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Tony Lynam

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Everything posted by Tony Lynam

  1. Thank you to those who did contact Neil and I hope you have a nice day. The forecast is good, and it will hopefully be 3rd time lucky for Matt to try take that trophy back into 'red' hands! All the best. Tony
  2. Dear All Details of a great Charity Golf day are posted on a different page/thread (Saints V Pompey Charity Golf Day). Having spoken to the co-ordinator of the charity last night, I know he is approx 12 players short of target. If there are any golfers amongst you who would enjoy a bit of friendly banter between saints & pompey over 27 holes, a bit of food, a few drinks etc, then please contact Neil ASAP. Closing date for late entries is mid-day on Monday since everything goes to print on Monday evening in readiness for Wednesday's event. For the golfers amongst you, this really is a good day - the last few years have been crackers. And of course for anyone with any other agenda, you could have a quiet word (within reason!) and ask me and Matt anything that's on your mind........ A quick word about the charity itself. In July 2002, a 15 year boy, Richard Bowler, collapsed whilst training with his local football club. He suffered a massive brain haemorrhage, never regained consciousness and died the following day. Rich was a Saints fan, not that that should matter. The emotion which followed Rich's death seen waves on donations made to the Wessex Neuro centre, and after some time, Neil Westbrook (who was Rich's parents friend and next door neighbour of some years), closed his own business down so he could dedicate his life to saving others. The Charity raises money for equipment, projects, research etc and really does improve peoples lives. I can't remember the exact figure, but one of the most recent patients has seen fits/seizures reduce from in excess of 100 a day to just 2. As a parent of a disabled child, I know very well what a difference this must make to these families, and sufferers alike. Right, that's enough of the morbid stuff. This will be a great day, we'd love to see you there so if you can spare the time, fancy a bit of fun, and unwittingly help the charity, please contact Neil All the best, and best of luck with your new signings. I really really hope Saturday marks the start of the season 'proper' with a win. Regards Tony
  3. Dear All Details of a great Charity Golf day are posted on a different page/thread. Having spoken to the co-ordinator of the charity last night, I know he is approx 12 players short of target. If there are any golfers amongst you who would enjoy a bit of friendly banter between saints & pompey over 27 holes, a bit of food, a few drinks etc, then please contact Neil ASAP. Closing date for late entries is mid-day on Monday since everything goes to print on Monday evening in readiness for Wednesday's event. For the golfers amongst you, this really is a good day - the last few years have been crackers. And of course for anyone with any other agenda, you could have a quiet word (within reason!) and ask me and Matt anything that's on your mind........ A quick word about the charity itself. In July 2002, a 15 year boy, Richard Bowler, collapsed whilst training with his local football club. He suffered a massive brain haemorrhage, never regained consciousness and died the following day. Rich was a Saints fan, not that that should matter. The emotion which followed Rich's death seen waves on donations made to the Wessex Neuro centre, and after some time, Neil Westbrook (who was Rich's parents friend and next door neighbour of some years), closed his own business down so he could dedicate his life to saving others. The Charity raises money for equipment, projects, research etc and really does improve peoples lives. I can't remember the exact figure, but one of the most recent patients has seen fits/seizures reduce from in excess of 100 a day to just 2. As a parent of a disabled child, I know very well what a difference this must make to these families, and sufferers alike. Right, that's enough of the morbid stuff. This will be a great day, we'd love to see you there so if you can spare the time, fancy a bit of fun, and unwittingly help the charity, please contact Neil All the best, and best of luck with your new signings. I really really hope Saturday marks the start of the season 'proper' with a win. Regards Tony
  4. Dear All Details of a great Charity Golf day are posted above. Having spoken to the co-ordinator of the charity last night, I know he is approx 12 players short of target. If there are any golfers amongst you who would enjoy a bit of friendly banter between saints & pompey over 27 holes, a bit of food, a few drinks etc, then please contact Neil ASAP. Closing date for late entries is mid-day on Monday since everything goes to print on Monday evening in readiness for Wednesday's event. For the golfers amongst you, this really is a good day - the last few years have been crackers. And of course for anyone with any other agenda, you could have a quiet word (within reason!) and ask me and Matt anything that's on your mind........ A quick word about the charity itself. In July 2002, a 15 year boy, Richard Bowler, collapsed whilst training with his local football club. He suffered a massive brain haemorrhage, never regained consciousness and died the following day. Rich was a Saints fan, not that that should matter. The emotion which followed Rich's death seen waves on donations made to the Wessex Neuro centre, and after some time, Neil Westbrook (who was Rich's parents friend and next door neighbour of some years), closed his own business down so he could dedicate his life to saving others. The Charity raises money for equipment, projects, research etc and really does improve peoples lives. I can't remember the exact figure, but one of the most recent patients has seen fits/seizures reduce from in excess of 100 a day to just 2. As a parent of a disabled child, I know very well what a difference this must make to these families, and sufferers alike. Right, that's enough of the morbid stuff. This will be a great day, we'd love to see you there so if you can spare the time, fancy a bit of fun, and unwittingly help the charity, please contact Neil All the best, and best of luck with your new signings. I really really hope Saturday marks the start of the season 'proper' with a win. Regards Tony
