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Everything posted by Liquidshokk

  1. Scothosts and lamnia are both 9 quid a month. Ukivpn are 5er. Ukivpn and scothosts are limited bandwidth whereas lamnia appears to be unlimited
  2. The idea is for someone to be able to watch the saints game on sky go (player) in France at the weekend
  3. If it is simply IP blocking you need would peerblock not work? Just seen that that IVPN service do a monthly subscription so my friend might just set his dad up with that
  4. Anyone know any good ways of being able to watch UK TV channels online whilst abroad? Iplayer and Sky GO wont work as it detects youre not in the uk. Found a recommendation about this site http://www.ukivpn.com/ which for £50 a year provides a VPN so that you appear to be in the UK. Anyone tried it? Tried any others? "SOMEONE I KNOW" is hoping to let his dad use his sky player service from his parents home in another country
  5. That's the thing, harefield as a whole isn't too bad (I lived by the harefield schools) But the area around the shops including the blocks of flats is just awful. Someone had gone on a rampage with the (most likely overflowing) rubbish bins and old dumped furniture. There were kids picking through it and broken windows everywhere. If I didn't know that generally it's a run down area around the shops I would have thought something serious had happened.
  6. Alright. I thought for a minute you were saying you walked through harefield to get to northam estate from st denys. Then assumed you must mean highfield.
  7. Are you talking about highfield??
  8. Anyone know what's happened down at the Exford Avenue shops? Was down there earlier and the whole place was covered in rubbish, windows boarded up or covered in protective mesh and dumped furniture lying around. Looks to be in a state of complete abandonment. I used to live nearby 10 years ago and don't remember it being QUITE as bad. I did notice a poster saying improvements are on the way. Anyone know anything about this? That really is one big turd to try and polish..
  9. Do they live in harefield per chance???
  10. Would you not agree that the single sausage tastes better than the double? Or have you never allowed your self to touch a single one
  11. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?? And for that reason. I'm out. I guess the extra 30p has paid for the new Whooshes and Boings.
  12. It's 3.99 a month. Even with the faults you list (which I rarely experience) it's worth it
  13. He said he's been taking him in and out of hotels. Did sound dodgy Saw a tweet from cork the other day saying he'd shown steve round town. Good to hear and hope he wasn't too disappointed
  14. Think his highlights deserve a video of their own I'm sure theres plenty to come though..
  15. I've stayed in my usual seat. Hoping the 3 seats either side of me will be empty again this season
  16. Probably. Generally the editing is better I feel
  17. Its better than having the commentary from that Burk who clearly wasnt even at the game yet piles on the fake enthusiasm
  18. The highlights from yesterday are now up and theres a new improved style of editing. There isnt any commentary and subs and goals show the player concerned. Its quite well done, although all the Whoooshing and Booming after every highlight/sub could get a tad annoying On the subject of yesterdays highlights, de ridder looks even better than I remember!!
  19. He is gonna be class. I've never heard a collective "wow" like that at st marys before when someone turns on the style. Wasn't just once either. Took players on and had real style.
  20. Mine only arrived yesterday. Was told on Saturday that it had been printed last Friday All matches were there which was a surprise
  21. Is he a wotsit? Hard to tell in some shots. (Not that thats a bad thing. I love wotsits)
  22. Love Goa. Want to go back one day. I hear its gone very downhill these days though
  23. They clearly pay attention to this site so there's still time Looking at him wont be the same again though will it
  24. Certain players dont show in the list at all depending on who you are looking at at the time. Shonky system.
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