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Everything posted by Liquidshokk

  1. After the 8k turn out against Swindon in the JPT and the awful awful atmosphere I think I'll give this boring game a miss.
  2. Sorry if it's mentioned earlier in thus thread but I thought cortese was footing the remainder of the bill so not really short of any target. I will donate in next day or two but admit I was less inclined to after hearing that someone with a shed load of dosh will take care of it when every penny I earn I need...
  3. Stars in stripes was actually my idea when someone on here was looking for a title for a saints book and I'm confident they just read that thread and liked it
  4. Good spot. Without a doubt.
  5. Bugger. Don't think that's going to mean good news for us customers
  6. Prob won't happen on a Wednesday...
  7. Not the image I had of you..... ;-) I play squash, 5 a side and enjoy American TV series at home.. Have a big family so spend a lot of time visiting rellies, meeting at coffee shops. Lots of playing FIFA and the odd drink or two here and there too. I've also got into photography in the last year... We're actually quite similar me and you my chum
  8. Totally agree. I think everyone should see that documentary regardless of how graphic it is. It cant be ignored because it might make people feel sick. Good!! It needs to hit home that this sh!t goes on. I really hope that advances in technology will go some way to reducing the number of these crimes. Although, by the fact that the "soldiers" were more than happy to film each other and parade on camera Im worried it wont make an ounce of difference... Maybe it will kick the world leaders into doing something though. I get the feeling this documentary will be old news and forgotten by everyone including the governments before long unfortunately. For anyone who missed it, its available on 4od, which is accessible on internet and PS3...
  9. Ive just watched this in my lunchbreak. How I am the first to comment on this on here I do not know as I feel deeply sad for the people that went through this. Truly unbelievable war crimes in a not so distant past. I really hope something is done to bring those responsible to justice. The worrying thing is, that sort of thing is probably happening somewhere right now..............
  10. 25th April 2008. I'll put it in my diary.
  11. Really really really hoping it's not this.... :S Planes will try and land on that strip as it rolls over some of the larger guts that frequent matches.....
  12. never really thought of that but would have made sense for Markus to leave at least a percentage to his dear friend for running the ship... The fact cortese said he would go to other wealthy people for money if the liebherrs left means it's prob not a substantial amount...
  13. I can't believe either. I want to, but cant for all the reasons you mention above. I think a lot of of it can be explained by most americans being mental Until I or someone close to me experiences something to make me think otherwise I will continue to think its all a load of baloney You'd think they'd do more showy stuff... Like beat up a kid http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=16e_1290956481
  14. Not me, just saying. Chill Winston.
  15. Can any footballers spell?? Dickson's comment about the itchen bridge might be a little insensitive to some local people too.... :-S I am in a grump today though.......
  16. California September (San fran, LA and Vegas), Kenya November (although not technically a holiday) then off to NZ in march. How I'm going to pay for it all I don't know......
  17. I've bought lacoste polos online at least three times.... All been fake and were bad fit. How much you looking to spend? Hollister do very similar polos for £25 that are great quality.
  18. Simon decided he would be shown up too much so made ronan second so that he'll still be remembered as successful and can start a record contract. Wouldn't be surprised if the albums already created...
  19. I took your comment to mean you post as two people ;-)
  20. I've seen you dance and it's not pretty.
  21. Damage limitation of the highest degree!! Simon knew the revelations about what goes on would cause him and these shows irreparable damage and so changed the winner.... Cack
  22. Fake article or not it's blatantly obvious to see that it is in fact what's going on... No idea where ronan suddenly got those tears from!! Fake ducts?? Looked very false. Could the judges or ant and dec have kissed his ass any more? No other contestant got input from Louie in the audience following their performance either....
  23. Felt like he'd already ****ed off last night.....
  24. I'm thinking its going to be a tight squeeze in the chapel next season Maybe the chapel will be the loudest section for once!!
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