  5. Andy Anyone is entitled to an opinion, that is why we live in the free world and not in a communist state. But be assured, nothing I ever said (or will say) will be anything other than true. If people want to criticise our attempt at being open/honest/in touch, well so be it - all we wanted to do was keep fans as up to date as NDAs would permit. But as you say, its in the past - and Mr Leibherr and his team are getting on with the job, and the very best of luck to them, and of course to your new manager. Regards Tony
  6. I don't think you'll find he's peed off at all sir. Sometimes in business things don't quite work out as planned. Thats the sad fact of life, but when you put a deal together, you do so with your eyes wide open knowing the pitfalls/risks etc. Both Matt and I are very disappointed that our people did not end up buying it, but disappointment and being peed off are very different things. Trust me, I know both feelings!
  7. I didn't know I was taking rubbish any of the time to be honest. But yes, I did know those who would NOT be your manager for obvious reason
  8. Hi John Your idea is one of common sense and loyalty. Perhaps you would like to confirm your willingness to participate in some form of a JV for a sponsorship deal and I'll put my money, again, where my mouth is and we can let bygones be bygones and mutually show our support for your Club? Good idea, and great to see some common sense approach, despite the fact that Mr Leibherr and his team may not be short of funds etc. Regards Tony
  9. I don't know John personally, but I am unfortunate enough to know a few people (an uncle included, who is still battling on) who have fallen foul of the same condition. Events like these put things into perspective - or even more to the point - remind us all that life is quite a precious gift, and football is a game. My thoughts and prayers are with John and I really hope that he can show an ounce of that fighting spirit which made him the player that he was. I am not a religous nor spiritual person in any way, but something tells me that he can pull through, and I dearly hope for his family that that feeling is founded. Good luck John - the road ahead will be tricky, but you have everyones support behind you. Tony
  10. Last message as I'm off to a meeting - my heart would go for a big name (but I assure you Strachan won't be on the list because of personal reasons). My head would go for someone with experience at lower leagues and with that hunger to make a name for himself........... but your guess is as good as mine.........
  11. Yes I will be going to the game. As you know, I am not actually a Saints fan (Liverpool for my troubles), but I've always held an interest with the club because of friends associated with it. And you're right, it is time to move on. Believe me, I'm still nursing raw wounds from my personal loss on this, let alone 3 months of work, but for the fans, I'm very pleased with the end result which was achieved, and I think you all owe the Administrator (Fry) a big thank you for that. He was a very hard guy to negotiate with, but a really top bloke away from the desk so to speak - and he really cared about the Club. Cheers Tony
  12. Very funny Nick! But I do have a sense of humour so I'll take that in the spirit in which I'm sure you meant it pal! All the best Tony
  13. I couldn't help but have a look at your forum this morning to see what is going on. So as I have, I may as well be a little controversial - I could not disagree with this comment more. Andy Oldknow and his colleagues had better take their time and get the decision right. Be assured that they will be consulting with 'football people' over the appointment of the manager, and rest assured that they will want to take the care and time needed to ensure that it does not end up as a quick fix manager. Moreover, someone who can carefully develop the team for success beyond League 1. For what it is worth, I don't believe Tony Adams will be your next manager. I'm sure he's a really nice guy, but my money is on................... someone else! All the best, and good luck against Ajax Regards Tony
  14. Good evening everyone First of all, I would like to express my own welcome to the new owners of this great Club. Whilst selfishly dissapointed that our deal did not come to fruition, I am selfessly pleased that a new owner, who looks to be a great prospect, has bought the Club. I know many will ask questions over the coming days and weeks about the other parties interested in the Club, and whilst I'll be happy to answer anything within reason (and permissible under the NDAs which I had to sign), I really hope this is the beginning of a new era in the Clubs history and you guys get all that you deserve. For my part, having become involved with the Club in an advisory capacity to interested parties, I've got somewhat of a bug - and I must confess that I may well now have to make the time to come and support the team. I wish the new owner all the very best, and I really do hope that all of your true fans can unite and give your total support to make this Club great again. You guys are the bread and butter of the future, and I'm sure the vast majority of fans will turn out in their numbers and do their bit. All the very best Tony
