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Tony Lynam

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Everything posted by Tony Lynam

  1. Rich. See you next Friday, but if it helps your cause, you can throw in a 2/3 man day fishing trip on my boat with me. But, whoever takes it must not sink the boat with me on it! Cheers. T
  2. What an absolute disgrace. Whoever did this, for whatever reason, deserves punishment befitting the crime. People are too quick to lose sight of the fact that this is just a young man who was enjoying an evening out. Sure he is a footballer, and that brings with it responsibilities, but everyone is entitled to let their hair down without fear of some mindless moron(s) attacking them. I hope that this young man makes a full and speedy recovery and gets the opportunity to see those responsible put behind bars for a very long time. At times like this, football can wait. His health is infinately more important to him and his family. Get well soon. Tony
  3. Guys, Judging by many comments I have read on this tonight (yes, I still follow your club) many of you are going to hate almost everything I write, but hey ho, I don't care as frankly I am struggling to belive some of the outrageous claims, disrespectful comments and potentially harmful remakrs made about the very people who are running YOUR club. I am not the biggest fan of some of Mr Cortese's remarks or past decisions - I will never change that opinion. BUT, I have a professional respect for the chap. He might not be everybodys cup of tea, but so what. He is in a position of trust and is therey required and responsibile for progressing the business. And that is a key point. A football club these days , save a few, is not just about sitting back and awaiting unlimited investment without an expectation of the owner(s) for some key targets to be met, monetary or otherwise. Over the last few weeks, I have read some rather disgraceful comments targetted at your Chariman. Sure, he might not be everyones cup of tea but I truly feel that some people need to give the chap a break - and some space. Now before you start ranting and raving, remove your hands from keyboard and reflect on something..... who will be your next owner? Almost certainly not some party from the open market, but somebody/entity from within. Think about it. As for Mr Mitchell at Bournemouth - I have never met the chap but he and another developer, Richard Carr's, collapse 2 years ago helped me (personally) lose a sizeable six figure sum where I had tried my luck at residential ventures (as opposed to commercial) and got severely put in my place. I mention this purely as 1) anyone with some intrigue can find out about this and 2) it might help some of you put into perspective the 2 very different characteristics of Mr Cortese and Mr Mitchell, and again, to repeat, I am neithers biggest fan. To finish. Here's a thought - why don't you guys all just get behind the team instead of taking the opportunity to slag every move anyone makes off. From an outsider, it seems to make sense that you all unite. And lastly, if you are going to hurl abuse at me, that is your choice, but please think about what I have said as opposed to who has said it. Regards and the VERY best of luck for the remaining season Tony
  4. Adrian. No
  5. Hi Ken. Sure do. And am fascinated by what's going on at the Club. It is no secret that I wasd might annoyed that the people who employed my company and other consultants never produced the goods, but I still follow what's going on down the road. It's also no secret that a few of my friends have been at the club in a variety of capacities, players, coaches etc so you shouldn't be too surprised that I still want the Club to do well, and I for one think the appointment of the right manager will define your season. I'm still at a loss to know what on earth led to Alan getting the boot but hey, that's football, and I guess that's why we all love it. If my friend is correct, it means one of 2 things. Mr Cortese has stuck to his guns and has good reason for not offering more compensation that he believed payable, or, as has been said by numerous people, he is a particlularly difficult chap to deal with. Time will tell, but either way, I really really do wish that the right man for the job gets the key to the dressing room. Regards. Tony
  6. A very good friend with strong links to the club has told me that Nigel will NOT accept the job. I don't know why, I didn't ask as it's not my business but I thought you guys would like to know. I'm pretty sure this is accurate
  7. I almost certainly should observe from afar, but, despite actually supporting another club (Liverpool), I cannot help but follow the on-going saga at St Marys. I would LOVE to see Kev return to Saints in a managerial, or other, capacity, but whilst my heart says it can and might happen, my head says no. BUT, just to clarify some nonsense I have read about Kevin, he is NOT a quitter. Things aren't always what they seem in football, and when you are urged to expect the expected, the unexpected happens. If Mr Cortese is convincing enough AND gives Kevin the respect and freedom he needs, this could happen in theory. Sadly I don't believe he will but I would love to be proved wrong. Best of luck to whoever turns out as the new manager. Regards. Tony
  8. I don't know, sorry. Regards. Tony
  9. Deppo, I'm sorry, I don't understand your question (or joke if it's intended to be humourous). I've never been on Countdown? Regards. Tony
  10. Wade. You are entitled to your opinion, and I respect that right. You are however fairly wide of the mark. Sadly from the outside, I understand how it may have looked without the full knowledge of what was going on at that time. But I can assure you, we were employed to do a job and we fulfilled our end of the bargain, the backers did not. But I made my comment (above) in response to some inaccurate thoughts I read, not in any way in relation to our clients failed takeover, or indeed Mr Cortese. I have no ill feeling towards either. Regards. Tony
  11. Dune. Not that I am aware of, though it is over a year since I last spoke to him. Regards. Tony
  12. Alpine. I am sincerely not trying to dodge your question, but I cannot speak for Matt so you would have to ask him that yourself. It is fair to say that he has a different approach and opinion on certain issues than Mr Cortese.
