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Everything posted by Liquidshokk

  1. Yeah, was superb today
  2. Interesting insight into the backstage goings on after a game. Cameras kept rolling on AJS for two interviews with poch. Lots of shots of feet and presenters staring down the camera waiting to be counted in
  3. Adam has mentioned this loads in the past and refuses to change the way he says it as that's how he's always said it.
  4. Well said. We really do need to catch up in this country. If Sky or Virgin offered every premier league game online for £15 a month pretty much every household would snap it up so they wouldn't be losing money I'm sure.
  5. Matey in Itchen north was taken down by 5 or 6 coppers who had to punch him in the gut to get him down. Hit the steps like a sack of sh1t, much to the amusement of the wham fans. He's was second one to be taken out and was almost a third for smoking and being gobby I believe.
  6. Shame. Seen comments about him coming back a better player and next season being his season with saints, but how often do players actually come back and play more of a role than before they left?!
  7. Reverse it and I'm in
  8. I remember thinking during the game that we were making a lot more long ball passes than usual.
  9. You can use Adblock in chrome to stop the pop ups
  10. Yep. On PC/mac but I'm guessing not on iPad
  11. Going to be a good season then I may have got over not renewing my season ticket already
  12. I didn't have to get mine from Egypt App Store. Just changed the billing country to Egypt and it downloaded and worked fine after changing DNS setting on ipad
  13. Would prob cost so much more if it was uk service. The last couple of days have showed how many people are prepared to pay for such a service though.
  14. Can't help but think it won't last the season ISPs have already tackled firstrow
  15. Working again now
  16. Seems a good time to crack open this new beer I found earlier...
  17. Time to sign up to Al Jazeera it would seem
  18. Tried that. Think its more the refresh rate or the stretching of the resolution on the tv. Pretty decent tv though so would have thought the refresh rate would be ok. Guess it comes down to the laptop graphics card and the hdmi port capabilities.
  19. So I'm watching the Liverpool stoke game with laptop connected to tv by HD cable and the video is a bit juddery but audio fine. It's better on the laptop itself. I'm guessing this is cos its being blown up on the 32" tv? Any tips from anyone on improving this?
  20. You can change the DNS address if you're using wireless and should be the same method as local area connection if windows is handling your wi-if rather than a third party app. What version of windows? When you were registered to overplay did it show you as up and running and give you the DNS address to use? You can completely forget about VPN as its not needed at any stage. Sign up to overplay SmartDNS Log into overplay and get DNS address from my account page Change wifi/local area DNS setting to above Register on Al Jazeera site Watch Alternatively, rule out the overplay bit all together as others have mentioned and add the Hola add on to chrome. This will only work on PC/mac though as far as I'm aware
  21. I already have a dd-wrt flashed router so ill set the Overplay DNS address on there today
  22. Have you changed your DNS address in the IPad network settings?
  23. Well that was easy! Thanks
  24. Is it £88 for the VPN plus the £120 for the season? Do you need a static IP for this incase your public IP address changes and messes up the DNS link?
  25. Working alongside their "engineers" is also very painful at times.
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