  15. Hello John Your web/forum post has been pointed out to me and I feel compelled to reply. Firstly, I think you deserve praise for the apology for whatever it is you have been saying about myself, colleagues, clients and advisers. Forgive me, but I don't have the time to watch or contribute to the forum much. You, and your friends, will now know that we have made a decision, after seeking extensive legal opinion about the "10 point issue". It has never trully been about 10 points itself, more so the potential legal ramifications, according to our advice, in agreeing to various other conditions set out in an 8/9 page document drafted along the lines of the Football Leagues rules. I won't say any more on the subject as it's now pointless. I will however say one thing, which will perhaps win me no friends. I stand 100% behind my own stance, and that of those who I represent to date about this issue - which has perhaps contributed to our delay. I know only too well how desperate that everyone is for this to be concluded - and trust me, I share that desire. I do not however agree with making rash decisions, and despite the difficulties it has presented, we have had to keep a level head and let things pan out. The impact on staff to me has been the worst part of this to bear, and not the legal nonsense which will be sorted in the end. Ultimately, anyone can now trump us and steal this from under our feet. We don't believe that the vast majority of fans want that, and we firmly believe that we can really be what you all want as a new owner. But John, I am asking you man to man, in front of your friends, if you really feel the need to personally insult me or my colleagues, please have the decency to do it to my face (or contact me directly). That's the end of that as far as I am concerned, and come what may, I look forward to having a beer with you, and the rest of the fans at St Marys, hopefully to celebrate our first win (and hopefully with us in charge). Best wishes Tony
  16. Good morning everyone Today is going to be a decisive day in the future of the Club in my opinion. Much work is going on as we speak to resolve the legal issues which caused the delay with our takeover. At the same time, work is also being done to put in place a contingency arrangement so that, with the permission of the new owner, funds can be released to pay staffs wages. Whilst the legal issue is more critical, on a more personal note the wages are at the forefront of my mind. I am aware of some very unhelpful rumours and questions about Mr Fialka and his colleagues - he choose to speak out yesterday to add not just substance, but weight to our position, with particular focus on the League issue. That continues to be worked on this morning. Quite where and why these rumours have originated is anyones guess, and I would have to seriously question anyones motives for trying to discredit the guy who approached us to try and save the Club. Needless to say, there is no foundation in any such rumours, as will be demonstrated when this deal is completed. But to speculate that our new owner in waiting lives with his parents is nothing short of ridiculous (not that living with your parents is of course ridiculous). Anyway, from the start of this, I pledged to you all one thing. Unity. And that is what is needed to overcome the obstacles in our way. I will not lower our standards and have a war of words with anyone, least of all a newspaper. That is what freedom of speech is all about - but I have reminded that newspaper this morning that they should do research of their own rather than rely upon others feeding them information before the print inaccurate stories. Clearly we are aware of other groups apparent interest so we are concentrating on the important job of resolving the issues in hand. All the best for now, and keep the faith, its time to complete the deal. Regards Tony
  17. Dear all Sorry if this is short and to the point. I have made our position very clear in interviews with Sky this afternoon which I assume many may know about. Discussions with the League are on-going and will be resolved. Our commitment and determination is at its highest point now, we know what is at stake. People will speculate as to what is in the draft agreement. The contents are really not relevant - what is relevant, it is unacceptable in its current form, and we're working hard at resolving that, with only one thing in mind, the Clubs best interests at heart. I know that as this has become very public over the last few days, that may appear like some sort of conflict with ourselves and the League. That is not the case, we need to remain composed, focused, and get on with the job. That means putting your head on the block and coming out of comfort zones sometimes, but that's the nature of business. Some will criticise not being fully informed, some will criticise the depth that they have been told of. Sometime in life you have a catch 22 scenario. But I'll take any such criticism on the chin, I won't take being forced to do something which I believe is fundamentally wrong, nor serving the best interests of this Club. And I would like to hope that you all want whats in the best interests of the Club - its a must. I believe in being upfront and open, and this is why I have made it my business to keep everyone from all walks up to date, and I will continue to do so until we close the deal, and beyond. With this in mind, I have asked one of the gentlemen who is putting their hand in their pocket to put his name out in public, and I expect this will happen shortly. Apologies to those who have sent questions to us today, they will be answered in due course, but now is not the time. Best wishes to you all and once again, thank you for your continued support. Tony
