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Everything posted by IamLeGod

  1. IamLeGod


    how can you not understand how flawed what you are saying is? so we shouldnt care about the innocent people that lost their lives on 9/11 because other people are also being killed? congratulations - you have managed to work out that humanity is a brutal, self-destructive monster and that war is abhorrent. shall we give you a gold star? have your inflammatory remarks got the response you wanted? i happened to lose a dear family friend that day, should i not mourn his loss because people are being killed elsewhere? was it his fault? i also had close friends that have been injured, seen horrible things, and again sadly one that died in iraq. should i not also mourn his loss. was it his fault? did he personally make the decision to go to war? i remember you once saying on a previous thread i was in line for a smack in the mouth (or words to that effect) if i was to walk in to your local (obviously that kind of violence perpetuated by yourself is totally acceptable isnt it?) - walk into any pub or home or community that has lost loved ones as a result of 9/11 or 7/7 or the wars in either afghanistan or iraq and see what happened if you spouted this absolute garbage then. though i cant help but feel you might not be quite as brash without your keyboard to hide behind.
  2. Managed 83, not exactly brilliant.
  3. Will certainly be watching that in the near future. Watched the highlights of them from Reading the other day. Still incredible. They have this ability to make me gush uncontrollably - much to the annoyance of my housemate. She's going to have to deal with that for just a little bit longer I think. I have also convinced myself they are going to headline Glasto next year. What an amazing spectacle that would be! Cheers for the link.
  4. It's not what you think by Chris Evans. Really interesting story of how things went for him. The guy really is a genius, albeit whilst being the absolute epitome of chancers. Really well written, feels like you are just sat having a chat with the bloke over a pint.
  5. I'm sorry but I have to disagree. I have loved all three albums. They are not merely a guitar band and to picture them as such is a misinterpretation. They are an ensemble of extremely talented musicians producing music that transcends any one genre. Oh and SuperMikey, yes they really were on fantastic form. It was truly moving to see such an amazing musical and visual performance. My personal highlights were Haiti, Sprawl II and Keep The Car Running - and yes of course Wake Up. Still not totally over how incredible they were.
  6. I'm glad people seem to be coming round to the idea that he is a little c*nt. Whiny little gob****e to boot. The comparisons with Schumacher are fair, he is a nasty reckless tw*t
  7. Saw them at Leeds on Friday. Mindblowing, truly sensational. Still not totally over their set. Just wow. I know I said this earlier in the week about The Libertines gig, but that was the most incredible show I have ever seen. Just wow.
  8. Darn. Beat me to it! Ponyo is absolutely brilliant. A typically beautiful and charming Miyazaki classic! Of course, Inception as brilliant. And visually Avatar was brilliant, even if it was basically the smurfs do pocahontas in space.
  9. On the night it was hard top judge. There was little in the way of talking in between songs. In fact, none whatsoever until just before the final track of the encore. It was as you would expect, fits very well into the Libertines story. Pete is clearly a man besotted, in awe of Carl. He appears to make constant overtures in an attempt to impress his friend. On Wednesday this all seemed to go well, both played with smiles and there was plenty of the usual microphone sharing and facing each other to play guitar. However. I've just got back from Leeds Festival, where I had a day ticket and saw The Libertines again. Frankly, they bottled it. Perhaps unexpectedly, Festivals were never a strong suit of The Libertines, where as The Forum is a Venue that holds good memories of them. There was clear tension between Pete and Carl. Started when Pete hit (not overly hard, but enough to distract Carl momentarily) guitar against Carl's during song. Later they were having a 'chat' that looked more like Pete getting a telling off, which caused Gary to leap up and attempt to intervene whilst John's face was one clearly of frustration and reservation. Several unpleasant looks were exchanged between Pete and Carl during the show, exacerbated by Pete choosing not to sing some of his lines and nodding to Carl to do so for him - often when Carl had his backed turned or was not by a microphone. Even whilst both sharing a mic, it appeared as though they were physically wrestling to be heard. Genuinely did not think they would make it through a whole set. I'd be surprised if they make it through their set at Reading, let alone a whole tour or recording a new album.
  10. Went to The Libertines Reunion show last night. Was absolutely amazing, struggle to think of a gig I have been to that tops that! They sounded surprisingly good, and seemed impressively coherent!
  11. Sorry, let me re-phrase. I am aware of of torrents. What I meant to ask was, how do I get these on to my xbox and then to work? Also, how unsafe are they?
  12. Please say it was out of embarrassment at how bad it was?
  13. Torrent sites? Sorry I'm a bit of a newbie with the xbox. How does this work?
  14. Is it any good? Heard a bit of some of the new stuff, sounded different (for them). That said I wasn't a huge fan of the first album. Cannot stop listening to The Suburbs. One the best albums I have heard in absolutely ages. Cannot wait to see Arcade Fire on Friday at Leeds!
  15. Mehh, KP has been brilliant for the England Cricket team the past 5 or so years. France basically owed their successes of '98 and '00 to dual residency players, so why not? Top class player, would certainly add another option. We've got a foreign manager, and Owen Hargreaves is hardly 'English'. I for one would certainly take him.
  16. Shocker. Never heard of him til his name appeared on here so can't really say too much. Hope he proves to be a success.
  17. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-11040378 Another reason to love N-Dubz. What a charming bunch they are. "Fagan said he had been "convicted with no facts" by "a white jury". Fagan was convicted by Sheriff Joanna Johnston and not a jury. Sentence was deferred until next month.
  18. Love it! Currently listening to a bit of Feel the Steel - Steel Panther
  19. Sleigh Bells - Treats.
  20. If its salty let it cook down a bit and bung a bit more water and give it a stir
  21. I really wouldn't recommend Android. Had mine since October and has been nothing but hassle. There is just constantly a string of issues with the stupid thing. In terms of apps etc, yes the Android market is more open and often cheaper - but, they are useless. Most consist of gimmicks that get tired in 30 seconds or the ones that you think might be half useful just don't work. I can't even get onto the market place now as it has decided after 9 months that I no longer have a gmail account, also meaning I cannot update the apps I do have. DO NOT GET AN ANDROID!
  22. IamLeGod


    Nice touch. WIFM!
  23. How can one find the words? In a state of complete and utter shock. Absolutely devastated. Rest in Peace, thank you for all you did! Markus the Saviour - Forever in our Hearts!
  24. I'm sure we could fend off interest from Spurs and Fulham, we are loaded. If Cortese and Pardew don't get this it shows a total lack of ambition, we are not going to win the league or single match ever again ever! In fact, I might just go back to my cave and slash my wrists right now! Pardew out, Cortese out, Season tickets out, Sash out, ffs
  25. Poor bloke, RIP mate
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