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Everything posted by Saint_Donovan

  1. I think you're missing the point, I was happy to prove the continuation of my course into next year and I did so by the exact method they requested, my complaint is about the fact that after payment was taken and I'm due to go on holiday they are telling me that what I sent them isn't good enough!!
  2. Nope I'm down on the marchwood marine campus, so we don't get any of that. I believe that's just for main Brock students
  3. I tried but the sweaty forehead and clammy palms were a massive tell!!
  4. But ALL NUS Student cards run out 08/12 and get renewed early sept so none are valid if that's the case!!
  5. I should finish next april/may so unless I drop out of the course etc but my NUS privileges run for 12 months regardless.
  6. I haven't received my ticket, so obviously now my worry is that either I won't get it in the post at all and I'll get a refund after its too late to renew and I'll be left high and dry!!
  7. This is the angle I'm taking, I just know there will be issues!!
  8. You don't see the problem?? I was asked to follow a new procedure which I was happy to do........... Still following??? After this was done and they happily sold me a ticket, I'm now being told 3 days later that it wasn't enough!! See my problem yet?? NUS cards are not easy to fake, you cannot just order one off the Internet to your home address, they get sent to your college/uni and are handed to you by student services. And you cannot tell me that EVERY student fan has to go through this procedure? Please also remember that students only have 10 days to renew their tickets so getting your place of study to send enrolment details to the club and then to get down there to sort your ticket is a bit of a push!!
  9. It is when I go on holiday tomorrow and no time to sort any of that!! I done everything they asked of me which was fine at the time, they even took payment!! And now they have moved the goal posts!!
  10. I'm a student and I'm a NUS card holder which entitles me to concession prices for my season ticket (it saves me about £95) Last season I had no problems whatsoever, I had to renew my ticket face to face obviously because I had to show my card, this season has been a different kettle of fish!! I popped down the ticket office Friday and told the young girl that I would like to renew my ticket to which she replied "sorry sir our system has you down as a full paying adult" I showed her last seasons season ticket which clearly had me as a student and I also produced my NUS card as proof as my student status, to which she replied "no we don't accept those" I told her that she should probably ask someone senior for clarification, she popped around the back for a minute and came back telling me that because my NUS card expires during the season it couldn't be used and that I would have to produced NEXT YEARS NUS card to get my ticket, I tried to explain that ALL NUS cards expire in August and get renewed in September so that means they would have had to decline every NUS card holder?? At this point I was getting alittle red faced so I decided to walk away and try the next day, when I got home I thought I'd phone the club for clarification on the subject and was told by a more helpful chap that said if I could get the college to send them an email saying that I will be a student coming into the new academic year then that will be fine as proof, this was easy enough sort and after afew phone calls all was sorted and I had purchased my 2012/13 season ticket!!!! Brilliant right? Nope.. Nothing is that easy with our beloved football club, and please remember that I jumped through all their hoops and done everything they asked of me regards of how mindless I thought their requests were. About an hour ago I received this email - Hi Shaun, I’m afraid we cannot accept emails from tutors as proof of continuation of your studies. We would need to receive a copy of your enrolment letter or an official College document confirming your continuation on your course. Kind Regards, Awesome!!! And to top it off I go on holiday tomorrow so I have no time to sort anything, but as they've already taken my money shall I just ignore this email??!
  11. I wonder if the current occupants of 89 Milton road have any idea that sir alf Ramsey used to live there?
  12. Stoke away it's obvious!!
  13. How much was Beattie earning? I'm pretty sure it was more than that!! Surely that must have caused some tension??
  14. Very surprised he was only on £3500 a week at the end of his career!!
  15. That's great!!! Cheers
  16. Have any students been able to renew yet? Or do we have to wait until the 20th?
  17. heres an instructional that may be of some help to you for windows users
  18. Once you've installed the app on your iPhone it will add this "VPN" option on you settings menu and as soon as you flick it to on you are ready to go!! It's really simple
  19. According to the hotspot shield website it works on macs
  20. 69p a month, absolute bargain!!
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