  18. Guys By request, a quick time out to let you know where we are at. Before I start, can I please ask in the nicest possible way that people stop bombarding us with e-mails and text messages for now....... as anyone who has previously taken the time to write to us will testify to, I have personally taken the trouble to reply to each and every one of your messages, e-mails and letters. I will be happy to continue to do so within reason after the takeover is complete in the interests of showing you guys that we are totally transparent and approachable, but for now, it would be helpful if you could press "pause". On to the important business. I understand from Spencer and others that there is an understandable sense of nervousness amongst some fans. That is quite reasonable to expect under the circumstances, and we are doing everything we can to ensure that those nerves turn into celebration. What I am going to say is not new, more reiterating what has already been said. We need a football license for the Club to play football, in the same way as a pub needs a liquor license to serve alcohol. The terms which were put to us (and not those originally proposed or agreed) were in their first draft form unacceptable. It became a necessity to discuss this with the Football League, and we continue to discuss some of the points. Such discussions are two way, professionally, frank, open and friendly. In my view, we are both working towards the same goal, ensuring that the right decision is arrived at concerning the contractual terms contained within the agreement. Further contact has been made with the League in the last half hour, and I anticipate more to follow during the remainder of the day. In the meantime, on a personal note, I am mindful that tomorrow is looming. For this reason, I took an hour out yesterday to meet with all the staff and players at Staplewood, and as many as were at the offices in St Marys so I could explain first hand exactly what was going on, exactly the nature of what needs to happen, and confirmation that we remained totally committed to completing the takeover as originally planned. Moreover, nothing that has happened since these new conditions were placed upon has in any way put us off, if anything it has strengthened our resolve to do the best for the Club. If any other Group(s)/Individuals claim not to be interested in the clauses contained within our contract, this would to my mind raise questions as to why they would not be prepared to stand up for what is best for the Club. Knowing what we know, factually and legally, certain aspects of the agreement need alteration, without which it is our firm belief that you would be exposing the Club to risk. And with this in mind, we are working closely with the League and we will resolve the issues as quickly as possible, thus resulting in the best position for the Club. On a brighter note, and to get away from the legals for a moment to try and lighten the mood, I was most amused to be e-mailed a picture of a characature chap kicking a tyre this afternoon by a friend on here. Could I politely ask you to perhaps replace the tyre with a lawyer and a rule book please! Whether the picture was supposed to be a joke or an insult, it did make me laugh, and that’s welcome at the minute to keep spirits high. I know its extremely frustrating guys, but far too much time, effort and money has been spent on this – we’ve now run costs into 7 figures, and that is not done for the fun of it. We will stop at nothing to ensure every measure is taken to ensure the best interests of the Club is served. Your continued support and unity is appreciated and we hope to resolve everything very shortly. Regards Tony
  19. Dear All forum users, and fans alike It's now the early hours of Tuesday morning, and before we sign off for the night, I thought you might appreciate some clarity, though appreciate that most of the fans who use this medium might not read this until tomorrow (by which time, this could well have been superseded). Clearly the Football Leagues position as announced this evening is of disappointment. However, discussions are on-going seeking to resolve this as quickly as possible. The League have a duty and responsibility for all of its members, so they have a different opinion to my own concerning certain aspects of our license (I only care about Southampton Football Club, whilst respecting other members in the right manner). The Administrators have made their position clear in their statement this evening, and it is pleasing to see that their views (which are totally independent to our own) are along the same lines as ours. I am still awaiting information from the League concerning their position and I should hope to have this without delay. This is not something I (nor my colleagues) can influence – rather one of those things which will happen as part of a normal process. We are not at loggerheads with the League. I have made this clear via other mediums this