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Everything posted by Liquidshokk
Asda show on comparison sites as 34 quid but when you go to asda site it's actually 39 quid. I have pre ordered mine through asda and despite the game being in the stores tomorrow my receipt says estimated collection date 3rd oct!!! Luckily I'm away all weekend so couldnt play it before then anyway...
How d'ya get it already?
Dickson is all over the place right now...
Anyone who thinks fox is cr@p or doesnt bring anything to the team should watch the extended highlights video of the burnley game. Lost count of how many brilliant crosses fox got into the box and made a couple of brilliant runs down the wing to get into a great position to cross. Agreed about him not looking too great in defense but I definitely think he brings something good to the team in an attacking sense... So I guess they both get my vote and should both play a part. Harding certainly isnt the best defender going..
Going camping in wareham friday with big group of friends and staying saturday too so big dilema on wether to drive back for this. Prob is some people are turning up Saturday afternoon so I'd be disapearing for the whole afternoon as they arrive! :0S AAAAH. Already missing 5 games this season including Brighton game so not getting the most out of my ST this year to say the least!
He's just come on in the Exeter game... Missed this thread initially so was totally confused by him coming on!
Little money Lots of money
Scabies.... M1nger
I was never calling for him to be signed. Something I don't like about him. Might be partly to do with his links to Peterborough and now Brighton though admittedly...
Cms = cheating, diving ****
Tits. I seriously hate Brighton, their manager, their fans, CMS and I think their stadium looks a bit sh1t too... Just know they will end up winning this too...
I've been studying him a bit since hid arrival and as I mentioned in another thread he seems to be extremely passionate about the game as shown when was chewing the ear off the ref and Crosby throughout the brum game. Yesterday he had an outburst when he was forced to waste possession due to forte not making a run at the right time. He also lapped up the applause and repeatedly waved at everyone as he left the field when subbed. Think he comes across very well and I for one would happily see him alongside fonte each game.
Quite a coincedence that this has come about whilst there seems to be a lot of bitter saints fans slagging him off recently :Oo
Have to say I think he may have been a saints supporter though A LOT of his decisions were in our favour....
Thought I couldn't have been the only one thinking Dickson had a shocker. As you say every touch was poor. You could tell he knew it too. I really rated him early on but I think he has too much to prove now as he's been out of the side so much. Last time I remember him having a great game was when he was playing in a more attacking position.
Forgot to mention that brown and his ***t of a sidekick come across as a right pair of *****s.
I wouldn't say he's having a great one though, bit rusty receiving long balls... Really impressed with reeves so far. Bit of chambo in him... De ridder looks like he's really out to prove something.. Bit too hesitant to pass at times even. Yet again impressed by jos. I know it's only a weakened Preston side but even with so many changes to our squad we look real class.
Anyone know if this is scrapped for good? Adkins mentions in his latest interview about families getting more than just football when they come to St Marys with all the concourse entertainment etc but I haven't seen any evidence of this this season! Has he not been told it's scrapped?
After Saturday's game I get a sense that he might be quite the opinionated type.. At half time he was hounding the ref, to discuss a decision i assume and then at the end of the game he was last to leave the field as he was at the ref again. He then seemed to be chewing crosbys ear off as they left the field and Crosby looked like he was just letting him rant but not taking it in As for playing, I thought he did well and came out from the back and got rid of the danger early with fonte for backup behind. I think he would/will make a good partnership with fonte..
Think my Californian weather update also contributed....
Waiting for the cloud to lift here in Santa Monica, LA. otherwise expecting glorious weather on the way to vegas today. A win for the journey would be nice please saints.......
Excellent. Someone else notices he does this. Normally have to point this out before people notice it errrrrrr. Shut up o'Brian.
Interesting. Will check out the back on mine. Compared the badge on home and away shirt and away badge is definitely at an angle and looks slightly odd.
Received the away shirt today as an early birthday gift and notice that the badge appears to be at a wonky angle. Anyone else noticed this or heard anyone else complain of this?? Might take it back tomorrow and check against others in the shop. Surely a whole batch at least would be the same...
Totally agree. Overpriced for what you get and chips nothing to write home about. The chip shop at top of Thor hill still do the massively oversized portions for 1.85. Good chips too. Some others in the area have started using boxes and just fill in the gaps around the burger leaving you with hardly any chips.