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Prince Jazzbo

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Everything posted by Prince Jazzbo

  1. I suspect that when it actually happens, it will come out of the blue, and no one on here will have given us the old ' Press Conference at 2pm' line
  2. I thought it paid the wages for May
  3. Hughie Fisher equalising against Villa FA Rnd 3 1976
  4. Timothy Leary would be an interesting choice. Although we could end up with all our players being banned for failing drug tests.
  5. Cant they pay us up front i.e. today so we can pay out subs tot the staff.
  6. One Step Forward Two Steps Backward - Max Romeo Just in case you all say who! He's the reggae singer sampled in the Prodigy's Out of Space
  7. I can remember Dennis Hollywood unleahing what could only described as a brutal tackle/assault on Mike Summerbee at the Dell in about 1969. I was stood in the Archers Road End and was quite close to quite close to it, and literally heard him yelp! To be fair he didn't roll around on the ground, as many players today would, he just hopped around swearing. Dont remember Hollywood get booked or anything.
  8. Did Steve Mclaren write this
  9. I notice that we are now on -10 points and bottom of the league on BBC. I also saw are'nt Stoockport shown has being on -10, but they also went into admin din'nt they?
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