evening - we are working together for an acceptable solution to an issue, so please treat the League with the respect that they deserve. I spoke with 3 officials from the League today and whilst the content of those discussions will always remain confidential, I can assure you that the League are working hard to find an acceptable solution to this issue. Finger pointing and blame culture isn't going to resolve this. Rationale thinking and adult debate will, and common sense, law and the rule book will ensure a mutually agreeable outcome. I can only imagine too well how deeply frustrating this is for all of you - none more so than myself, but we remain totally committed and confident that our takeover will be concluded shortly, thus enabling us to get on with the important challenge ahead, putting Southampton Football Club back on the map for the right reasons. Please also spare a thought for all the staff at the Club who are working in difficult circumstances – they are top of our list of priorities, and so they should be. Thank you for your continued support, and I truly hope that these final hurdles will be out of the way without further delay. With kind regards Tony
  20. Guys Since I've had calls from various press (and no doubt my colleagues have too), I think it's only fair that you are all told the same thing at the same time, hence a quick time out to drop you a line. I want to make something crystal clear. I have NOT ASKED for a decision about the 10 point deduction. I have met every condition within the Football Leagues own rules, and thus should be allowed the right to an appeal after our takeover is complete, should I wish to take that action. As I have explained to countless people involved - detach yourself from the situation, and lose your emotional ties for a moment, and just ask yourself one question. “If I am being asked to waive my rights to an appeal against a decision, how confident are the people who made that decision that it was the correct decision in the first place?” I appreciate that the on-going uncertainty is causing concern to both fans and staff alike, so it is in all of our interests to pull together and make sure these issues are resolved as quickly as possible. I am confident that the Football League will work with us to resolve their issue, and the Lawyers will continue their work in resolving a couple of minor legalities. When all of that is done, we will put pen to paper. Finally, please bear in mind that Southampton Football Club will be a member of the Football League. Whilst I appreciate peoples frustration, please do not allow your heart to rule your head and make accusations against the League. As a member, we will need to work with the Board of the League and other members, so they are our colleagues. I remain confident that all of these issues will be resolved in a timely manner. Kind regards Tony
  21. Good morning all Just a very short message to wish all you fathers out there a Happy Fathers Day. In the knowledge that everything is being taken care of in a professional and proper fashion, leave that to us and go and spend some time with your families. Best wishes Tony
  22. Hello guys A brief message by request to clarify something which some people may be misunderstanding. There is an outstanding matter with the Football League regarding a clause we are being asked to sign which affects our membership status to the league itself. Given the difference of opinion, no agreement was reach by the close of play yesterday, and consequently the exclusivity agreement expired (by date). That will be taken up again on Monday with the lawyers as the terms of the agreement to my mind have not been fulfilled - by the other side, so whether the agreement expired or not may make no difference. We have met our conditions, and will continue to do so. The membership to the Football League is clearly a requirement to participate in the game. As I explained to a colleague yesterday, you would not buy a Pub without a liquor license, so in the same way, you would not buy a football stadium if you couldn't play a game in it. Its as simple as that. I understand that the Football League will be reviewing the position on Monday in light of what we have discussed in private, so whilst it is perhaps easier to say, be patient, and don't "blame" the Football League nor Administrators, we all need to work together to achieve a successful outcome for all concerned. I clearly only care about one thing, putting the right people in charge of the Club. But we are all professionals and need to maintain our professionalism in order that this matter is resolved in a timely fashion - and it will be. There are a couple of legal issues which came to light over the last couple of days - information which we were previously not aware of. I don't believe that these will be difficult to resolve, rather just a couple of issues that need to be put to bed the by lawyers. Have a nice weekend - and don't worry, we'll have these issues out of the way very shortly. Kind regards Tony
