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Everything posted by Saint_Donovan

  1. I think the website is hotspotshield.com if not I'm sure downloads.com will have it
  2. It's a program that hides the country of origin you are watching netflix from and makes it believe youre in the US, so you get all the American content. You can download it from the app store for your iPhone or iPad You can also download the windows based program for your laptop
  3. I use hotspot VPN to access US netflixs, it's so much better!!! Around 1500 documentaries as opposed to the 70 odd the uk site has.
  4. Skunk is cannabis, it's just the name given to the high grade potent stuff
  5. Kachina in Shirley is by far the best in Southampton, it is also the most expensive!! about £23 i think as opposed to Pilgrim house, Little Buddha, Tiger Lily etc which are all about £15.
  6. or maybe one day you'll adopt an educated opinion!!! Good night
  7. I'm confused, what part of that sentence led you to think i dont know what im talking about? Id love to hear you reasons as to why it IS a hard drug!!
  8. Dune, you are a product of misinformation. Have you based your opinion on researching both sides of the argument? my guess is no, Do you believe what the nice men in suits on the TV tell you? my guess is yes!! People with an agenda tell lies and spread untruths, if it happens on a micro level (work mates, friends, people down the pub gossiping etc) then you can expect it to happen on the macro level (government and authoritative figures) If you dont like marijuana thats fine, thats your choice of course and nobody is going to force feed you but at least have an educated opinion.
  9. Hahaha thats hilarious!!! is coffee a hard drug too? are fags hard drugs?
  10. is marijuana a new discovery?
  11. I should just probably clarify that im not a "stoner" and only use it once every couple of few months, and i didnt start until i was 27!! I just get really annoyed that so many substances are far more harmful to society and yet accepted by the masses and marijuana has adopted this "demon" tag and grouped in with hard drugs when its a very useful plant
  12. Then by that notion should we ban fags and booze?
  13. How about how misinformed people are about cigarettes? And the hundreds of chemicals within the tobaco? These figures you quote would be accurate if you smoke a Joint FULL of weed (no tobacco) but we all that is not what happens. Just a sprinkle is used so those figures are extremely misleading. There are also lots of non harmful ways to consume marijuana, through edibles and vaporisers for example. The Majority of negative information floating around is scare mongering by the naive and ill informed, and the truth of the matter is that the drug is hugely beneficial to thousands of sick people around the world and can replace a list as long as your arm of prescription medicines that are even more harmful and carry much worse side effects which go ignored because a Dr prescribed them to you!! Marijuana is legal in various states in the US (LA for example) and DOCTORS!!!' that's right not backstreet drug deals but DOCTORS are writing thousands of prescriptions everyday, can you imagine your GP prescribing you alcohol, coffee or Fags? I don't think so. Marijuana shouldn't be thought of as a substance to be abused by low lives, chavs and spotty teens but as a control medicine. Remember, legalisation doesn't mean it's free for every Tom, **** and Harry to use and it doesn't mean you should buy it over the counter at your local tesco express, it just means the people who need it or who are responsible enough not to abuse it should have that option.
  14. Quite possibly!! I just get ******ed off at people blaming a substance or 3rd party on their poor choices on life. "it's the Judges fault I went to prison, he didn't like me and made an example of me" But it's your fault you were in front on the judge!!
  15. Legalisation is the key. Once legalised it can be controlled the same way as fags and alcohol, this is the only way to control strength and quality (lots of cheap weed is sprayed with glass) This is the only way to stop our kids using it, I bet if you ask any 13/14 year old where to get weed they will know but if it's age restricted the black market will die and under 18s wont be able to come across it so freely
  16. It wasn't the weed that ruined their lives, it was them!!! They are obviously losers that would have had their lives ruined by alcohol/gambling/prescription drugs, it just so happens that weed got there first!!
  17. Yep just read this in the sun, what a great signing that would be!! Head and shoulders about what's on the market at the moment!
  18. Anybody read FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS By Graham Hancock? It explores the idea of a previous existence of intelligent civilization, way before current sciences estimated dates. absolutely fantastic read with credible evidence and sources
  19. So they can't afford to give Grant holt a payrise who has scored goals for them in the prem, but they can afford to give Rickie 70k p/w who has scored 0 prem goals?!!!
  20. That's a local number, not free phone!!
  21. I pretty much agree with everything in the post above although I didn't pick up on the Christianity saving humanity bit. As far as I can remember there is absolutely no explanation for anything that happens in the film which left me walking out of the cinema at the end wondering WTF had just happened. Why was Guy Pearce cast as an old man? Surely you just cast an actual elderly person for that role? It looked absolutely beautiful though and some of the space scenes completely blew me away. I'm guessing a sequel will clear a lot of the story up but to leave so many questions left me feeling slightly empty at the end 7.5/10
  22. I'm pretty sure they didn't think of you when pricing the tickets this year so please don't be personally offended, someone else will be happy to have your ticket. Thank you for your service.
  23. Carlton Cole "we got more than we deserved"
  24. West ham have been battered this second half, so I fully expect them to score a 90th min winner!
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