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Everything posted by IamLeGod

  1. IamLeGod


    Frankly, that is fantastic news
  2. There will always be strong teams in any league. We need to focus on ourselves and make sure we are the strongest, especially if we are looking to make immediate headway in the CCC which I believe we are and should be.
  3. IamLeGod


    Well no. Ken doesnt make references to Stalin. Nick Griffin 'Mein Kampf is my bible'
  4. IamLeGod


    Nah mate - They are just raising issues that no-one else will.
  5. IamLeGod


    Do the BNP say anything that isnt inciteful? They are by their very nature inciteful. "oh they raise issues that no one else does" - yeah theres a reason other people don't raise them. WE ARE NOT ALL RACIST F***S!! Talking about immigration is fine. The BNP do not do this. They systematically blame migrants for the problems within this country. They talk about deporting people that have been born and bred in this country - it is perfectly conceivable that under proposed BNP policy - someone born in this country, and who has never left the country would be deported. Imagine if every nation in the world took this attitude - where would these people go? Oh and the crowning glory - the BNP had to be forced to open its membership to non-whites. But no of course they are not racist - they are just talking about immigration. Those that believe this need to get a reality check and pull their heads out of the sand
  6. IamLeGod


    No. Im not comparing them to Nazi's. We went to War to fight against ignorant narrow minded inward looking, xenophobic, racist paranoid ideas. Every single word that comes out of a BNP activists mouth is totally despicable. And actually dune you have once more missed my point. I was referring to the idiots that harass members of ethnic minorities. But its too hard to actually form an argument against this without sounding like a racist isnt it? So you ignore this. Im sick of BNP apologists. They are vile racist malicious scum, and should be treated as such.
  7. IamLeGod


    What about the countless racial attacks that occur every single day. Go to estates in Bradford or Burnley and watch how the vile, disgusting hateful little ****s that harass, bully, demean and demoralise anyone of an ethnic background on a daily basis. But no that doesnt make news either. Let's not look at extremes for a moment here. Let's look at the things that occur everyday. What do you think life is like for these people? How do you think they feel when you have BNP f**kwits running around their community saying they are going to deport them at the first chance they get? Demonising them for every that is wrong with this country and undermining their belief system for the whole world to see. But yeah, The BNP guy was clearly in the Right, spouting his loathesome ignorant inciteful bull****, with a group of meathead roughians to back him up. F**k off out of MY country. This country is not about you, and this country fought two world wars to defeat people like you. Frankly if i met a BNP leader i'd do a lot more than spit at him, it takes everything in me to not spit at people when they say they would vote BNP. How anyone can defend them is completely beyond me.
  8. If im honest i have pretty much all them songs in my own playlists. Les Incompetents - what a good band. Don't hear enough of them. Good work.
  9. Doing Glasto. And also what has effectively turned into a mini festival, http://thewarehouseproject.com/ianbrown/ followed by http://www.parklife.uk.com/
  10. But they are as good as them nasty foreign types now.
  11. I'm glad you are taking an interest. But would rather not discuss this on here and will pm you. Arrrrghhh sorry 1976, comp really is going mental
  12. I am writing about Nationalism, Nationhood and Identity in Virtual Worlds. Cue the subsequent mocking...
  13. This has gotten way off topic.
  14. Haha. I assure you it is not bull crap. As I said I was joking. It would be rather dull, and very short. As you said previously I am far too young to even consider writing an autobiography, not that seems to stop many a celeb. Furthermore, my current efforts are focused solely on the completion of my dissertation.
  15. Haha. It's nice to see someone taking an interest in their fellow SWF members. By career I meant more behind the scene, certainly not a politician. And it was more a way of seeing if that was the sort of thing I may like to go into at a later date. Sorry if i didnt explain myself correctly. As I said before, I have since decided this is not for me, and turned down the opportunity to be a Candidate for Leeds City council, along with the fact it would have been as a tory candidate - and as I have previously made clear on here I am not a tory, I infact I have affiliation to any political party. Secondly, as you asked I am 21. I was merely mocking you asking if I was a yank, and asking me to explain myself. And just to reassure you I have no plans (in the foreseeable future at least) to write an autobiography. I hope this dispels any worries you have
  16. Im with you on Anders, was a big fan of the bloke. Seem to recall SSN running a story linking him to Barca at one point - good as it was i did lol
  17. Nope not a yank at all. Born in Harrow, raised in Ruislip now living in Leeds studying at University. My school ran a work experience opportunity allowing students to get involved with politics in the 'final push' as it were. Took the opportunity as I am very interested in politics (as I have said on other threads I am a politics student), and at the time was interested in perhaps pursuing a career politics (have subsequently changed my mind) and thought voluntary work of the like would look good on the CV and personal statement as I was in the process of applying for university at the time. I am in the process of writing my autobiography, when it is finished I shall keep you informed as to details and where it will be available
  18. I will most certainly be up all night for this. Watched the '08 US election and sat up all night for that - Dizzee Rascal's appearance was priceless, Paxman referring to him as "Mr. Rascal" had me in stitches! Worked for the Republicans at the '06 election (voluntary work experience through school - not as a show of support) and watching the deluded philadelphian republicans faces as they took a trouncing was rather amusing. Also sat up for the entirety of the '05 election. Will be intersting to actually see a close election and the results unfold for once!
  19. IamLeGod


    Absolutely. reminds me of that lawyer-y sayinig "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" evelyn beatrice hall. Though I do stand by my previous comment that i hope upon hope they do not get a seat.
  20. IamLeGod


    Ok apologies I stand corrected, though this difference is of little significance. It is still an abhorrent thing to say, and warranted getting spat at.
  21. IamLeGod


    Which is what I was referring to.
  22. IamLeGod


    Dune, they were walking along the road and he said "what are you robbers?". He deserved to be spat in the face of.
  23. IamLeGod


    I'm not a religious man. But please god do not let these people get elected... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/election_2010/england/8663681.stm
  24. Seems an odd decision http://www.electionbetting.com/article.php?articles_id=221
  25. Good point.
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