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Everything posted by Liquidshokk

  1. At the game. What a load of sh1t
  2. Lol, thanks for that. Now, where did I put that photo of you...?!
  3. Yeah was pretty hot at times but bearable. Was thunderstorms during a couple of evenings. Accommodation was good. Bit too nice really as felt bad going back there after seeing what the kids were living in. Because of the size of the group and security we didnt do homestays. Most people speak at least some English out there. The directors of the schools spoke good English and there's usually always one or two kids in each class that speak good level of English.
  4. Haha, I don't look like him!!! Never understood why so many strangers say I do.. We were divided into groups of about 7 and sent to schools, where some of us had our own class and some got involved in manual labour making toilet blocks and new classrooms. At our school I taught lessons and helped repair the fence in the playground. Few of us took part in football training in the evenings and most were involved in a match on Sunday. Got very attached to the kids and got on well with the rest of the group. Just needed you there Hamster!
  5. It recently added purchasable colour options if you want it to look pretty. Does make it 100 times easier to view and post on threads but do know what ya mean
  6. We'ren't any nightclubs where we were, and too dangerous (We're told) to go out in Nairobi at night..... Plenty of hookers in our hotel bar though!
  7. Yeah probably shoulda mentioned that tried Pm'ing god but his mightyness doesn't accept private messages I will stick a few pics up in a bit...
  8. Do you not use tapatalk then? Makes viewing the forum do much easier on apple products
  9. Everything was booked for him but he had to pull out at the last minute. Guess some business came up, which needed him to stay, what with us being top of the table n all.... Didn't affect the trip in any way and other than the missing q&a session it wouldn't have made much difference if he was there really.
  10. I second this. Thanks for being great company buddy. Feels weird to be back! Such incredible experiences!
  11. Oh yes. Do you have a deep and meaningful relationship with your fist? why do you ask?
  12. Was chatting to my girlfriend about kids tv programs from when we were little and she mentioned Earthwarp, which I've never heard of. Looked it up on YouTube and had to laugh within seconds when this "creature" could be seen flying through space; Nothing like a bellend flying through space in a kids program Episode 1 here if it's anyone's thing; http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=8&ved=0CDoQtwIwBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DP5Fdaj3UasU&ei=fgK_Trn8KtSl8gOzsKijBA&usg=AFQjCNGS5r1tqzoKii_oXI43xVjHm-lh4Q
  13. Thanks Hamster We will be visiting the Internet cafe during the week so will of course get some photos on this thread then. As for thunderstorms....oh t1ts. Only prepared for t shirts and shorts :-S
  14. http://www.saintsfoundation.co.uk/News/tabid/63/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/54/Fans-off-to-Kenya.aspx
  15. One of the other volunteers emailed the club (Adi I'm guessing) and was told that his attendance is unconfirmed... No mention of him, the evening meal with him or indeed the planned football tournament in the itinerary.. He may well still be attending and tourney might go ahead but doesnt appear to be guaranteed as it sounds in that article...
  16. Was originally 30+ but a few couldn't raise the funds so it is now 25. The itinerary doesn't mention the Q&A meal night with Cortese in a local hotel, which was announced early on... Might just be covering their @rses by saying he might not be there...
  17. Was only going to be Dan Harding's wife but she's not going now. Only link to the club going is Adi Butterworth I believe.
  18. Two days till Saints Foundation heads to Kenya... Seems Corteses' attendance is now "unconfirmed". It's going to be filmed so a video of the Kenyan people being introduced to Saints FC will be available to view in a couple of weeks I guess. Good luck to all going.
  19. Does it feel like you're in san fran? Couldn't quite believe how identical one part of glasgow is. I mentioned it to my taxi driver and he explained that a film has been made there recently pretending it is san francisco. Even the signs are in the same style in the area...pretty cool.
  20. Was working there week before last for two days. Girls fall from the sky up there, as I found out when I was walking down one of the main streets :-S nasty it was; http://m.stv.tv/news/scotland/west-central/276496-teenage-girl-plunges-from-six-storey-car-park/
  21. Dexter...
  22. Guly up front - key move of the season?
  23. Need a live wire like de ridder on to give them something else to try and handle...
  24. Plenty of fireworks in this game....
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