  23. Dear All I know many of you are sitting tight eagerly expecting some news, so I'm taking 2 minutes out to make you aware of some issues that we are trying to resolve to complete our takeover. Please respect the fact that I cannot go into the finer details of some of the legal issues - myself, colleagues and clients are bound by a non disclosure agreement in respect of the sensitive details, and this will be adhered to at all times. You may be aware that a brief announcement was made earlier this afternoon confirming that, despite our continued efforts, there are some outstanding issues to resolve prior to us being in a position to completing our takeover. There are to my mind 2 legal issues - questions which need to be answered. These I am sure will be put to bed without delay. A further remaining issue is that of the Football Leagues position over our license. Again, it would be hoped that this can be confirmed without delay. My colleagues and I, clients and the Administrator have made our position clear to the Football League on the detail of this issue. I cannot go into it now, but it is cricitcal that this is resolved, and in a timely manner. We will continue to work hard with the Administrator to resolve this, as this is in my view the final piece of the jigsaw. My hope is that all outstanding issues will be resolved without undue delay, as we are itching to get on with the important job of rebuilding this great Club - both for ourselves, the supports, and the wider community. I hope the next announcement that we can make will be to introduce your new owner and Board, and our opportunity to set out our vision for the future. Best wishes to you all Tony Lynam
  24. Neil I've been urged to log in to this by a friend to read about our apparent collapse, which I clearly found odd since I would naturally be the first to know! But yes everyone, sorry to disappoint you all and ruin this rumour, I am a very relaxed man. Matters of a legal nature are in the hands of legal people and everything is progressing as it should be. Catch up with you later Neil, we're both really looking forward to tonights bash. Cheers Tony
  25. Dear All I have been contacted by a large number of people that use this forum given our entering into an exclusivity period for the purchase of Southampton Leisure Holdings (which to the man on the street and pretty much all supporters relates the Club itself). One of the Administrators from this site, Rob, has asked me to do a short session where you may pose questions to me concerning our impending takeover. I will be more than happy to oblidge, in due course. I will however in the meantime offer you a few words of comfort. You will no doubt have seen various articles in news papers, news clips etc. I was originally asked by a group of 4 very wealthy business people to become involved with their proposed takeover of SFC. I politely declined their offer of 'employment' since I just knew that because this was such a public matter, my own life for a short period of time would enter into the media circus. As many of you who know me personally will know, I am far from a shy retiring character, but equally I don't enjoy people phoning me up asking my business, or shoving cameras outside of my office, or even home. The more harsh of you could perhaps joke that I "have a face for radio"! In the end, the group/consortium changed my mind, and to be honest I am now quite glad that they did. Part of what changed my mind was a chat over a coffee with Matt (Le Tissier), where I could see the pure passion and belief that we could make this a success, with the right backing. What followed was a crazy few weeks of working 24/7, by myself and numerous others. That work was geared at arriving to the point that my client was willing to make an offer - not just to buy the club (that's the easy part), but to buy into the concept of sustained investment over the medium-long term to make this great club a success. When I projected the sheer cost of this, a couple of the guys were a little less willing to throw cheques at me. Ultimately I have in fact now entered into this "exclusivity agreement" on behalf of ONE client only. And myself, Matt and others involved are very pleased with that. Gone are the days of petty squabbles. Our one client has SUBSTANTIAL wealth - several hundred million. Irrespective of this however, I am looking at this as a business which can stand on its two feet. But we have the comfort of knowing that if myself/Matt/colleagues make a recommendation for investment (be this for players/staff whatever), it will be catered for. Matt will have a pivotal role at the club - and I would urge you all to never under estimate this mans ability. You all know of his amazing skills as a footballer. As a friend of his for a number of years, I also know the other side of Matt, and believe me, he has a very wise head on those shoulders. We now have 20 days (the clock started ticking yesterday) to get down to the serious business. We'll let the legal people do what they have to for the delisting process of the PLC, transferring of assets to the new holding company, repayment of debt to creditors, and handing over of title to me (on behalf of my client). Meanwhile, Matt and myself and colleagues will be formalising football matters. I'll rely more on their knowledge of the beautiful game, and they'll rely on me to get our client to fund their plans. Its quite simple. This is now a time for unity, and I really do hope that I get all of your support, and the support of the wider community to make this club great again. I will stop at nothing to make this happen guys - but I need bums on seats AND support to achieve this. Together, we can have a club to be proud of once more (and there's me a boyhood Liverpool fan saying that!). You will understand that I will not have the time to be a regular visitor to this forum, but I wish you all the best. Its a nice day out there, so take your kids out to play, or the missus down to the beach......... or of course make some excuse to have a pint at 3pm and enjoy the FA Cup Final. Whatever takes your fancy, have a nice weekend. Best wishes Tony Lynam
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