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Everything posted by IamLeGod

  1. I feel queezy after reading that
  2. IMO this seems alot closer to reality. When it ditched Major for Blair it was obvious Labour were going to win the next election. This time around it switched its allegiance long after Cameron had taken a significant lead in the polls (which has since plummeted) and it was obvious that general feeling was not in support of Brown. Headlines such as "It was the sun what won it" etc are clearly self-serving, they are keen to over emphasise their importance for obvious reasons. If they were as important as they like to claim it would seem odd that Cameron's lead has fallen since switching their support to the Tories
  3. Exactly. As a parent your sole objective is surely to provide the best life you can for your kids. So, if your kids are going to have a better life living off the state can you really blame a parent for choosing to do this. This has always been one of my bugbears with socialism (or at least the 'socialist' labour party we are lumbered with). Now Im not saying throw kids out on the street and let them fend for themselves. But this system really does seem to encourage this attitude. From personal experience, I spent some time living on an estate as a child and saw several families who effectively saw having kids as a career. It provided them with an income and a house. "Hhmmmmm things are getting tight, lets have another kid." Surely, surely surely it is more beneficial to get people like this back into work and supplement their income? If say Mr Davey could get back into work, and say earn apprx £600pw his benefits could be reduced to around £200(ish)pw without having a massive impact on the families standard of life. This also improves efficiency as if this is spread across the board, the money used to help this one family could be spread across a number of families in similar circumstances.
  4. Is that the god awful Alfie remake?
  5. Must admit from what I've seen of spuds this season ol' twitchy face has made some seriously strange decision.
  6. IamLeGod


    Just checked back, its quite funny to see how a BNP thread has gotten onto the subject of kids being taught to sign in schools.
  7. IamLeGod


    Missed my point once again. Also quite interesting you are harking on about the PC stuff I mentioned earlier but you failed to address. Funny that. You continue to prove me right. Thanks
  8. IamLeGod


    Well this goes hand in hand with a specific type of nationalism. I won't go into the whole theory of it, but basically a lot of nationalism is concerned with defining one's own culture as individually specific or unique in relation to the characteristics of another culture, defining themselves against what is known as 'the other'. It is when ideas like this come into play that nationalism in the form mentioned above (which in itself is silly and ultimately cultivated for political reasons) that Nationalism becomes dangerous. Hitler used to believe in Social Darwinism - that was something we should definitely sign up to right?
  9. IamLeGod


    That article merely proves what I have been saying all along. Scaremonger reporting made purely to sell papers to paranoid opponents of immigration. The most ridiculous article ever. 6 actual cases confirmed, but thats not enough so we'll just speculate its more. That house I went to with no-body in had loads. There, not that I can prove it, I forgot my camera. If this house he visited did exist why are there no photos of it? The only photo of the houses has some lady in, so clearly its not the one that journo has been to and could frankly be from anywhere. Also, if the true scale of this is true and RSPCA are so concerned why did they not get a quote from them? I highly doubt the RSPCA would refuse to comment if they felt this was true.
  10. Bingo - FWIW one of my favourite films of all time. Your go
  11. Wahooooooooooo!! "Hey, don't knock masturbation! It's sex with someone I love!"
  12. Pulp Fiction?
  13. Can't blame Billy Davies for trying, would add another ex-saint to there line-up. He is though, far too good for CCC. People knock his consistency or defence frailties - but bare in mind he is still only 20. A lot of defending comes with experience, if this is the only thing he is lacking he is going to be one hell of a player. Though, I think if we are honest we knew that when he was at us anyway. Shame he left, but don't begrudge him it and can't really blame him at all. Was still pretty gutting getting a text from a Spuds fan yesterday half way through the game "Cheers for Bale"
  14. wow the world really does seem so much worse off as a result of losing him
  15. IamLeGod


    In a round-a-bout way Nick Griffin has done - "There's no such thing as a black welshman". This pretty much amounts to the same thing IMO
  16. IamLeGod


    Good argument that. Shows how the far-right is ruining patriotism for the rest of us. Want to make this easier? Or just carry on ignoring points you have no response to?
  17. IamLeGod


    Just thinking, Does this whole BNP notion of 'people shouting us down proves political correctness has gone mad and we are the real voice of the people..." demonstrate exactly how much they are in the minority? Is it merely an attempt to try and explain away the reason everyone actually does despise them so much? Take in point this thread for example. It pretty much has turned into a very few people trying to claim that the BNP and their views are correct and everyone does believe this and they are on the up. Yet nothing really does show it. The country at whole and every other institution appears to loathe the BNP's views. Which can sort of be seen here, the overwhelming majority of posters on here. Just thought that this may suggest something...But hey what do I know?
  18. IamLeGod


    Have you been to London? I would suggest that as a city it is one of the biggest successes of multiculturalism. And this goes far beyond small pockets of housing filled by people from certain groups. Shops sell everything from all other the world. You can hear music derived from every genre made from every corner of the planet. You can eat in restaurants serving food from almost every country imaginable. Buildings derived from architecture and art work from right across the globe. London is one of the most amazing cities in the world. Meet anyone from anywhere on the planet and they will tell you this. The reason for this is because its such a multicultural city that draws inspiration from the vast number of cultures inhabiting it, adding their own something to the city and ultimately improving it. For any true Patriot this is something to take great pride in and celebrate, whilst encouraging other to share in this.
  19. IamLeGod


    Yes dune, I'm sure in the imaginary census this year or maybe the real one next year the figures will show "we are swamped with immigrants". Does go someway to show the paranoia of the BNP and the nasty side of Nationalism. Supporters of the BNP really have no idea what Nationalism is actually about.
  20. IamLeGod


    According to the 2001 census results the population = 92.1% White British. Yes dune, clearly we are "swamped with immigrants"
  21. Haha, definitely cheered me up whilst sat here in the library! COYS!!
  22. IamLeGod


    :smt038 best post on this thread
  23. IamLeGod


    No, ofcourse not. Why have people with some experience or relevant knowledge of a given area. That makes no sense whatsoever. Placing career politicians, who have worked their way up the political ladder and have come to expect a place in cabinet, or political rivals of the PM who are placed there to be kept quiet by CCR is a much better way of running things.
  24. IamLeGod


    That sound like something someone else said on another thread dune?
  25. I really hate that this is what politics has come to. It is a vile act by some very vile creatures. Messrs Blair and Campbell have a lot to answer for in relation to what they have done to modern day politics. New Labour really have lost sight of what their party is meant to stand for. They are no longer concerned with helping the people that struggle to help themselves. They have become a disgusting, shameless machine concerned solely with spin, PR victories and electoral success. Though don't get me wrong. As I have said before Cameron is IMO simply Blair Mk II. The Tories are just as guilty. Living in Leeds as a student, it is rare you come across someone that hasn't had their house broken into. Walking out and about on my travels today I see a massive poster with a picture of gordon looking stupid and the caption "i let 30,000 criminals out of prison early. vote for me." and then their stupid vote for change thing at the bottom. This is in principle pretty close to what Labour have done here, and a pretty damning inditement of what politics has descended to. It really is no wonder so many people are so disillusioned with mainstream parties.
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