Think he was refferring to what they said a few weeks ago, about signing that many players. Reckon we can only expect another one and maybe a couple more renewed contracts realistically..
"let's go nick some watches innit" by that black kid in one of the clips on the news lingers in my mind as a snapshot of the whole thing...
I can only so many times hear of a crime and learn that it was a black person who committed it before I assume everytime that it will be.
wants, i'd say.
I'll slag him off when he's actually done something to harm the club. Despite there being a few things getting some fans backs up the club is doing really well and he knows it. Good for him.
Go a bit further afield and stay at golden cap camp site in charmouth. Stayed there last weekend for second time and it's great. Right next to beach, pub and clifftop walks. Massive field too so won't be fully booked.
Could it be that the issues at Newcastle are because of Pardew specifically and highlights that maybe he was more of a problem at saints than we thought?! I was a big fan of pardew but seems a big coincidence that he goes there and Barton starts spouting off about big problems there... Or has he always done this at Newcastle?
Is that both the big blocks of flats or just the one nearest the shops? Are the shops being flattened too? They are unbelievably dated. It's like going through a time warp going into esgros as I seem to remember it being called...