3,184 -
Everything posted by Liquidshokk
Haven't done any growing up yourself in the meantime then... Zzzzz
Bowers-sfc I believe!
Certain individuals would slate him even if he played better than any other player in a game...
What did de Ridder do wrong exactly? Getting the Guly treatment...
When are you free? ;-)
Thanks, good to know...
You have a PM! Mirrorcarp, What's the chances of being able to save the existing skirting boards? 16 quid a square metres' cheap isn't it? What's a radiator rose? My brother may be fitting it as he has laid floors before. All just ideas at the mo but if I can get a good enough deal then may well go with it.
Seems Howdens is trade only. Wouldn't give me a price per sq mtr without an account... Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express
Thanks for the advice. I'll look at those... Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express
Tits. Meant hallway, lounge and kitchen as they all lead onto each other without doors. We don't have cats or dogs etc and gf can't walk in stilettos I still don't want it to scratch easy or require maintenance like oiling etc so thinking of going for the quick laminate stuff Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express
We are currently looking to lay either real wood or a decent laminate in our hallway, bathroom and kitchen and would welcome some advice (and a bargain!).. We're thinking of the quick-step laminate buctootim mentioned earlier in this thread. Is this a good way to go? Kipstryker, tried PM'ing you but kept failing... Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express
RIP little ones so so sad.... Hope all who died have gone to a better, less screwed up place
Fair enough... Just feel there's a lot of tweaking to be done before its close to the S3. Gotta find these things out for ourself though eh All that said, I'm one of the angry few who unknowingly bought a 900 that cannot upgrade to wp 8 so bit bitter there.. As far as I can tell though they haven't correct enough of its downfalls in 8 anyway. At least with Apple or android you don't feel like their beta testers of their work in progress...
After using an S3 you were thinking of going for windows phone?? Wow... Once the novelty of the pretty interface wore off I saw all the flaws in it... As I say though, it's fine if you don't use it all hat much or if you struggle using smart phones.
I have the lumia 900 and I'm regretting tieing myself into a 2 year contract on an operating system that is missing a lot of basic things (see "101 reasons not to buy a windows phone" article on the interwebs). They're ok if you don't use it all that much as does everything a phone must do, but if you use your phone as much as I do then it is way below the iPhone or android operating systems. As for the lost phone feature, this is built in and is in the settings menu (at least it is on mine)...
Makes sense. Been talking to the person I know who I thought it was on twitter but didn't know they'd been on a cruise recently.
Got me wondering if its the person I thought it was!!
Haven't you got an email to reply to?
Was funny. He smirked the first time but didn't seem to find it as amusing 3 times later..... whilst stomping down the tunnel :)
He did this at the sideline at HT during the NUFC game... Someone obviously noticed that it got people laughing so decided to make a feature of it. Maybe its right up Cortese's street
Queued behind him in Winchester services this morning. True story. He struggles using chip and pin machines... Heard it here first.
That may be true but a few if us noticed a couple of examples where he lost the race as a barcode ran towards our goal
It stood out yesterday that Maya has very little... Got done a few times...
Desperate to offload my lumia 900 in exchange for an iPhone. Just don't get on with it at all after previously having a 4S. After two months I'm a bit sick of being microsofts guinea pig for an OS that's not ready for release yet