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Everything posted by Liquidshokk

  1. The knob on SSN just said Peterborough could have gone 3rd today. What is it with presenters/commentators being a bit sh!t. Granted if hudds lost they could but wasnt down to boro losing.
  2. Is it me or is time going really slowly at this stage in the season...? 5 games left and the end of the season feels so far far away..
  3. Rush goalies, sorted.
  4. Cool, well if it goes ahead count me in. Haven't played competitively for some years but I'm sure you're a forgiving bunch :-S
  5. First timers welcome? I'm up for a kick about Sunday.
  6. I simply mean by not having uTORRENT installed. I know full well they could find out in an instant if they looked further than my programs list
  7. I tend to use freedownloadmanager which manages ALL downloads not just torrents. So whatever you are downloading you can pause, stop it etc and carry it on later. Also when using it at work it makes it less obvious that it's torrents you're downloading
  8. Limit uploads speed to 12kb works for me. Forgotten why but was something I read when I investigated this myself some time ago.
  9. Crosby can no longer resist and cops a feel of nigels' ass.
  10. Think that was meant to be "just about deserved to win" which got me narked too. He was there so should know better.
  11. Liquidshokk


    I've never seen anyone do this. I do however see someone talking on the phone whilst driving almost daily.
  12. Sorry if he does. I'm in no position to comment really. Even my madam palm is rough.
  13. Lol, really says something about her then.....
  14. He didn't mention our chances and our conversation was short. He's with his girlfriend (very attractive, blonde, lots of make up, but not sure if she'd be all that first thing in the morning) he only said that it took a lot to break down rovers and that it was their cup final. Wanted to make more conversation but mate kept taking the p!ss cos he's not as fussed about him being on the same table as I am.
  15. I'm sat with Ryan Dickson in a bar and just asked him how Lee is. He said he text him and said he wasn't sure if it was a breakage or not bit he's at hospital. I asked if it looked nasty but Ryan said he was too exhausted to run over and look. Was a real hard, physical game for the players apparently, which is exactly how it looked from the stands
  16. Adkins said a bumper crowd in his interview but that may be a guess... How much is a bumper
  17. Now we're in 2nd I'm sh!t scared of losing tomorrow. Even going down one place will feel catastrophic now and lead to a psychological battle for the players no doubt
  18. That was a great site. Wish this place was like that.
  19. its completely on its arse now
  20. It's.... a different kind of sh!t.
  21. How do other forums do it?
  22. who replaced the site with dummy links
  23. wont let me click on links
  24. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=7bd_1302650439 Not sure how this guy manages to stop his car from spinning out or what he said to himself at the end but I know I would have sh!t myself. Quite scary to think a car can spin out that easy as he didnt seem to do too much wrong...
  25. One that goes to away games I presume.
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