  13. I'm writing this full in the knowledge that some people will decide to throw abuse my way. But I cannot bite my lip. Matt is entitled to an opinion, as is everybody. His opinion matters more than most as he put his life and soul into Southampton Football Club, turning down potentially lucrative opportunities elsewhere, because he is a man of honour. I know this for a fact and have to pleasure of calling him a friend. So when he makes a comment, please please keep a lid on it. He is not trying to reinvent the wheel here, he is merely expressing his own personal opinion in response to a question. His opinion is quite clear and I can categorically tell you all that it has nothing to do with his involvement with a potential takeover. It is quite simply Matt expressing his views about a club that he holds dear to his heart. If you decide to abuse me then that's a shame, but I wish you all the best regardless. Tony
  14. Congratualtions. I was chuffed to see Saints reach the final. For what it's worth, myself and a friend went to the JPT Final (Bristol Rovers V Doncaster) a few years back, and despite it being a "lesser cup", the day didn't reflect that. I really do hope for all Saints fans that you go on and win it. Best of luck. Tony
  15. Oh, just one point. At no point did I ever have the impression that Mark Fry preferred our clients bid - if anyone has dealt with administrators before, you'll know its like doing battle with an enemy. On a professional level, Mark was very firm, very demanding but straight talking.
  16. Nick I am on my way out - but if you want to compile a list of all questions that you/people want to know, and send them to me or email me, I will sit down and answer them all at once. I am not a regular user of this forum and to be honest I don't often get too much free time so it would be easier to address them in one hit. Or email me a time and I'll make myself available for a chat. Quickly to your question. There were a number of legalities. In fact, from the top of my head I recall the figure of 22 seperate "issues" being identified with contracts - and the small matter of the football league. This I will answer in full. As regards money, if the original set him had remained then there was ample funds. The 'group' changed a number of times, although there were a couple of main people who remained throughout. We became very concerned about funds very late in the day when things seemed to be dragging on - and within 2 days, Matt and I released a statement publicly stepping down from the deal. This was for 2 reasons. Firstly, we knew about Mr Leibherrs reemergance, and another Group - in fact, we knew about them all along as we actually spoke to both groups during the deal. Secondly, in taking this step, it did not prevent our people completing, but it brought about a new sense of urgency. One thought though - very shortly after our client was granted exclusivety, I personally had a phone call from one of the 2 groups mentioned. I was asked whether our client would 'flip' the contract (i.e. sell it for a quick turn)....... I obviously put the question to our client and was told a very firm no. Clearly at that point and for some weeks afterwards myself and colleagues had absolute confidence in their desire to buy the club and trully believed that they would. The rest is history - I lost a load of time and money, but thats business sometimes. I've met some of the new regime since their takeover and passed on several lucrative contracts that myself and colleagues had secured - after all, there is no use leaving them to waste and the new owner and his team were grateful. I hope that answers your question. Regards Tony
  17. I will answer any question that I can legally answer if there is something on your mind. I have absolutely no reason on earth not to answer what can be - but please do bear in mind 2 things. NDAs were signed with the creditors and administrators, and personal third party confidentiality agreements were in place for everyone else involved - this is not any excuse, but there are some things I simply cannot talk about. I'm sure you'll understand that such agreements need to be respected. Regards. Tony
  18. I don't know the answer to that one I'm afraid. Football is a queer old thing, nothing is really ever certain. I guess by rights you could argue that Man Utd should have won in '76. But every team is capable of beating another on 'their' day. Look at Havant & Waterlooville in the cup a few years back. Or even dare I say P'mouth, today making history by being the only Premiership team to have lost its opening 6 games......... nothing is ever really cetain is it, outside the "top 4" in the premiership that is. But VERY best of luck to Saints, I trully hope this is the confidence booster they need to push on and build on. Tony
  19. Baj, thankfully I have a sense of humour. I'm sure Simon will do fine. I've just been on the just giving site to donate a few bob, and see he is 27% toward his target amount so hopefully a few more people migh help him and the charity out. Regards. Tony
  20. Simon Thread set up and I'll go and stick a few quid in th kitty for you. I hope you enjoyed the golf day, beside the result! Cheers Tony
  21. Simon Thread set up and I'll go and stick a few quid in th kitty for you. I hope you enjoyed the golf day, beside the result! Cheers Tony
  22. SET UP FOR SAINT LINDFORD (SIMON) Would appreciate someone making this a thread please and mods to make it a sticky for couple of weeks please. I am running the Royal Parks Half marathon, http://www.royalparkshalf.com/ on Sunday Oct 11th in aid of the latest Smile 4 Rich appeal and would hope that you wonderful people will sponsor me. I have set up a page on Just Giving so it is a fairly easy thing to do, any amount will be gratefully received not only by me but by S4R. Please visit http://www.justgiving.com/Simon-Jordan/ Many thanks Simon
  23. Congratulations. I am very pleased to see Saints record their first win, and I sincerely hope it will be the first of many to come. Regards. Tony
  24. I see the result has been posted. Unfortunately despite our efforts, we couldn't get that bloody trophy off Pompey again this year. But there's alway next time. Speaking of which, the event is held in September each year. Details will appear on the events calendar on the Smile4Rich website (http://www.smile4rich.co.uk). Because of the clash with the cricket, numbers were harder to find this year, so hopefully with more warning, next year will be booked further in advance. Simon, well done on the prizes. A good day was had by all, depsite the result, and a few bob was raised for the charity. Thanks again to those who did participate. All the best Tony
  25. No problem Bongo. I didn't know Richard myself - I only became involved with the Charity after he passed away, but of course I know Nick and Janet and some others in the family now. The Charity goes beyond just raising money - it saves peoples lives. So with all the other rubbish that is going on in the world today, its great to be a part of that - and that little bugger Rich always makes sure we get decent weather too!! If it is of any interest, I'll make sure the result gets posted. Regards. Tony
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