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Everything posted by Liquidshokk

  1. Yep, has always been a feature on iPhone too
  2. Do you actually set it to defensive/super defensive?
  3. I'm really struggling with 13 and found 12 harder than any previous fifa too. Admittedly I always play with saints but I just can't work out where im going wrong. Players are running rings around me in 13. Considering it really doesn't seem to be much different from 12 I can't see why its so much harder. I'm praying its because those who usually reside in first division have only just started playing 13 so are beating the likes of me easily in the bottom leagues. I always struggled to get past division 6 on 11 though....
  4. Anyone listening on iswifter on iPad? Is it always really crackly?? Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express
  5. Oh yeah... Where was he today?? So strange almost forgetting about the likes of lee and cork when the line up is announced. All as worthy as each other IMO
  6. Driving without due care and attention? ;-)
  7. Hmmm.. Does harry have a disorder or has he been in an accident that would make it innapropriate to take the p1ss? I'm struggling to make out his face.... But that might be the "post Aston villa stuffing" alcohol consumption causing that.... Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express
  8. My gosh. That Lawrensons full of sh1t isn't he Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express
  9. My gosh. Isn't harry a very ugly man. Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express
  10. I recently took out phone insurance through phones 4 u on a lumia 900 at 9.99 a month and was told if you phone up after a week or so and cancel they will knock it down to a fiver. Did this yesterday which worked but 6.99 not a fiver. They insure for water damage, which a lot don't but not sure how it compares to other policies out there. Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express
  11. Cortese has said before that it doesn't matter who leaves, they will always be replaced by someone equal if not better. We've got to the prem early in terms of the plan. Players bought into it and could still be playing in Championship\L1 as part of that plan so don't think leaving would be a quick decision Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express
  12. The prob is as I remember it he always came on too late with 10 or so mins to go. Hardly fair.
  13. Shame if so. I've liked what I've seen of him and don't think he has been given enough of a chance. Granted I haven't seen many of the reserve games he has has mostly featured in.
  14. Sure I heard ages ago that you can get recent and old ones from the saints stores.
  15. Exactly right. So so impressed with Clyne so far
  16. Didn't hang around to play big man hero? Shame on you.
  17. Haha. Even make the game?
  18. Consider it an on the spot crime report whilst waiting to be picked up
  19. I watched long enough to see the disappointment on the wigan fans faces when they couldn't get to him. He'll be in there safe and sound until the petrol station closes. His heart rate may reduce on Monday.
  20. Taught a lesson or two... Need to get those signings in. Can we also have their keeper please? Awesome saves
  21. Some right northern chavvy animal types on the rampage by the petrol station. Why they don't have police in that area after the game I don't know. One teenage Wigan fan crying is eyes out after being smacked to the ground as fight broke out. Another kicked in the back when fight tumbled into the bush. Wigan fans chased someone into garage but guy got into toilet before they got him. They're waiting for him outside....
  22. You can wipe forever with those things. In fact wiping with any paper takes forever lately. Think I'm full of sh1t.
  23. Same person that did the first Ted Bates statue??
  24. It's certainly gone a bit quiet from Saints in all areas.
  25. ? I think I love you dep... I mean, bearsy you nutjob.
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