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Everything posted by Liquidshokk
I'm up for it
Watched a video review of it earlier. Looks like it could get boring and samey after about 30 seconds..
Haha yes it was!! Sounds like the very same guy!! He took a lot of pleasure in giving me a lecture and I really had to bite my tongue and just nodded along! Apparently they were doing 90-100 mph for several miles and as I was behind them for the duration it meant I was doing the same..... When I learnt he was a training officer I was desperate to question him on why he didnt have any lights flashing whilst doing those sorts of speeds!! cant be legal surely!! Fancy That....
Alternatively could have been a training vehicle. I was stopped by one on my way back from scotland last year after he'd flashed his blues at me a couple of times (thought it was part of the training lol) but he couldn't do anything about it as he was a trainer and not a "proper copper". All he could do is take me to court as a normal citizen that witnessed it along with the others in his car. The car wasn't marked at all apart from "police training vehicle" in small letters on the boot. I still sh!t myself and he definitely wanted to do me (take that as you will) Lol, so you're one of the ones who sudddenly slow down as I get close with my black Octavia VRS
Yep. Not sure what they had to get prepared which took all evening as it's only an article.
Jordans gonna get a hammering from uglyinsider
Crying here..
It's about time we had some mahoosive news. On the scale of the takeover... Messi signing will do.
That would make sense.
"@ConnorArmstrong Not going to be up for a while, still have to put it all together!" Put it all together??
Not heard much about dead nation but I'm thinking those two too. Did consider wipeout as it's the only other one I don't have but it's old and seem to remember thinking the demo was a bit crap
Good stuff.
I created a thread on here a while back about my Pirelli p zeros wearing down too quickly. Interesting that others have commented that they aren't made to last. Not getting a year out of mine on my Octavia. Not that I can work out from the above posts what I should actually get instead with so many different opinions. Simply want tyres that last, screw the other factors as it's a work vehicle. EDIT: After flashbacks of sliding all over the place during the ice/snow last winter grip is actually a very important factor too! I had fiat puntos and corsas getting up hills I couldn't even start to get up!
Free games as an apology from Sony http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2011/05/16/details-of-the-welcome-back-programme-for-scee-users-2/
Where did you get those deets from? Page not found when I click on link given on twitter
Did you reboot the router aswell as the laptop? Does a program handle the wireless connection? Try enabling it through that.. It really rings a bell and sure the "connection failed!" message has happened to me before. Seem to remember mine being something to do with the having a second "Internet gateway icon" that wasnt connecting. Have a look at services and stop and start wireless zero service is another thing to try
eu.playstation.com is undergoing essential maintenance and is currently unavailable. In the meantime, you can visit the websites below. Stránka eu.playstation.com podstupuje nezbytnou údržbu a je aktuálně nedostupná. Mezitím můžete navštívit níže uvedené stránky. eu.playstation.com er under vedligeholdelse og derfor ikke tilgængeligt i øjeblikket. I mellemtiden kan du tjekke nedenstående websites. eu.playstation.com ist derzeit für Wartungsarbeiten geschlossen. In der Zwischenzeit kannst du bei den unten aufgeführten Websites vorbeischauen. eu.playstation.com está en proceso de mantenimiento, por lo que el website no está disponible en estos momentos. Entre tanto, puedes visitar los websites indicados más abajo. eu.playstation.com-sivustoa huolletaan, eikä se ole tällä hetkellä käytettävissä. Sillä välin voit tutustua seuraaviin sivustoihin. Le site eu.playstation.com est en cours de maintenance. Il est actuellement indisponible. Vous pouvez visiter les sites ci-dessous. Η διαδικτυακή τοποθεσία eu.playstation.com υπόκειται στις απαραίτητες εργασίες συντήρησης και προς το παρόν δεν είναι διαθέσιμη. Εν τω μεταξύ, μπορείτε να επισκεφθείτε τις παρακάτω διαδικτυακές τοποθεσίες. eu.playstation.com non è al momento disponibile a causa di interventi di manutenzione. Nel frattempo, dai un'occhiata ai siti Web qui sotto. eu.playstation.com ondergaat noodzakelijk onderhoud en is momenteel niet beschikbaar. Ondertussen kun je de onderstaande websites bekijken. Nettstedet eu.playstation.com er for øyeblikket ikke tilgjengelig på grunn av nødvendig vedlikehold. I mellomtiden kan du sjekke nettstedene nedenfor. Witryna eu.playstation.com przechodzi proces dogłębnej konserwacji i jest w chwili obecnej niedostępna. Możesz w tym czasie odwiedzić poniższe witryny. A eu.playstation.com está a levar a cabo tarefas de manutenção essenciais e, de momento, não se encontra disponível. Entretanto, podes visitar os seguintes Web sites. Веб-*айт ru.playstation.com временно недо*тупен в *вязи * проведением техниче*ких работ. Советуем по*етить нижеперечи*ленные *айты. eu.playstation.com genomgår för närvarande nödvändigt underhåll, och är därför inte tillgänglig. Under tiden kan du kolla in någon av nedanstående webbplatser. ....when checking welcome back details. Sometimes I think they are taking the mick..
WTF????.... .....You mean 30 won't do it??? Not even going to ask what your latest avatar is about..
Poor kid. I assume it's safe to say his death was no accident?! :-S
Urgh. Had a lengthy dream last night that Adkins was teaching me in a classroom and we had a massive argument. He was very strict. Ended up in a food fight involving only tomatoes. I got him a good'un in the neck. Make of that what you will.
Ffs I thought I'd never see that darned message again
Haven't got it but I'll hold you to that challenge should I get it my dear chum.
Reminds me of when I was around that age and was hanging around with this new friend who didn't tell me he was epileptic and came over my house to play crazy frog on the Amiga.. Next thing I know he's fitting in the bathroom and my mum had to help him. Scared the sh!t out of me! I rode around our estate asking anyone I could find if they knew where he lived. Found out and notified his parents that he'd been "bouncing around on the bathroom floor" and the first thing the asked was wether he'd been playing games... That confused me somewhat!