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Everything posted by Liquidshokk

  1. showboat! failing that; faltboat bareboat flatboat foldboat johnboat keelboat sailboat workboat fireboat
  2. c0 ckboat! Definition of c 0ckboat n. - A small boat, esp. one used on rivers or near the shore. 2
  3. Doryboat
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punt_(boat)
  5. Bassboat? Surfboat? AAAAAAHHHHH THE BOREDOM!!!!!
  6. Longboat?
  7. .... Im bored!
  8. is he??? :confused: ...or is that just being gullable?!
  9. Stick this in the middle of the northam stand :-) http://www.inflatableeverything.co.uk/Giant-Inflatable-Fish-No-Text.html?productid=37813?utm_source=GP&utm_medium=GP&utm_campaign=GP
  10. Who are we referring to?
  11. Think we would have been as spoilt had MLT and consortium taken over?!
  12. Anyone know roughly what date the tickets will be on sale??
  13. Oh my lord, that is a shocker. Never actually thought that would really happen today!! Full house at St marys (home sections anyway :-D)... That's if people aren't too scared to get out in Southampton with so much trouble about!!
  14. It's all over. Watch us draw man city now :-S
  15. Think I have false hope. Just really don't want us to face man city at any point.
  16. Damn. Still, I think after the first half scunny are capable of getting one back.
  17. It is now! Nice volley :-) noone else watching? Lol
  18. Won't be a walkover I feel. Should be 1-1 at the moment... Would be nice if we only have to worry about one of the big boys by the end of this match!
  19. "Saints are definately in control now" Within seconds Ipswitch make it 2-1... Surely history would dictate that it's not wise for him to say these things?!?
  20. Did it ever turn up? :-)
  21. The scary thing is that at the exact point I read the comment about Kasabian club foot it was on in the background on radio 1!!! Freaky
  22. Are coventry just playing with words or has an offer by us actually been rejected? http://www.coventrycity-mad.co.uk/news/tmnw/southend_reject_bids_for_city_target_485377/index.shtml
  23. Woo hoo. Connolly nominated by OS; http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10280~1939581,00.html :cool:
  24. If this was an innocent little kid who just gets a little overexcited by his favourite football team then i could appreciate it once or twice at most. But in actuall fact it is a bunch of gobby agressive brats with parents who have no idea about parenting or what is acceptable at a football match (or just dont care) In either case it shouldnt be allowed and should result in banning as others will only copy this and it has a knock on affect in other areas. i.e affecting players when they are trying to take penalties (Norwhich game) or p!ssing the opposition off by celebrating when we've only won first leg... (ok thats not so bad )
  25. Yes, it was indeed almost like half of the waigo celebration. Not quite, Antonio.
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