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Everything posted by IamLeGod

  1. Let's face it Alpine. That is you. Do you even know what that is? Or what it is a reference to? Do you have time for anything else in your life? Do you actually have a life? As far as I can tell your life revolves around petty squabbles on an internet forum. You sit here and look for any reason to pick anything that anyway who dares to disagree with you. Do you really gain fulfilment from your forum war? Were you bullied at school? Do you feel a big man for being such a prolific keyboard warrior? You claim to be a fan, but you are simply incapable of doing anything but moaning. Your choice of supporting a team like Southampton is fortunate, what on earth would you moan about if you were a Man Utd fan? "Brilliant, we won the title the Season!!", "Yeah but we lost two matches, with our players that is unacceptable". You appear to only FOLLOW (i have deliberately used the term follow, as you clearly do not support Saints) to revel in bad results, even in victory you look for the tiniest of things to moan about. Frankly you are a pathetic little troll and I am sick of people like you clogging up this forum. Get a life. Clearly you have an unhealthy addiction to the internet. Have you tried Porn Hub? You may gain some satisfaction from it? Christ knows you clearly need some form of release. I only ever joined this forum to get a little bit of extra insight as to what was going on at the club, and due to other commits I dont live in Southampton so miss out a lot of the local news. Cretins such as you have lead me to detest this site and lose interest in it all together. If what I have said is inappropriate or unacceptable, infract or ban as you see fit. I really have very little desire to post on here again.
  2. This is all becoming rather boring now. There is clearly someone around the club that is sulking about something or another and clearly has a contact at the daily mail - who also seem to have some problem with us. It's surely no coincidence that these anti-saints stories seem to always come from the daily fail. Much as I love MLT and Lawrie for what they have done for the club this is now just getting a tad embarrassing. MLT needs to accept that he is not the chairman, he has no right to say how the club is run. Personally I am glad about this, in hindsight it is abundantly clear that MLT would not have been up to the task of running the club. I for one am fully behind Cortese. As Alpine said: Cortese, as chairman, can effectively run the club however he wishes. Again, as mentioned previously we are at the right end of the table, playing good football, and resisting interest from top clubs for our brightest prospects. First time in my lifetime I have seen that happen. Long may it continue.
  3. Mentioned this on the "what are you watching" thread a couple of months back. Have watched all the first series. First few eps are a bit slow, but as with most HBO shows expertly introduce the vast ensemble of characters in pretty good detail. Stick with it as the second half of the series is truly gripping. For me it is better than any first series of any other tv show, even The Soprano's. I cannot recommend this programme enough!!
  4. Hyde Park? Oh go on then
  5. But we didn't lose. Ok, 2 poor performances on the back of a very good run. Brighton had a blip earlier in the season, as have other team and more teams to come will. Signings do not solve everything. There is enough strength in this squad to achieve what we want.
  6. Owwwwwwwwwwww we lost one match!!! We must buy more players!!!! Get a grip.
  7. Beat me to it. I hate myself for it, but I can't not enjoy it. Also enjoy a bit of TaTu. Placebo have also been a massive guilty pleasure for years.
  8. This will most likely get the same reaction to anything 'Indie' posted on here But currently very much enjoying We Were Promised Jetpacks 'These Four Walls'
  9. Absolute Genius. Long may he continue his brilliant work.
  10. Spot on. I don't understand the Theo slating that seems to go round on here. Let's not forget he is still only 21, by no means the finished article. I believe the Henry comparisons have some justification. He is super-quick. Will always terrorise defences for that alone. His dribbling has come on well, and his finishing has improved massively. To say it was a mistake for him to move to Arsenal was a joke. Arsene Wenger is probably one of the best managers around for bringing on young talent, along with Fergie. You only have to look at the current Arsenal squad to see that. The overwhelming majority of their squad are players Wenger has nurtured from a young age, and now look like title challengers. When Theo left we were a club in turmoil, selling anything/one not screwed down to keep us afloat. Can you really believe him staying here amongst the turmoil, the constant chopping changing of managers, the revolving door of players coming in and out, the boardroom struggles would have really aided his development better than working with one of the best managers around and one of the best strikers to have graced the premiership. Oxo and Theo are similar types of players (i.e. pacy, tricky, slight attacking players) so comparisons are inevitable. Oxo clearly has the potential to be a top player. Unlike Theo, Oxo is coming through at a much better time to be at the club. He is not yet ready to play regularly in the Premiership, so perhaps for now, it is best for him to carry on his steady development here. But to say going to a premiership club would be bad for him is foolish.
  11. IamLeGod

    John Lennon.

