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Everything posted by ringwood

  1. ringwood


    He now needs to play that way consistently. thats the problem , I reckon it took him 20 minutes to get into the game, at first seemed he was over trying , to pass the perfect ball, he does fill in well though and get thru a lot of running , but with all the chances he's had should be the finished article, trouble nobody really knows his true vocation, he's Mr Average for me
  2. might as well hook Austin now as crosses will be zero ffs Redmond , why not Lemina
  3. then the bluster from KAt and Ralph that the club needs investment to go the next step and the deal secures it actually meant to step backwards , we all just assumed they meant upwards, can't see the logic in loosing £150M on a club especially as they borrowed it
  4. Keep hearing good enough for 8th, well last year 6th was 69 pts and 7th 61 pts then 8th/9th were 46pts , the drop zone was 34 pts we were only two wins above Watford, and win and two draws above Swansea, the year before 6th was 63 pts only a win from 5th place, yet the next behind us was 62,60 then a drop to 51pts the drop zone was 37pts This year what will the drop zone be ? 37 or 34 pts , currently we' a win and draw above it , can't see us surviving unless there's a big change , realistically with January Transfer Windows being not one of Saints strong points the only major change can be the manager and coaching staff , we have very few players left who will attract big offers that we can afford to lose , VVD is replaceable we did it last season beyond that Bertie. Can't see us selling Romeo, Lemina , they haven't reached that point in their contracts yet , who's going to buy Long or Austin ? The managers job is to manage that includes finding a system that works for the players already here, whatever system works , but this guy and his backroom staff don't seem to be able to make changes, same players picked same formation same result , Its time to change - if not the manager then look to the backroom staff , FF is out of form , maybe time to get a different coaching approach , whatever we do we cannot procrastinate over the decision , nor should we restrict ourselves to those managers on the Dole
  5. the worry is Les only seems to look at the jobcentre for unemployed managers (thank god Moyes has a job!) So who's in a job that we could go for ? Rodgers maybe? We'll end up with either Black or someone we never heard of , unless the Gao family are going to impose upon Les that we need a finished article as a manager , no more risks , we need a manager who will stay doesn't need to be an ex player or links with the club
  6. ringwood

    Stadium PA

    well IMHO its too loud when the guy standing next to you has to shout to be heard , not sure how that encourages singing if you can't hear others, also at WBA it was so loud it was so distorted and you couldn't understand the announcement. Not everyone has 100% hearing and I never realised it was a condition of entry to a football ground that you sang! as has been pointed out the songs bear no relationship to the crowd or encouragement to sing , so why don't they simply pipe out OWTS as a ground crowd recording or RED Army ?
  7. does Koeman take charge after Koeman?
  8. ringwood

    Stadium PA

    wrong thread
  9. Just Wide of the Post, dead ball ok , but with a moving ball or in the cut and thrust of the game he's painfully slow , how many break through seasons does he need?
  10. well when he returns perhaps we should give him a new song , something to the tune of you'll never walk alone !!!!!!
  11. Moxley wrote a whole editorial about honouring contracts, not just the byline about the World cup , cant find it online though, He argued that signing if your confident in your own abilities to play at a higher level is dishonourable and disrespectful, he cited Rose and VVD as signing recently improved contracts and that it was only right that they should be held to them , if they had no intention of honouring them they should have let their old contracts run down abd then used Bosman to get the deal and club they desire. He also stated that football should salute Saints for holding firm
  12. Neil Moxley in todays Sunday People , seems the penny has dropped .
  13. perhaps Koeman being ex Barca will wade in with an opinion on PC being allowed to move the further his short career, bound to be a respected viewpoint on Merseyside!
  14. This , its only £13m not £70m we lost on Gaston and Osvaldo he'll do his 'short' career no good at all if he's not playing However maybe club should name a price , say £85m onvo , if no offers close to that value make it very clear to the media that his price has not been met
  15. exactly , all this talk of £70m hasn't been backed by any bids , let him rot
  16. well if Mane's agent see's a payday and Countino's agent see's the same opportunity then LFC wont have much choice = karma if not could we recommend an agent who would help them get the move tell em to ask Mr R Koeman or Mr V Van Djik
  17. so Countino is £133m to Barca, think VVD price has just gone up ! £100m to LFC
  18. http://www.givemesport.com/1109184-liverpool-fans-in-meltdown-after-latest-philippe-coutinho-update?autoplay=on&utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Organic-Social&utm_campaign=Tribute-Pages-laika-III-1sted
  19. http://www.givemesport.com/1108546-the-asking-price-liverpool-have-set-for-philippe-coutinho-amid-barcelona-interest?autoplay=on&utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Organic-Social&utm_campaign=Tribute-Pages-laika-III-1sted
  20. Well Liverpool have stated no interest , if we approach them then its meltdown time £50m or £70m the value to Saints is really the value of his contract or what we paid for him (£12m)the true value of VVD is the value of a rivals Bid If striking defeats a contract then why offer better terms to any contracted player? it costs the club either way, wages or lose the player, we wrote off Osvaldo fee, I'd say the club will stick to its current postition. Anyone who bids knows the value they value VVD at to them and Liverpool know they can't publicly bid , so VVD can't go to LFC this summer unless we offer him to them , which would put us in a poor bargaining postiton.
  21. Keep him , our loss is £13m plus wages , its not £50 £60 or £70M , Osvaldo cost us more and he was a total loss Les , Ralph Kat-------- Let him rot or offer him a loan to some lower league foreign club or maybe even China but do not sell to LFC
  22. RIP Bradley , find some rest now little fella you played a full 90 minutes and extra time Lost my brother 31 years ago today in an RTA so it was unexpected, my parents have never recovered truly, I think of him everyday Defoe has proven he's a real gent , he wont need a gong or a medal to show hes a good guy, Bradleys parents will know the joy he brought Bradley and thats all that will ever mean anything
  23. Not just the lives lost and those families damaged forever, its the mistakes and the cover up that is far more widespread yet really took a hold from this occasion, the altering of evidence Its partly to blame for the erosion of any trust of the Police by a larger percentage of the population , that once they'd got away with it once the Miners were next , the Police thinking they are immune and can simply brush it all away under the carpet. The recent fire disaster is part of the whole ' we will get away with it culture' that's within government and other areas of supposed authority , the cover up will continue sadly with those in high places who shape policy unlikely to ever reach Justice. They might be charged but how many will finally be brought to account and as said previously they've enjoyed good careers and lifestyles as a result of criminal activity
  24. Well we hear enough about respect , about time clubs respected that other clubs have contracts in place and that its only respectful to follow the right channels . Not just LFC in this case but the agent , and if SFC wanted I'm sure they could refuse to meet with VVD agent as he's shown no respect to SFC position LFC next season will represent the Prem League in Europe , yet half the team may well have been assembled by cheating and disrespectful behavior, time for the rule makers to grow some balls, they take action against players for betting effectively banning them , but seem slow to act against the clubs and agents
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