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Everything posted by IamLeGod

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeyOnNple4M
  2. Phillips? really? Never really seemed to go right for him whilst down here. Would probs go for Crouch. Pretty much agree with the rest
  3. Even though I majorly dislike the man, it's probably hard to look past James Beattie (02/03) up top. Niemi between the stick also, seems a shoe-in, shame for Kelvis who has been a decent servant to the club.
  4. Wreckless journalism, No basis on any form of fact. Mere speculation. Not even an attempt to twist a comment from the Saints hierarchy.
  5. Oh but yes. I have a feeling we will be returned a small Tory majority, with them achieving probably just over 300 seats. I suspect that this will force Labour to take a long hard look at themselves, and have a major resort - Gordon will not survive, although admittedly he said he would 'take responsibility', I feel he may be able to hear the knives being sharpened already.
  6. Yeah it isnt great. But as has been said on other threads, each comes with their own respective draw backs. This system (more often than not) provides a workable majority govt. It also makes it very hard for extreme parties to get into power (for better or worse) - which in some systems (ie PR) can gain over-representation. swings and roundabouts and all that. No system is flawless
  7. Thanks for helping me in pointing to the obvious point it appears others missed.
  8. Is that how it works now? Typical Left wing-garbage. Guilty until proven innocent. Gordon Brown and Nick Clegg are in a secret pact to take power, then once their pass a law that allows them to show up at any door in the country, stroll in and rape any woman in the house. Prove it isnt going to happen. About as much grounding in fact as your argument. God I hate Labour.
  9. Think it was more the result of a 16 hour library session following just 3 hours sleep. The combination of sleep deprivation and high caffeine consumption does strange things to your brain.
  10. A much need lol 15 hours into a library session. Whilst it is not Markus specific, the sentiments ring true. Few people in the history of our club are as deserving of the mantle of 'hero' as that man.
  11. Well let's face it, said Tories best effort is just a complete contradiction in terms. "Vote for Change. Vote Convservative" The two are just incompatible really
  12. I have no idea where I got such ideas from?
  13. Alright, easy. What are you, his lover?
  14. If i remember correctly I started this thread good to see it make a comeback
  15. So in other words. your arguement is that "well nerrrr your lot are as unpopular as our lot". Partisan Politics is an absolute joke and the bane of my being. It serves only to stifle any ambitions that any politicians have to actually make things better. It resembles kid squabling on a playground, only the people involved are taller, use different language and talk about different things. Anyone who doubts this has clearly never watched Prime Minister's Questions
  16. Please tell me what this suggests about Labour if the best they can hope for is a hung Parliament?
  17. Argggh this economy thing is rubbish. Ive criticised Brown here before for trying to take credit for the economic miracle, whilst then distancing himself from it when things went tits up. Interesting how on Paxman last week he was talking about Globalization and what little affect one govt can have on a global market? Any claim that the govt has had much effect on the boom or bust of an economy is simply propaganda depending on which side it is coming from and in which stage the economy is in. Economics deals in cycles - boom and bust. They come around pretty regularly. Whilst this is far from ideal it is a reality. If one removes any partisan view and looks back, there has been periods of boom and bust under each labour and tory. 2000's/10 - Labour 1990's - Tories 1980's - Tories 1970's - Labour 1950&60's - Both parties suffered difficulty trying to control the economy. Yes granted the same Tory goverment experienced two - but that was due to the fact they were in power for 18 years. Labour were lucky to come to period at a time of global economic growth that was largely unprecedented - though in hindsight this 'growth' was based on fake growth and shady dealings. Rant Over.
  18. Haven't personally seen the poster. But would assume this is a pop at the Thatcher govt of the 1980's, most likley to come from Labour/left?
  19. And the Tories havent had a procession of big businesses publicly support them in the manner they have in the run up to the current election either. It's easy to criticise, what do you suggest? Everyone goes along blindly with what The Sun tells them? Also, I have used several examples to support my case, whilst you pick on what I would admit is the weakest of the lot. Top work.
  20. It may also be possible to suggest that this trend is also apparent in the Guardian's support of the LIb Dems. Due to the Guardian's readership tending the have a leaning to the left - readers are more likely to leave the Labour party to support the Lib Dems than they are to move to Tories - making the move to support Lib Dems quite a rational one.
  21. I have said before on here that I am not a big believer in this idea of papers swinging elections, or the whole "it was the sun what won it" proclomation and I stand by this. Newspaper's lets not forget are a product. Part of a business, who inevitably having the overarching ambition to make profit. In order to do this they have to sell papers. In order to do this they have to identify their market, and understand what they want. Labour in '97 were clear favourites to oust the Tories from Govt. due to the unpopularity of the Tory party and peoples frustrations with a stagnant tory party. The Sun's move to ditch the Tories in favour of Labour came after it was clear public support was moving towards Blair's New Labour. The same can be said again of The Sun's recent move back to the Tories (although the gap has since lessened - again showing their lack of influence over people's persuasions). The FT is another example of this, their market is heavily linked to the business world. A key part of the Tory campaign has been the backing of Tory policies by Big Businesses and business leaders. Coincidence? Or can anyone else spot this pattern?
  22. Weezer - Keep Fishin'
  23. Also, am quite excited at the imminent arrival of Luther. Looks like it could be a pretty decent series
  24. At the minute, I am lapping up all the election coverage. Dull as it may be to many, I simply cannot tear myself away from it. Find myself pretty excited by the election, and as it draws nearer I cannot help but wonder if this is how the ignorant, unintelligent masses feel about xfactor finals?
  25. Both are quite different systems to ours. Whilst Germany had been quite stable for a long time, there has been a greater degree of friction, unrest and instability over the last few years. And it is worth noting that France has a Presidential system which makes it quite hard to compare to ours.
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