    Absolute legend. Still sorely missed. Watched some of the Beatles anthology and raised a glass in his honour. Good point about yoko, only other person I could think of is Courtney Love, though obviously to a lesser extent.
  12. IamLeGod

    Albums of 2010

    Have to agree, one of (if not) the best albums of the century so far. Other favourites of this year include Two Door Cinema Club - Tourist History and Tokyo Police Club - Champ
  13. Daft Punk - Tron Legacy Match made in heaven. YES!!!
  14. hero
  15. Thinking is for the weak. I tend to not let knowledge or information blur my decision making processes.
  16. Is it impossible to think that he may have painted over it himself? 'No Future'...?
  17. IamLeGod


    Got my tickets this morning. Can't wait!!
  18. Right it seems my last tirade was not quite enough to convince people, so I'll have another stab (unfortunately metaphorically, I would love to actually stab them all). One of my real problems with the inbetweeners (apart from the fact it is a comedy that simply fails to be funny) is that it is a genre that has already been done to death. Following a bunch of middle class high school misfits. It has been done many many times before, and in several cases a hell of a lot better. Freaks and Geeks is one such example. It also fits with what I said previously about the characters/actors involved. The cast of Freaks and Geeks have gone on to be pretty successful since, staring in some decent films and television series. For example, James Franco who has started in Spiderman and Pineapple Express or Seth Rogen who was also in Pineapple Express and a string of other pretty decent comedies. Also, Jason Segel features heavily, from some less good hollywood flicks such as Forgetting Sarah Marshall and I love you, man. Whilst it is true to say that this lot have hardly gone on to set the world on fire, they have certainly enjoyed some success. I wonder what the cast of the inbetweeners will be doing in 11 years time...
  19. Not sure if/when it's on tele over here. I've been watching it online. And yes sorry you are quite right, I noticed my mistake as soon as i pressed post!
  20. Anyone else caught any of Broadwalk Empire? HBO's new mega money show ($50 reportedly spent on the first season). It really is something. 1920's Atlantic City revolving around the sale of Alcohol during the time of Prohibition. Great cast including (to name just 2) Steve Buscemi and Stephen Graham. Scorcese has been involved and actually directed the first episode. Well worth a watch.
  21. Friday 5th on FX apparently http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/11663882
  22. I'm sorry, but i really just do not get the fuss about The Inbetweeners. I've tried to watch it a few times, and I swear my tele must be broken as it's just not funny. I can't believe I am seeing the same thing as other people. It's poorly written, acted badly by charmless, uncharismatic unlikeable actors who are playing charmless, uncharismatic and unlikeable characters. It relies on stupid, inane unfunny one liners to provides its weekly quota of one laugh, easy enough to remember for all the plebs to rush straight on to facebook and quote. "HAHAHAH BUS W*****S!!! THAT IS SOOO FUNNY!! QUICK EVERYONE LETS ALL GO ON FACEBOOK AND SAY HOW FUNNY IT IS!!!" - morons
  23. New Kings of Leon Album - Come Around Sundown. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
  24. Have to agree with mikey - i'm 21 and would pick prince all day long
  25. Saw Prodigy at Wembley last year - they were brilliant. Also seen The Cribs about 7/8 times - saw them at a Social Club up here in Leeds a few years ago that was a very good gig, supported by themselves and Franz Ferdinand no less. Some of my faves were: The Vines at Reading '06. At times it was actually scary - playing the NME tent it was absolutely packed and the crowd was going crazy right to the back! The Libertines reunion at the Forum the other week has to be up there. In terms of atmosphere alone, this wins hands down. Arctic Monkeys at The Astoria (RIP) in '07. Though the best band I have seen is without doubt Arcade Fire at Leeds festival a couple of weeks ago. Still blown away.
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