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Prince Jazzbo

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Everything posted by Prince Jazzbo

  1. Whats the difference between keeping away fans in for 15/20 minutes and kettling. And Kettling is not deemed a breach of human rights, so why would keeping away fans in the ground. On a lighter note, who thought that the Millwall fans trying to get across the netting looked like something out of Its A Knockout? I was expecting Stuart Hall and Eddie Waring to commentate.
  2. I drove through Southsea minutes after their FA Cup final defeat against chelsea. It was rather amusing watching all those dejected skates shuffling back from Southsea common. Although I'd say 90% of them look like students who'd just wandered down for the day. They certainly weren't die hard fans who pack fratton to the rafters every week, most of them would have got tickets quite easily.
  3. Another measure of the JCL factor is the numbers on the Hythe Ferry. Up to 2005 it used to be packed on matchdays with queues right bacn down the pier. In recent years, we could stroll down and walk straight on. Towards the end of last season it was getting full again, and there were faces I hadnt seen in years.
  4. What made me laugh about him, is how he sort of touted himself for the German national side because he had a german grandmother or something.
  5. Also, I get fed up with the likes of Paul Merson constantly bleating on Sky about how great their support is.
  6. Whats it coming to when a bloke in his early 20s is writing his autobiography. I'm eagerly awaiting Harper Seven Beckham's book WAG Fashion Tips for the 2030 World Cup Finals
  7. I remember when he was Landlord of the Villiage Bells or the King Rufus, can't remember exactly which, back in the 80s. We had a stag do up the Rank, somehow he scrounged a lift on the coach. He reciprocated by opening the pub up when we dropped him off. We all thought what a good bloke. Not long after, I started hearing all sorts of rumours about how he'd treated his wife etc, not sure if they were true. but I recall something in the echo about his daughter planning to sell his cup winners medal, and was refusing to give him any of the proceeds. At least I think thats the story, I could be getting muddled up. It sort of changed my views.
  8. Is NA the first football manager to quote Al Pacino in an interview?
  9. Are we the new Stoke and Burnley the new us? Assuming its true of course.
  10. What about the Oldham, Burnley and Bradford riots in 2001
  11. I can see Nigel dressed up as Jack from On The Buses shouting 'more room on top!'
  12. Leeds have traditionally had good away support, also whilst it may appear that they've all travelled down from up north, they've got a big fan base in the South of England.
  13. I picked Steve Williams up several times and gave him a lift. I wonder if he's going to sign?
  14. I'd rather have Fatty Foukes in goal than him, and he died in 1916! Seriously though. The son of a family friend (who knows nothing about football or saints) was out in town at the Club next to Town Quay. He said that there was a bloke who was behaving obnoxiously, insulting bar staff, trying to help himself to drinks behind the bar, arguing with people left right and centre, and even saying things like 'Dont you know who I am, I play for saints' etc. It was only when the lad I know, asked someone who he was, they said it was Tommy Forecast. At that time it meant nothing to him, and he just happen to mention it to me a few months ago.
  15. Used to be Joanna's Night Club.
  16. Yes, I thought Wilde was the Chairman when Bale left for Spurs
  17. Prince Jazzbo


    No its not, I've just walked down there. Unless its started in the last 10 minutes.
  18. Why do we need some bloke talking giberish at half time anyway. Bring back the RAF dog display team.
  19. He can have a massive ego, and toss himself off as much as he likes, as far as I'm concerned. As long as he delivers what he says he'll deliver.
  20. I think the club should launch a range of bed linen using the flag's design.
  21. You should stay behind in Perth and watch the game (if its on TV) in the Mighty Quinn. Isn't that Pompey fans WA base of operations?
  22. Plastic Bertrand
  23. Whilst I think Strachan was good during his short tenure here. I have a niggling feeling, that had he stayed things may have turned out for the worst, we got to the cup final via a relatively easy cup run, apart from Spurs, all the games on the way to the final were home draws against weeker opposition. We were starting to falter when he walked, and I think our slide would have continued had he stayed. Having said that he is still the best manager we've had in a while based on his achievement, along with Hoddle possibly, who turned us into a good premier league side and probably provided Strachan with some of the foundation. In respect of NA, no one can fault what he's done so far, if he continues in the same vein, he could prove tho be our best manager since Mcmenemy, alternatively he could be manager of Rochdale or someone like that this time next year.
  24. I've never been too keen on the 'let him die' chant when a player has been injured. We've never really had the imagination of the scousers and the mancs on the song front. Back in the 70's and 80s we seemed to have a far better reportoire than we do now
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