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Everything posted by Liquidshokk

  1. If anything it makes you realise what a difference a year makes. Life is just awesome right now so no opportunity for your forum bullying antics this year guys. Not with me anyway but the usual suspects will get their kicks somehow no doubt.
  2. Thanks for that. You really are a prize **** and I'd sooner be creating threads like this after a shed load of alcohol than the cr@p you put out. Happy new year n all that tho..
  3. I'll feel fine thank you chum. Being oncall and therefor not getting sh1tfaced this year will help with that
  4. Thank **** after yesterday! Feel so much better about that game now
  5. Hi attitude shines through. Missed the first 10 minutes but after the comedians joke about puncheons attitude a minute ago I'm guessing they've already discussed his situation...
  6. Did you you think his first name was fw?? I assumed that was his position
  7. Not a happy chappy is he. Go on Jason pal, crack a smile.
  8. Right footed volley and cross from the right side surely?!
  9. So is the guy in my vid above? Is he not the guy who scores it?
  10. Hope this is him! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ux7S4tmyu8M&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  11. Can't believe I did that and I take full responsibility That said, I think I'll watch it again to cheer myself up......
  12. Latest hour long video on Saints player is just awesome! Know it's been a good season but I'd forgotten just how many great goals we've scored this season! I'd forgotten just how much of a great game the Ipswitch match was I'd forgotten how good Sneiderlins flick was to setup lallana Forgotten how narrow Connolys shot was to squeeze the ball in the net after about 10 headers... (or indeed how good connoly was when he was playing!) And how Davis swiped at the players legs in the forest home game but got away with it Can't quite believe all those highlights for our first season back in the championship. Well worth a watch if you have saints player...
  13. Shook Jos' hand after the game Monday and my what big hands he has. He's a great character too with a novelty voice "yesshh it wassh a good games washnt it" he said. top guy.
  14. You'd kinda think lambert of all people would resist getting involved in any fight having witnessed what Barney is going through... Fingers crossed it was no biggy and as said above it obviously wasn't serious enough for the police to sort at time of incident and left it to this morning.
  15. Was quite shocked by how quiet it was and put it down to being in such control so it didn't feel like the players needed the 12th man. Hope that's not going to be a regular thing when we're flying in the prem with a full house every week
  16. That's the travel card game. It's the full blown game we're after. The reason we didn't just buy it online is we want to take it friends dinner parties during the Christmas break. But thanks.
  17. Played that for first time too! had my in hysterics. Especially when I came down with the cup, hit one of the yellow counters which then flipped down my girlfriends top
  18. Was introduced to a few new games over Christmas but the best one by far was Quelf. Would go as far as to say best game I've ever played. You basically roll die to move around the board landing on coloured squares and you have to pick a card of that colour which could have you doing absolutely ANYTHING to avoid a forfeit. I wasn't very lucky and ended up having to spend the whole game sitting on my hands, not allowed to make eye contact with anyone or I would have to say to them "I will have you now" also involved impersonations, dancing and general randomness! Great game.. ...shame we had to spend the whole day today looking for our own copy of it without any luck
  19. Right back at ya and to all SWF folk!
  20. 36 quid... But that's only cos I get a head massage from a fitty included...
  21. The app kept me entertained for 5 mins (note just look up items in catalogue on google images and scan em', including saints banners from ad on OS) One of those apps that seems neat but leaves you wondering what the benefit is. E.g scanned oyster card and it tells you delays and train map - you could just look it up on Internet just as quickly...
  22. Love watching Dexter... Love the vigilante cross twisted murderer character traits. Read into that what you will...
  23. My Michelin PS3s are going ok after a few months. Nice deep chunky tread
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