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Prince Jazzbo

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Everything posted by Prince Jazzbo

  1. And an appearence at the JPT Final, although he lost. So in actual fact, its possible that at this point in his managerial career Adkins as probably acheived as much if not more. I wonder what we'd have thought if when we were in the Prem and O'Neil was favourite to leave Wycombe and become our manager, you can bet that half the people on here would have been up in arms about that.
  2. I'm not sure about Craig David, I remember when he first hit the big time he said he supported Arsenal, the when we got to the Cup Final he suddenly supported Saints.
  3. I'm not at all sure about the new kit. It looks as through it should have 'Miss Honduras' emblazoned across the sash. I wont buy it, but I've never bought one before.
  4. If he was worth snapping up he'd still be at Leeds.
  5. Its now known as the Centre For The 3rd Age which is PC speak for the Darby and Joan club, as it provides services and activities for the elderly.
  6. Next they'll be a rumour rhat we're signing that kid that does all that fancy ball work during the half time entertainment. It looks good...Try doing it when you've got a big hairy centre half bearing down on you.
  7. To be honest if any did get through. They would realise pretty quickly that its in their best interests not to start anything. Having spent a few months out there last year, I was in Kwazulu Natal and saw some of the blokes queuing for tickets went they went on sale at the banks, looking at some of them, I dont think anybody in their right mind from here would fancy a pop. I think the biggest danger could be people getting lashed up and wondering off on your own. These could be perfectly innocent people not looking for trouble.
  8. I reckon its much adu about nothing.
  9. Conversations about sailing are far to high brow for this site. The nearest I got to skippering was down the sports centre boating lake.
  10. The figures quoted will be for 2008/2009. It wont have taken into account the 30 or saints fans that will get banned as a result of the pompey game and any other banning orders like those from the yeovil game. so our numbers could be up around the 60 mark. A skate working with me reckons that most of that 95 that are banned as a result of the trouble down there in 2004 had 5 year bans these have ended and they are now going to games again.
  11. Is there an interest free installment scheme.
  12. Bailey.... With that name I expect us to boo him whenever he plays, since his namesake got Osgood and Williams sent off years ago.
  13. I thought that as I was writing it
  14. Why do people use the word 'regime' it sounds like General Galtieri is running the club.
  15. just a thought, but is there a possibility that a large number of people defaulted on their payment last season? I'm not saying this is the case, but something like that could prompt the club to withdraw it.
  16. Apparently Duckworth and Lewis have been called in to develop a calculation to determine what should happen should Crystal Palace be liquidated. This will be based around number of goals scored, the number of corners, home and away attendances, and the OS Grid Reference of stadia.
  17. I don't think Rovers fans would applaud him like they did when he played aginst them for us. I think we're going to have a summer of rumour and more rumour in respect of our top players. Hopefully we'll face them down.
  18. We'll be preparing for the end of the world. Have none of you seen the film and read the works of Nostradamus!!
  19. She is harder than most of their blokes!!
  20. Any club who has a bird as their top 'boy' can not be taken seriously from a hooliganism perpective.
  21. I think the following sums up Harry perfectly. When Billy Bonds was WHU manager he was having a few issues with the Board, at the time Harry was his assistant. He apparently told Billy Bonds that he fully supported him in his dispute with the Board, and that if Billy resigned he would go with him, and he wouldn’t take the manager’s job. Soon after Billy Bonds was offered a non football related role and Harry was installed as the manager. Billy resigned from the club and Harry took the job full time. Make of that what you will.
  22. To be fair it wasn't Lowe that sold him. He was sold during the period when he wasn't here, but to be honest it was such as mess back then I can't remember who was running the club. Crouch maybe or Duleiu? or one of that lot.
  23. Of course you can if its in the interest of public safety. Its no different to 'kettling' the tactic used by police at the Anti Globalisation rallies
  24. Same reason they let Pompey walk down St Mary's Street in 2003, that didn't work either, and they actually escorted them down there.
  25. I'm in touch with my feminine side, I can multi task..
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