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Everything posted by Liquidshokk

  1. It's late in the day, I'm in bed and I'm still trying to help for nowt. Gimme a break
  2. Have you tried it on another pc? What operating system is the laptop on? Vista/windows 7 should pic the drivers up straight away. Did you get the drivers from the official site so you can be sure they are latest/compatible? Just trying to help as much as I can without you having to spend anything. That then technically means I'm the cheapest
  3. Cos theres so much difference between them isnt there For the sake of avoiding a ban there is and you sir are a ledge.
  4. Check you... Didn't say I was teaching English
  5. Im guessing he didnt use that 'small detail' in his sales pitch then....
  6. any of my quoted prices?? :confused: cheers, top bloke. ...Real Saintly..
  7. Watch out Exeter
  8. I havent got any nails left....
  9. Thanks, Damn, I will have bitten my nails down to my ankles by the time it finally comes around. When I nearly poured boiling water into my cereal bowl rather than my coffee cup this morning I knew my mind would only be on one thing today.... ...The match that is before anyone implies anything else
  10. Hi All After workking in the IT services industry for 10 years making someone at the top VERY rich I've decided to try and go it alone... I provide PC support, Repairs/Maintenance etc in Southampton and surrounding areas and provide an honest, professional service. I'm driven by common sense and the belief that if you treat your customers right they will keep coming back! If anyone requires these services and would like to know more then drop me a PM. (Mods - Read the T&Cs. wasnt sure if this kind of advertising is allowed :confused:) Thanks
  11. However The odds of Exeter beating southend are 6/4, why not list that as 3/2?
  12. Cheers, I knew the were both the same btw just didnt make sense why a lot were list as /1 and others not wanted to bet 1-2 final scoe and the odds on betfair are 18/1 and on bet365 its 7/2 Based on your explanation its purely to get around having 3.5/1 I kind of assumed that but assumption is the mother of all f*** ups as they say...
  13. Im so excited, and I just cant hide it... (I know, I know, I know, I know I just wee'd, I just wee'd....)...
  14. Is it 3 o clock yet? :confused:
  15. Only washes now and again?? I work with those.....
  16. Lol. I like it. Apart from the star trek bit as can't stand it. During the concersation with said Mong yesterday I said "I think we might just win" his reply was "no, THEY will win, not you, you have nothing to do with it, your watching them play football". This really irritated me and for a minute felt embarrassed that I pay 25 quid to go to watch others succeed/fail...... But then I thought of every bit of joy I have in seeing saints succeed and the feeling of pride when things go well and just reminded myself that he is a skate and isn't capable of such feelings.. COYR!
  17. Again, he isnt complaining about the radio solent commentary used on saints player. we're talking about the dubbed commentary on the video highlights on player only...
  18. I mentioned this in another thread. I think its will cope from radio hampshire doing the bad bad dub. quite poor indeed. is he trying to imply that he is commentating live or hasnt seen the game?!? if not then why the over excitement on what hes commentating on as he already knows whats going to happen?!? I for one would rather no commentary than that cringy performance. Email sent to the Marketing department as only semi-relevant address on the website...
  19. Why would you love that?? Im guessing you mean because of the position they are in and not that you generally love working with Skates
  20. I know there are more important things really........ Just not on Saturdays
  21. Ha, I just mentioned to one of the guys if they ever bet (as thinking of placing a rare bet this weekend) which was met with "no I dont bet, betting is for chavs and pikeys..." They really are a different breed in this postcode....
  22. Ha, yeah. Could have chose my words better there ey :D (Not the fighting type by the way!)
  23. There are more interesting things than football????????????????
  24. The guy I was having a conversation with today is into 'rigging' :confused: setting up lighting, sound equiptment for gigs. That bores me to death hearing about it so I kinda know how he feels about football. Difference is I can appreciate that he has an interest in it and I dont bang on about how freaking boring he/it is....
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