its like the use of the word as a dogs name, far too over blown by the media and they wonder why people are looking at UKIP!
  10. So you could meet all the local businesses previously shafted bythe club and compare stories, cheaper than a ticket to the High Court for an admin hearing!
  11. If you view Gaston on the Saints mould of a player bought young to improve rather than a player bought for a club record fee (at the time)then the same player it could be argued as a success or failure. Imagine we paid good money for a promising left back and every time he got forward he seemed to delay the vital ball or make the wrong decision , or we developed a promising left back and every time he got forward he seemed to delay the vital ball or make the wrong decision half this board would slag him off the other half give him time Forget his fee, view the player, today he was looking for the ball and yes he did get forward, quite what he was attempting in the box I dont know but he for me sparkled in a lacklustre team performance caused by a stout defence by Cardiff
  12. http://www.brentfordfc.co.uk/news/article/brentford-community-club-of-2014-1425288.aspx lol not the bestest club lol
  13. ringwood


    VW currently wouldn't win a tackle against JC as he'd get nowhere near him on the pitch, on his current form all he does is slow up the play for Saints, when on form he slows it up for the opponent.
  14. Liverpool the better side because we let them be and also goes to show we are mid table not top table glad we're not looking at Europe realistically next year, its done Swansea no good and last season did Newcastle no good either. We brought on Gaston and then 10 mins after he came on we forgot to pass to him, Sam needed to be on at around 60 mins not 75, far to late. How we didn't get a pen in the first half i don't know, no attempt to play the ball just played AL. Its ok playing fullbacks as wing backs but when you remove the cover for one of them and then bring on an offensive player surely you need to retain the cover for the wing back? when Gaston came on CC was restricted, when to my mind JC should've been pushed across to maintain CC's threat, MS got thru a shift today, To bring on VW hard to justify that move as we then lost JC's drive and movement, we had chances one hit the post the other a great reaction save from JR we had the chances not the finishers but my final thought is AB the 2nd goal went straight thru him.
  15. cant say hes a passenger as he came on as a sub so I'd say he was part of the match day squad and when available(not injured) he has appeared in the squad regularly
  16. so why don't we sign Jones, Januzaj then? the last two too old time we started to bid for players from the so called top clubs, put a few rumours out that we are interested in their players
  17. plenty of standing in league 1 With the automatic turnstiles we'd never get overcrowding in a section which was the biggest issue at Hillsborough, crowd control is the issue. If you return to standing areas, properly designed , then you need to control access, unlike at Hillsborough where they just opened the gates and the fans poured in.
  18. http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/10975465.Dr_What__Dalek_spotted_at_side_of_A338_Spur_Road/
  19. ah yes, so used to seeing him after playing , not old enough to see him wear the stripes, still think Marcus should be up there though
  20. Well theres no Osgood or Ball or even Peter Rodrigues the only man to lift the FA Cup for Saints, but personally two men missing from the banner and they should be at each end and thats........ Ted Bates and Marcus Liebherr
  21. [quote=pimpin4rizeal; Letting him go is the easy way out and wont benefit us as we will take a hit on what we paid Did alex ferguson just ship out his stars when they had been naughty? Actually yes, Ince, Keane, Beckham, Stam to name a few as soon as they thought they could get one over on him or acted billy big boots he moved them on, the only one to be cut any slack seems to be Rooney;
  22. need to get this out on 606 T==ksport etc , get to all league clubs
  23. Unless it was Gallagher he hit! which would just our luck he hit and injured another striker
  24. With a family member as a direct emplyee of the club, he is loved and hated almost 50/50 by the staff it seems, the balance by the fans probably 95/5 by other clubs I reckon he gained respect and with that SFC gained respect and returned to its rightful place at the top table. he's given us one hell of a ride, I hope he does reappear and lead a buy out, and that he gets to fulfil his dreams and mine Good luck Nicola
  25. ringwood

    Howard Webb

    Why did he storm upto Luke at the end? looked like he was about to headbutt Luke, too much talking not enough action, they started time wasting as early as the first 5 mins but took another 35 before he spoke to the keeper for timewasting, still he followed the FA's instructions!
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