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Everything posted by Liquidshokk
Wonder what the thinking is with waiting until july 1st to start selling.. surely it makes no differnce to them being available immediately!? Ultimately makes no difference and I will still pay my £515 but just curious.... :S
Seriously considering getting away from centre now :-S Going up a league is a good thing for fans, right?! Going to miss going to St marys if we get back to prem...... :-S
Seems sibley and Sony went to the same "how to treat your customers" course.. Only thing worse than putting that original statement out there is not putting another one out to update people when you know it's not going to happen anymore.... Jordansibley "The difficult I do at once. The impossible takes a bit longer, but the easy you can forget"
Ok maybe another 3 hours then ;-)
In the "saints season ticket news survival of the fittest game" I quit. Night people.
Couldnt have put it better myself, and didn't
Not specifically this delay but the general lack of communication that people have commented on of late may leave a bad taste in some mouths... My point is that good communication and most of the other simple things that make your fans happy are often not carried out by saints and doing them would only make people love the club even more and be more inclined to throw money into it... I could understand it if the things we cry out for made their work a lot harder or cost them money but it's just elements of good customer service most of the time.
You still wouldn't want to annoy your customers too much surely. These things can still have a negative impact on a customers willingness to put money into the club in other ways
Surely it's got to the stage where it won't happen till before sunrise now. What could possibly be going on at this hour to have held it up this long?
Interesting business tactic, making your customers look like mugs and making them feel stupid for giving into curiosity and staying up for the news.... For me it's simply the curiosity of hearing about something to do with my biggest interest. Not fussed when they actually get announced but dangling the carrot and then taking it away is naturally a bit irritating.
So, last night was not the night then. Maybe this morning.
Why is there someone called saints webber using a photo of steve grant as his twitter photo and sending abusive messages to sibley!! :-O
F uck. I can see this killing Sony as a games console manufacturer... Despite being realistic and patient since this whole thing I'm actually starting to think about moving away from PS3 I really hope that after all that maintenance it's not been as easy as they say to access the data again. It was encrypted, right????
Anyone played this? (I haven't)
I was thinking the same.... Why would anyone choose to drink instant over any of the proper coffee options that don't take a lot longer to prepare.. I use a bioletti hob coffee thingy, or a mini caffetiere, which only takes 5 mins to prepare.... As for coffee, has to be lavazza at home (although often experiment with some fair trade coffees) and Starbucks preferably when out but costas not far behind...
Funny that he's come up on here days after I changed my avatar to one of his awesome creations. Love his work
Given that they work together daily you'd think he'd be the ideal person to turn to in this example... If not then footballers are thicker than I thought...
I noticed this too., he also said "hosay" fontay rather than "josay" font
Great Stuff. think he is going to play a bigger part this coming season than many expect. Get the impression he will more suited to championship
Really? Hate to say it but puncheon did well and brought on that goal Definately brown envelopes
Man u should be ripping them a new one. (brown envelopes?) I wanna see puncheon cry and come down a few pegs
Even on my 42 inch tv you can't see what's going on on any game other than the one you're watching due to poor quality. Admittedly it's easier to switch. Think the match choice should be in HD if you pay for it too. Tut